In reply to Ransom :
It's a fine line to walk. As the seller I try to be forthright with the prospect and provide the reference where they can look up the rule set if they ask. I deal with a lot of regulated industries and, while not an expert on all of them, I know where to get the documentation most of the time. If I don't, I tell the prospect I don't know off hand and I figure out who to tap to get that information.
As the buyer, I typically try to avoid that argument but I'll ask for the quote then do some research to confirm. Trust but verify if you will.
It can go a little sideways from time to time though, so I totally understand where tr8todd is coming from.
Example: I straight up told a prospect that a competitor of ours was lying to them when them competitor told the the prospect that their off the shelf ERP solution was FDA validated. You validate procedures not the ERP solution. Medical devices are the only item the FDA potentially requires code to parse. Thus it is impossible to have a "validated system" but the system may have been validated for a particular situation in the past. It is not even remotely the same thing.
Mind you the prospect was in the cosmetics industry, was looking to move into pharmaceuticals, and had hired an outside consultant. Yet no one had figured out, or hadn't sufficiently parsed, the appropriate sections of CRF21 where the FDA clearly defines record management, quality control for manufacturing and inventory control guidelines.
We hit a point in the conversation where I cut them off and said any further information would be consulting because it was obvious I was volunteering too much information.
I'm not even sure why they hired the consultant except to just pay him for the hell of it if he didn't know something as basic as that.
Pretty sure we're not getting that one. OTOH, I do have their much larger direct competitor as a client as well as the documentation on how we validated our solution for their use. So you never know.
Edit: Typing on my phone next to a sleeping child explaining something technical and attempting to use both good spelling and grammar is difficult. Forgive me if it's a bit off.
Sorry I somehow turned this post into blowing off some steam from this week...