10/6/10 12:08 a.m.
We have this thread every year, why not start it now?
I've never really had a "good" costume since I was about 7 or 8. I'm looking for something good, because, well, college is the time for it. I'm also looking to not spend a lot of money. If I spend more than $10, I want to spend it on stuff that can be used outside of Halloween.
Any Idea's?
And post up what you're being!
Just read this somewhere else:
Cover yourself in clothes and go as a pile of laundry.
Or, just do socks and go as the missing sock bandit.
I met a chick in college that had a cereal box taped to he chest with a plastic fork sticking out of it. She was a "cereal killer"
Find a big turtle neck and randomly pull the neck up to your forehead and say "circumcised" then bring it back down and say "uncircumcised"
You can go as Guido, The World's Most Mulleted Clown.
cardboard refrig box /cut down to basic visual size /paint cereal box logo on it google image links
10/6/10 10:59 a.m.
Best budget costume I have ever seen was a Transformer-
From 2008-11-02
And as a car.
From 2008-11-02Total investment? Couple of 3$ cans of paint, a free box, and some garage sale taplights. (The duct tape doesn't count.)
This was a broke college student that was at my wedding, which was coincidentally on Halloween. If you page through the album, you can see several gems, including the best Domo ever, Prince from Katamari, the two Dans that had never met each other and somehow ended up as Ghostbusters- and the last haircut I got.
I once bought a gas pump nozzle from Tractor Supply and made a gas pump costume out of a cardboard box.
Sometimes I just go to the local Goodwill store and see if any weird bits of clothes they have inspire anything. Last year, I found a really loud striped shirt and huge baggy yellow pants. Add a silly hat and face paint, and it was an instant clown costume. Or find an outfit that's ridiculously dated and go as a person from a previous decade - one year I came up with a complete turquoise leisure suite.
I wanna go as Snookie. Someone needs to be J-WOW... 
10/6/10 11:14 a.m.
rob_lewis wrote:
Cover yourself in clothes and go as a pile of laundry.
Yeah, yeah! And then, like, whenever you meet a woman, you can ask her if she wants to DO the LAUNDRY! Get it!
That should float real well... like a sack of nickels.
Guy on the radio this morning says the biggest hit for adult Halloween costume is Lady Gaga.
How are your legs Mtn?
10/6/10 11:40 a.m.
Lady Gaga is a brilliant idea for Halloween, since no matter what you dress as, it's probably something she would do.
10/6/10 12:15 p.m.
Two words: meat dress. It's probably the only costume you'll be able to eat when you're done.
My ladyfriend and I usually do a theme costume. Cute right?
I'm playing a Halloween party this year, so I'm thinking of going as Zombie Waylon Jennings, and she can be Zombie Jessi Coulter.
My wife and I are thinking about dressing as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell this year. Yeah we're pretty uncreative.
I want to dress as the Scout from Tema Fortress! But she says no one would get it.
10/6/10 12:38 p.m.
My buddy wore a cardboard box with a tv painted on it with a bedroom scene on the screen. He cut a little cardboard "couple" out with wire hinged joints and had the man on a slider to "enjoy" his lady. Then he stood on the street corner and yelled at everyone "I"m a porno!" and made the little guy go crazy. It was great. The next year he made the Teletubby characters for four of us.
I think I got this from someone on the board: Get a buddy, several boxes, a can of red spray paint, and a can of blue. Then you can both be Rock-'Em-Sock-'Em Robots. Go out, crash parties and hang out for about 10 minutes, until you meet in the living room, then you get into a giant brawl before both running away together to crash the next party.
Mine involves:
A pair of sweatpants.
A fake mustache.
Two viagra.
A T-shirt which reads "This f*&%$n thing ain't gonna s$#k itself!"
I think attractive females should go the body paint route. I can't hotlink pictures here, but you should all google it. You really, really should.
10/6/10 4:16 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
Guy on the radio this morning says the biggest hit for adult Halloween costume is Lady Gaga.
How are your legs Mtn?
Short and fat, especially when compared to the rest of my body. I think I like this idea
Transformers idea so far is in the front for me
10/6/10 5:34 p.m.
This was the topic of conversation around the 'water cooler' today. (The water cooler at a small chef-owner/operated Italian-influenced restaurant is the bar drinking wine 'samples' from the reps. I love my job.)
One rep said he had a Heroes & Villains themed party to attend, and was thinking of making up his own villain. He'd be called Master Mischief (or some such) and he'd basically just run around the party being a total dick, then yelling 'Master Mischief away!' and scampering off. One idea involved yelling his tag line and then chucking a handful of candy corn at somebody's head, and he'd do it often enough that when he yelled 'Master Mischief!' everybody would flinch.
Grown-ass men.
Halloween rocks.
10/6/10 5:36 p.m.
mtn wrote:
alex wrote:
I'm playing a Halloween party this year, so I'm thinking of going as Zombie Waylon Jennings, and she can be Zombie Jessi Coulter.
This is an awesome idea.
I'd rather do Zombie Johnny and June, but I ain't shaving my goatee just for a costume.
Matt B
10/6/10 5:41 p.m.
Back in college (way back). I went as Jazz, the white porsche transformer in college. Built out of boxes of course. Helmet and visor created from a kids hardhat and some more cardboard. God I wish I had pictures.
My other fav was a 70's cop a-la Sabotage-style. Bad suit, grey wig, fake moustasche, aviators, done.
I might have to "whip out" the cardboard again and steal that porn idea.
ah. how i love Halloween
Last year my buddy and i went as firemen. had legit pants an suspenders and a fire shirt from a local fire station. had boots on too. so stupid simple and such a hit. i go back to the college we partied at and TO THIS DAY people still know us as the fireman.
Well it's very expensive but very useful also. Dress as the stig!