mattm wrote:
Also, do you care to address any of the data in the links above? The reality says that violent crime is way down from 1980 and that gun ownership in this contry is also down. I am sure it is all a "mainstream media" conspiracy, but do you care to object to anything in particular? Any facts that you do not like?
I had the time to go through your links in your original sarcastic post and do find somethings interesting.
from the CNN article said:
"Still, while it is possible to collect accurate data on the number of guns in the United States using manufacturing, import-export and life-cycle data for the guns, the federal government has little idea of who the guns owners are, gun policy experts said.
'The federal government doesn't have good data on anything on guns and that's been done on purpose," said David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and senior author of the Injury Prevention Journal study. "The gun lobby has lots of power ... [their] goal is not to have any sort of registration system.'"
Exactly a point I made about you have no idea how many people own guns because there are plenty of private sales that go under the radar. That includes people that are not legally supposed to own a weapon. How can you honestly know how many people are gun owners. The federal government doesn't even know.
As far as the Washington Post and The Monkey Cage articles, they are using GSS and Gallup polling. The problem with that, as someone posted in the comment section of The Monkey Cage, is that there are alot of gun owners that would not tell someone over the phone that they have a firearm in their house. Not necessarily because they illegally own one(although I bet there were some polled that did own some illegally) but because who knows if the person calling is legit or maybe the person isn't comfortable telling them about valuables in there house.
As far as the Wiki, NBC, WSJ, and Breitbart, they are basically all echoing the same thing that crime is down.... for a number of reasons. They are using larger prison capacities, bigger/more proactive police departments, a decrease in crack cocaine and the GSS and Gallup polls that there are less gun owners in the country.
I have yet to meet anyone that got rid of their weapons for safety but at my last two jobs have met several people buying guns for their first time, including women.
So IMHO, I think using polls that are a bit intrusive to some people and calling it an end all be all fact that gun ownership is down, might be a little bit of a stretch. But I do not disagree with the fact, as presented in the Wiki, NBC, WSJ, and Breitbart using FBI statistics, that crime is down. That very well could be because of current gun control working then, correct? But by that very same logic, shouldn't crimes have gone up after the sunset of the 1994 AWB?
If I understood you correctly before, you do not condone the restriction of weapons that people can own but it should be a little tighter on how people get them. I don't think you and I are very far off from agreeing with each other. I just think your post was quite sarcastic and obviously a bait to get into an argument with someone here.