Hey guys I just found this place called Your Dream Garage in Baldwin Park. It is a DIY Autoshop garage in LA. I was looking for this before but now it came to live. I think their rate is pretty reasonable with all the tools and shop equipment. It might be a good place to work on my car. Had anyone try it out yet?
This is their website: urdreamgarage.com
5/4/13 7:10 p.m.
Can I work on my canoe there?
Yeah I supposed you can work anything over there as long as it fits. Its a pretty big place btw.
At least its a helpful canoe.
I think you're a little quick to use your paddle as a club in this case. I'm pretty sure that this is a real person, who is probably not affiliated with this place and just wanted to share. Google his user name and I think you'll see why I say this.
To the OP: Is your name Tom?
There was a similar place in Minneapolis for a number of years, unfortunately it just closed a couple months ago. I think their rates were similar to this one. They're a neat idea, but my understanding is it's tough to get enough customers to make it profitable.