i know ive seen this color on some late model imports. i just dont know which ones. i "think" they were of japanese manufacture.
so i tried googling it. had no luck.
now i ask the GRM collective: help me fing my imported gunmetal grey-green color.
i want to find a good representation of it so i can have it photoshopped onto my elcamino project. need to get a poor mans rendering done....
pretty close. the ones im thinking of are a little less rey, little more green. but were getting close already!
Check out Nissan silver moss
GameboyRMH wrote:
I made them more green:
i dunno how you did that, but i love you for it. now to find the factory paint equivalent of that.
First thing I thought of, since i have seen a few around...

long url
that shows many results.. but NONE that are gray green is a of a real car.
anyway, places like this:
should be able to match anything you send them (email, and they should be able to extract the correct color from the image.. or maybe they would need to print and scan...)
and since they do automotive paint, you would be good to go.
2/12/13 11:09 a.m.
Ford had a gunmetal grey to light sage green shifting paint on their cars back in the mid-late 90's.....mom had a 99 taurus and my grandmother had a p71 package crown vic in the same color. Direct sunlight it was grey/silver, but in the shade it was light green.
Closest match I can find:
Honda Mystic Green

Was looking for Verdoro green and saw this;
Nightshade green aka Sequoia Green etc...
Paint code
cypress pearl from toyota.
now to get it photoshopped onto a 64 el camino....
2/12/13 8:55 p.m.
Tagging this thread for future reference... Nice suggestions.
To contribute: first gen TSXs had a green gray iirc.
mrhappy wrote:
I saw that exact SUV/color combo on the way home and thought of this thread. It's a very interesting grey/green in person.
2/12/13 10:18 p.m.
Early 80's BMW color-dolfin.
It didn't look that green to me but others referred to my 83 633i as my green car.