Recently the water level in my low lying town has been high which results in some flooding which is a pretty regular occurrence. We bought the house we are in around July of last year so this is the first bigger flooding we've seen since we moved into the new house. We are probably less then a mile from the main river in town but luckily our house, which is on the front 2 acres of our property, sits up a bit higher then the surrounding areas. But the back 2 acres is about 8-10 feet below the front 2 acres and had a good 6-8" of water settling in the lowest point of it. That gave my 6 year old daughter a brilliant idea, going wheelin'! So she broke out her Princess FJ Cruiser and I got on the trusty Husqvarna. Utter joy ensued.
The off-brand power wheel (dont remember what kind it is) did surprisingly well in the water and only got hung up a handful of times, luckily the tube bumper on the mower is the perfect height to push right on the back plastic of the power wheel to get it free again (or when the battery dies). I was worried about the electricals getting wet but the motors are pretty high under the seats, the only low part is the pedal but the next day it was still all working as it should be. The only modification is a few holes for drains drilled in the floorboards and in the battery compartment under the seats from when she was younger and would 'wash' it, and although that probably let water come up through the floor it also probably kept it from floating around.