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carguy123 SuperDork
4/27/10 5:26 p.m.

I was talking about getting the Union ownership out of GM. Remember the Unions were handed the lions share of the company for voting democratic in the last election. It would be fabulous if we could just get all the unions out of the country period, but that's not happening soon so I'll settle for getting the union ownership out of GM. Talk about double dipping!

Johnboyjjb New Reader
4/27/10 5:59 p.m.

Motley fool did an article too: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2010/04/26/pay-up-gm-then-get-lost.aspx?source=isesitlnk0000001&mrr=1.00

Appleseed SuperDork
4/27/10 10:20 p.m.
TJ wrote: Speaking of car ads, I saw a Toyota ad last night for the Avalon that had a soundtrack straight out of WW2....why on earth would a Japanese company trying to get back in the good graces of American consumers of transportation appliances think that evoking memories of WW2 was a good approach?

To quote Red Forman," The last time I was that close to a Japanese machine, it was shooting at me."

neon4891 SuperDork
4/27/10 11:07 p.m.

I have to mute the TV comercial when it comes on. Call me a basher, but there are SOOO many reasons they wont see my business.

ignorant SuperDork
4/28/10 4:57 a.m.

yeah.. going to be a a while before I buy gm..

volvoclearinghouse New Reader
4/28/10 6:26 a.m.
SupraWes wrote: "I'm changing my name to Chrysler..........."

Sing it, Mr. Guthrie! (Can't recall if that was Arlo or Woody...probaby Arlo)

volvoclearinghouse New Reader
4/28/10 6:33 a.m.
ignorant wrote: yeah.. going to be a a while before I buy gm..

I don't think I'll buy GM until its about 1960 again...

Seriously, the best way I've found to explain the bailout is as follows: Remember when you were in college? If you were like most college students I knew, you were probably living hand to mouth- mac n' cheese, riding your bike everywhere, drinking beer out of a CAN- I know, I know, a real subsistence living. Anyway, eventually you ran short one month and couldn't pay your rent on the squallid heck-hole you were splitting with 3 other guys. So you hit up mums and dads for some cash. Only, let's say you needed $300 to get you through. But you asked them for $1000. After some negotiating, you got maybe $800. So you pay what you owe, have a night out on the town (courtesy your folks' benevolence) and a few weeks later pay them back $200, crowing to them and patting yourself on the back that you were able to pay off at least part of what you owed ahead of time.

This, friends and neighbors, is Government Motors.

924guy Dork
4/28/10 7:10 a.m.

It was on the tv, so it must be true!

GM must be using the same publicist that politicians use...

alfadriver Dork
4/28/10 8:23 a.m.
carguy123 wrote: I was talking about getting the Union ownership out of GM. Remember the Unions were handed the lions share of the company for voting democratic in the last election. It would be fabulous if we could just get all the unions out of the country period, but that's not happening soon so I'll settle for getting the union ownership out of GM. Talk about double dipping!

The unions have no desire to run GM. they want the money- so as soon as stock gets offered for the new GM, they will sell most of their stock right away- so that they can fund their VEBA stuff.

It's sad that you don't value unions at all- yes, many of them have gotten their message quite lost over time, but the point of unions are still quite needed, if you check some of the labor practices that are shady around the edges- see coal mining and factory meat butchers.

And I will also challenge all of you to spend a year on the line, any line, andy industry- it may be "easy" work, but I know for sure that there's almost no facotry job that I'd want to do- that's why they get paid that much.

Cotton HalfDork
4/28/10 8:55 a.m.
ignorant wrote: yeah.. going to be a a while before I buy gm..

Yeah me too.....especially since we just bought a new one in September!! You keep your Toyota and I'll keep my GM, Ford, Porsche, VW, Jeep, Austin Healey, etc...
If I could afford a new ZR1 there would be one in the garage right now. Unfortunately that's one I'll have to buy used.

As far as paying back the loan....I see this as a PR stunt that backfired. From what I read if/when they go public again the bankruptcy protection funds will be paid back.

Cotton HalfDork
4/28/10 8:58 a.m.

Speaking of GM I really hope this happens.


914Driver SuperDork
4/28/10 9:20 a.m.

Oh stop, I work for the Gubbyment, you just don't understand.

We think it's gonna cost 4 kazillion dollars to make or fix something, when the dust settles it only cost 2.42 kazillion. Savings? Hell no, we got 1.58 kazillion burning a hole in our pocket! Someone get the catalog.

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