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aircooled MegaDork
12/22/22 11:21 p.m.

This is a weird message out of Putler:

"Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war," Putin said. "We will strive for an end to this, and the sooner the better, of course."


Of course, translating that to "Russian" is likely:  "We will gladly end this war when you give us everything we want, which includes the subjugation of Ukraine"

Reading into it may indicate some lack of confidence by the Russians, but who knows, it's like dealing with a lying machine.


z31maniac MegaDork
12/23/22 7:08 a.m.
Antihero said:
z31maniac said:

In reply to Antihero :

What is DS9?



Awesome, it's awesome 

Ahh, thank you to you and Duke. 

aircooled MegaDork
12/23/22 12:43 p.m.

Some additions / clarifications to the above quote:


Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to refuse to treat Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as an equal and sovereign counterpart, further indicating that Putin is not interested in serious negotiations with Ukraine. Putin did not react to Zelensky’s remarks to the United States Congress in Washington, DC on December 22, but instead oriented his December 22 press conference on US and Western influence over Ukraine.[1] Putin reiterated his boilerplate and false claims that the US and Western countries have intervened in Ukraine since the Soviet Union, driving a wedge in the supposed Russian-Ukrainian historic and cultural unity. Such statements are meant to suggest that Ukraine’s 1991 emergence as a sovereign state was a sham. Putin also restated Russia’s maximalist goal of “protecting” the Ukrainian people from their government, implying that Russia intends to force the Kyiv government to capitulate. Putin mentioned Ukraine as a state only to note falsely that Ukraine had barred itself from negotiating with Russia.

Putin’s use of the term “war” when regarding the invasion of Ukraine has prompted some confusion within the Russian information space. Putin had stated during the press conference that Russia seeks “not to spin this flywheel of a military conflict, but on the contrary - to end this war.” Putin used this word—war--instead of the phrasing “special military operation” when falsely accusing Ukraine of starting a war against its population in 2014. Putin’s mention of “war” prompted a few milbloggers to state that they have always used both terms interchangeably because “every thinking person knows that what is happening in Ukraine is a hot war,” despite the lack of an official declaration of war by Russia.[6] The confusion indicates that Putin’s limited war narrative may conflict with his presentation of the “special military operation” as a fight for Russia’s sovereignty while not being an official war.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/27/22 5:54 p.m.

The unfortunate window accidents are getting weirder:


einy (Forum Supporter)
einy (Forum Supporter) Dork
12/27/22 6:28 p.m.

Gravity is really out of control over there these days.

eastsideTim UltimaDork
12/27/22 6:46 p.m.

At least Medvedev has figured out how to be a Twitter troll.

Noddaz GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/27/22 6:57 p.m.

From the same story Gameboy provided the link to.


String of deaths

At least a dozen high-profile Russian businessmen have reportedly died by suicide or in unexplained accidents this year, with six of them associated with Russia’s two largest energy companies.


High pressure business environment.  Not suspicious at all.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/28/22 8:44 a.m.

Just when you thought they couldn't get more disconnected from reality.





Literally, ignore the German reunification and diplomatically treat the DDR and GDR as separate entities.


...yeah, let us know how that works out for you.

06HHR (Forum Supporter)
06HHR (Forum Supporter) Dork
12/28/22 8:53 a.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Do they have a meth problem in Russia too?

12/28/22 9:36 a.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Imagine what the Germans would do to the russian army! 

I know its just a troll move by russia, but it is funny to imagine the consequences. Solve the German energy problem and people be speaking German in Siberia by 2030.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/28/22 9:49 a.m.
NOHOME said:

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Imagine what the Germans would do to the russian army! 

I know its just a troll move by russia, but it is funny to imagine the consequences. Solve the German energy problem and people be speaking German in Siberia by 2030.

How would that work? Germany sends you diplomats, you send them back saying you only want diplomats from the government of East Germany? Which doesn't exist? So you find, like a group of 5 separatists & declare them the government of the German Democratic Republic & then ONLY have ties to them? In a country famously scrupulous about not taking shiat from alleged separatists? & then you cut yourself off from the largest economy in Europe? what?

Meanwhile, Poland looks on with anticipation.

aircooled MegaDork
12/28/22 11:59 a.m.
eastsideTim said:

At least Medvedev has figured out how to be a Twitter troll.

