its a ricey sentra...don't you ever see those?
I don't get it.
The hub caps really set the car off..
1/12/09 5:04 p.m.
I also don't get it...
Eh... better than 17" pep boys chromes
You have to admit, those taillights are pretty tizzight. Just kidding. 
1/12/09 11:39 p.m.
That is funny...the jackass taking those pictures has tiny speaker pods on his door and some dopey looking scoop on his hood. Ha, he must have been so embarassed with all that traffic around. It looks like his tint was peeling too, nowhere to hide!
Ricers are funny...this one isn't ricey enough though, we've all been so desensitized to it that we need hardcore rice to get lulz now