stumpmj wrote:
For everyone complaining about how much their surgeon makes, swing by my house next weekend and I'll do your surgery, any surgery for only $199.99. I've got a sharp knife and the internet has pictures of surgeries so I'm sure I can figure it out.
Or did you want a competent doctor that spent 8 years in school and another four years working for next to nothing until they actually knew what they were doing?
Scrotum Self Repair:
I use oil at work that costs $35.00 per cc.
Thats $33,122.35 per quart.
$132,489.40 per gallon. 
JmfnB wrote:
Yes and no, the average surgeon bills $2,000,000 per year, collects about 65% of that and then pays the office staff, insurance, lawyers, taxes, accountants, rent/mortgage, equipment etc.
I bet that most surgeons make in the $145-245K range after all of that if lucky.
Yeah, that's a bit more accurate. Remember, "surgeon" is a pretty broad term - it doesn't just apply to cardiac or plastic surgeons. Almost all specialists perform some flavor of surgery.
Woody wrote:
A few days ago, my wife got a prescription for eye drops. Fortunately, our insurance covers them. She mentioned that the tiny 3ml bottle cost $86.
I did the math and that comes out to $108,503.33 per gallon.
Incidentally, a gallon of gold at today's prices would be roughly $2 million.