I think you are referring to this (translated to English), you might note some small flaws in his predictions(!):


Dmitry Medvedev

Before the new year, everyone likes to make predictions.

Many practice futuristic hypotheses, competing in the proposal of the most unexpected and even absurd. We will also do our part.

What can happen in 2023:
1. An increase in oil prices to $150 per barrel and gas prices to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters. m.
2. The return of Great Britain to the European Union.
3. The collapse of the European Union after the return of the UK and the abolition of the circulation of the euro as the currency of the former EU.
4. Capture by Poland and Hungary of the western regions of the former Ukraine.
5. Creation of the Fourth Reich on the basis of Germany and the satellites that joined it (Poland, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the Kyiv Republic, and other outcasts).
6. War between France and the Fourth Reich. Partition of Europe, including a new partition of Poland.
7. Separation of Northern Ireland from the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and accession to the Republic of Ireland.
8. The American Civil War, the separation of California and Texas into independent states. Creation of the union state of Texas and Mexico. The subsequent victory of Elon Musk during the US presidential election in some of the states assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.
9. Transfer of all major stock markets and financial activity from the US and Europe to Asia.
10. The collapse of the Bretton Woods financial system, including the collapse of the IMF and the World Bank. Rejection of the euro and the dollar as world reserve currencies. The return of the gold standard. Transition to the active use of digital fiat currencies.

Happy New Year to you, Anglo-Saxon friends and their happily grunting gilts!

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
12/28/22 12:11 p.m.

In reply to aircooled :

The only thing remotely probable on that list is the part about 150$/bbl oil. 

aircooled MegaDork
12/28/22 12:13 p.m.

No big actions in Ukraine recently.  Apparently it has been raining in southern Ukraine, so any attacks in that area by Ukraine are still on hold.  The  Russians continue to assault Bahkmut with only marginal gains.


From the occupied area of Luhansk:

Romani family of 8, including 3 children were shot dead in Makiivka

How very Nazi of them...

eastsideTim UltimaDork
12/28/22 12:21 p.m.

In reply to aircooled :

Yup, that's what I saw laugh

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/28/22 12:24 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:

In reply to aircooled :

The only thing remotely probable on that list is the part about 150$/bbl oil. 

The mindset of "power states and vassal/satellite states" is very, shall we say, Soviet.

Complete inability to recognize sovereignty.


Reminds me of something I was reading about India doing (whatever it was) for their own best interests and the Russian diplomat complaining that they were only doing (whatever) because of Western influence.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/28/22 2:35 p.m.
06HHR (Forum Supporter) said:

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Do they have a meth problem in Russia too?

They have Krokodil, it's the Russian version of meth, and as such has any berkeleys given removed...careful about Google Image Searching that.

stroker PowerDork
12/28/22 2:36 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:

In reply to aircooled :

The only thing remotely probable on that list is the part about 150$/bbl oil. 

Medvedev has obviously been spending time with Aaron Rodgers.

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
12/28/22 2:53 p.m.
GameboyRMH said:
06HHR (Forum Supporter) said:

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Do they have a meth problem in Russia too?

They have Krokodil, it's the Russian version of meth, and as such has any berkeleys given removed...careful about Google Image Searching that.

Heroin.  IIRC they use gasoline and some other things to distill OTC cold medicine (with codeine) into an injectable high.  They aren't exactly master chemists, and don't really care about removing all of the reactants from the final product, so you get the same kind of effect as a moonshiner who leaves the heads and tails in the final product, except instead of blindness, you get reduced/stopped blood flow and widespread necrosis.

One commonly reported estimate is that a user goes from their first hit to dead in six months tops, usually far less.  Their flesh literally rots and sloughs off, exposed bones, etc.

jharry3 GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/28/22 2:57 p.m.
aircooled said:

This is a weird message out of Putler:

"Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war," Putin said. "We will strive for an end to this, and the sooner the better, of course."


Of course, translating that to "Russian" is likely:  "We will gladly end this war when you give us everything we want, which includes the subjugation of Ukraine"

Reading into it may indicate some lack of confidence by the Russians, but who knows, it's like dealing with a lying machine.


“Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”

― Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm

aircooled MegaDork
12/28/22 6:51 p.m.

