In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
I hate to hear that Celica, the drivers list just doesen't look right without your and all the other original members on it. I don't know anyone personally but never-the-less I feel like there's a friendship that we all share because of our common interests. I hope we can figure out a way to keep the GRM series strong and create an environment where all can have a good time. If you recall, when I first joined, I was frustrated to the max. by the same problems you stated - especially with the Cosmo. I made up my mind that I'd hang in there and hopefully I'd get better at the no aids races. Anyway, I'm well aware of the frustrations in doing so.
I too agree that there are several differences in the Series 2 update. One, as Brad mentioned, is tire wear. One of the most significant others is handling. Maybe they attempted to make it more realistic, I don't know exactly what it is.
My state of mind last night could best be described as stunned. Lack of sleep, constant demanding tasks to perform, many of them critical. Too much to remember, etc., etc. You guys don't need to hear a blow by blow account. When I first entered the room last night I was confused by everything. Why wasn't the room TM REV., what was everyone doing, whose lounge was it anyway, etc. When Spy suggested that I set the TM room up in my lounge I did, and soon everyone joined. Don't know why but I couldn't set up the GT specs. That page had the appearance of someone else's open room in the lobby. Also, I wasn't sure of the # of laps. I asked if anyone else did and don't recall anyone saying that they did, so I just left it at that.
So I qualified last for GT and made it to 2nd. within a couple of laps I think. It appeared that everyone was seeing if the grass had any traction.
Around lap 6 I took my steering hand off the controller to scratch my rt. eye. It was driving me nuts. This resulted in my running head on into the wall after the long tunnel. So I pitted for tires and as Brad said, as his wore down, I finally managed to make it back to P2.
Fortunately Air joined for the Saloon race but with no practice Spy got a lead on him. So there were just three of us left and after my first of two wall strikes, again into the wall after the long tunnel, Air got by me and the race was set. So we all continued on to the end. Spy had to run and I was exhausted beyond belief so I had to hang it up too. Sorry I couldn't hang around and practice a bit Air.
For those of you who prefer the challenge of not using aids, I've come to understand and accept this type of racing. About 10-20% of the online rooms limit aids too, although often ABS is allowed. Most of the time TC is allowed also, but as we all know, it's ABS that causes so much difficulty. The point is, part of the drop outs we've been seeing is the total frustration in trying to drive competitively without ABS. Perhaps we should have an open discussion about this and the question is, who of those who have been dropping out would find the series more appealing if ABS was allowed, and would those that prefer not to use it still enjoy the game as much if it was allowed? I hope that all made sense.
One more thing: if any of you know Apexcarver, send him a PM to allert him of the upcoming shuffle series that will require no prep. time. I think he, like many of us, had a time constraint problem. Looks like he and Air need to try to see if they can help Spyhunter have some 2nd. and 3rd. place finishes.
Just kidding Spy.
It's good for all of us to have a competitor that drives at your level.
Oh, yes, Air, as much as I'd like to I'm not going to have time to do the research relative to my oft suggested two series. However, for GT 300 touring cars, you could use approx. 310 hp and 1150 kg. with whatever tires you choose. They're legit. race cars so I'd suggest at least RH tires. The cars look good on the track and the series should be a lot of fun IMO.