ddavidv wrote:
Okay, I tried this on another forum and it quickly devolved into stupidity, but I have higher expectations from this crowd.
How do we fix healthcare?
Without reciting a political talking point, I want to know what it will take to fix this overpriced system we have, regardless if it's government run or not. Make your argument; bring the tech. I've developed a theory of my own, but I'll shelve it for the time being to see what you all come up with. Sell it. And if you disagree with an idea, don't dismiss it with a snarky comment; explain WHY it won't work.
Tax breaks for cash operations which have a restaurant-like menu.
There are 13-20 million people in this country illegally who don't pay for food, taxes, healthcare, cell phones, or heat in the winter, and then we give them a $500 "earned income" tax credit so they can put gas in their $40,000 dually quad cab pickups. School busses don't run on weekends. Fill them with 80 people a crack and run them non-stop back to the border.
You can't fix healthcare without fixing medicare/medicaid. Wealthy and old? I don't give a berkeley how much you "paid in," it's a safety net for people who can't afford it, pay with your own goddamned money, daddy warbucks.
Lower income cutoffs for medicaid, and reward employees who report fraud, rather than rewarding counties with more medicaid recipients by giving them more money.
On that note, don't get it backwards. Democrats want more poor people on the tit, as that's their voting base. Republicans want you to make lots of money so you can take care of yourself.
Want less poor people sucking on the tit? Make being poor SUCK. You lost your job? That sucks. Guess what? I keep hearing about how all the bridges are falling apart and we just need more "infrastructure" to make America great. So from now on, you don't get to sit on your lazy stoner ass playing Forza and collecting an unemployment check for the next two years; you get an orange jumpsuit and trashbag. Welcome to summertime in Georgia motherberkeleyer.
Want "free treatment" at the hospital? No problem! You are now either:
A: Automatically enrolled in Medicaid or
B: On the hook for your bill up to "x" amount, and unlike the current system, the hospital can seize your assets. I hear all this horse E36 M3 about people "losing their homes" and "dying in the streets."
Let that E36 M3 happen for real and see how many worthless pieces of E36 M3 suddenly decide to sell the $200/month Kia Optima in favor of a 300,000 mile honda + health insurance.
Vote for me. Vote for Change.