Looks like Engles airbase (in Russia, over 600 miles from the front lines, used to launch cruise missile attacks) was attacked again by Ukraine, somehow.   The guess is they destroyed the command building there.  Of note is the Russians claim 3 killed by falling wreckage.  There is camera footage of a rather large explosion, so apparently that "wreckage" was rather explosive!


Finland is considering transferring Leopard II tanks (current generation tank) to Ukraine.     https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/leopard_2_from_finland_and_other_allies_for_ukraine_how_real_their_transfer_is-5264.html

China made another large feint attack on Taiwan.  

TAIPEI, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Seventy-one Chinese air force aircraft including fighter jets and drones entered Taiwan's air defence identification zone in the past 24 hours, the island's government said on Monday, the largest reported incursion to date.

Of the aircraft, 43 also crossed the Taiwan Strait's median line, an unofficial buffer between the two sides that lies within the defence zone, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said in a report, as Beijing continues military activities close to the Chinese-claimed island.



I did see something about a story of a soldier who was critical of the Ukrainian parliament because they did not want to give towns any say in how building funds are spent (e.g. schools).  The (wounded) soldier was critical because of.... yes.... corruption in the process.  The PM (from Zelenkyy's party) apparently showed up at his hospital in what viewed as a rather rude and was told off.

I cannot find an online version of the story, but it seems to be an indication that the corruption that the Ukrainian government was so known for, even in Zelenkyy's party, is still well alive. This is obviously a story that the Ukrainian and Western media is not terribly motivated to print.

Noddaz GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/29/22 12:31 p.m.
aircooled said:


China made another large feint attack on Taiwan.  

TAIPEI, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Seventy-one Chinese air force aircraft including fighter jets and drones entered Taiwan's air defence identification zone in the past 24 hours, the island's government said on Monday, the largest reported incursion to date.

Of the aircraft, 43 also crossed the Taiwan Strait's median line, an unofficial buffer between the two sides that lies within the defence zone, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said in a report, as Beijing continues military activities close to the Chinese-claimed island.




Taiwan should invite the Chinese pilots to land to give them a tour of Taiwan to show how evil they are and then send them home.

codrus (Forum Supporter)
codrus (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/29/22 1:56 p.m.

I cannot find an online version of the story, but it seems to be an indication that the corruption that the Ukrainian government was so known for, even in Zelenkyy's party, is still well alive. This is obviously a story that the Ukrainian and Western media is no terribly motivated to print.

Is that relevant to the question of supporting Ukraine?  Sure, stealing money that was earmarked for schools is bad, but it pales in comparison to rolling tanks across the border of a sovereign nation and massacring the civilian population.

aircooled MegaDork
12/29/22 1:59 p.m.

I don't think it's critical to the concept of supporting Ukraine, I think it is something that should be very much kept in mind when sending them things, especially any sort of direct financial support, and most especially when the fighting stops.  Careful auditing should always be a thing. 

aircooled MegaDork
12/29/22 2:02 p.m.

Update:  Indications of smaller level attack (squad sized) at Bakhmut seems to show the Russians are running out of steam (and likely men) there.  It appears to have been a rather effective meat grinder for Russian troops.  They also look to be trying to reinforce Zaporizhia (the rather telegraphed and expected Melitopol attack by the Ukrainians).  I am still curious if this is actually the Ukrainian plan.  There are certainly make it look like it is!


  • The Russian offensive against Bakhmut is likely culminating.
  • Russian forces appear to be preparing for a decisive effort in Luhansk Oblast and appear less likely to conduct a new offensive in Zaporizhia Oblast in the winter of 2023.
  • The Kremlin continues to demonstrate that Russia has no genuine intention of engaging in negotiations with Ukraine by insisting that Ukraine accept Russia’s illegal annexations of Ukrainian land.
  • The Kremlin continues to present the US transfer of Patriot air defense systems as an escalation in US-Russia relations, but ISW forecasts with high confidence that Russia will not deliberately seek to escalate to a major conflict with NATO as a result.
  • Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations toward Kreminna, where Russian forces continued counterattacks to regain lost positions.
  • Russian forces continued offensive operations around Bakhmut, Donetsk City, and in western Donetsk Oblast.
  • Russian forces continued defensive and rotational operations in Kherson and Zaporizhia oblasts.
  • The Kremlin has approved additional funds for the development of defensive fortifications and is attempting to staff fortification efforts in Russian border areas and occupied Ukraine.
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