"Nuclear artillery" lmao.
Videos of Russian's moving Katyusha rocket launchers on ZIS-5 trucks- these things are likely older than 1950. Direct Telegram link here.
Captured documents have Putin wanting "Total Cleansing" of Ukraine. NY Post article here. So far it's being backed up by other sources.
Frind of mine pointed out, and I quote "Tbf one of the most important aspects of the ICC verdict is it makes normalising relations with Russia pretty much impossible for any European state following the Rome Statute". Hm.
The Kyiv post has an article claiming that over 166 thousand Russian troops are now dead, with half a million wounded and states that the military is effectively "Combat ineffective". I would take it as propaganda any other time and just ignore it, but frankly we've seen in the last few days with Bakhmut reporting that Russia seems to be entering a defensive state now and the article also cites NATO intelligence. The article is here. I'll quote some notable bits:
Russia, on the other hand, appears to have first crossed the 50-percent level last October, when its initial invasion force and new troops added in the summer suffered catastrophic losses in Ukraine’s early resistance and counteroffensives in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions.
Plunging below that critical 50-percent threshold could explain why the Kremlin decided last fall to draft over 300,000 new troops. It could also explain why those draftees were so ineffective in rejuvenating Russia’s battlefield prospects. They were recruited into an already broken army whose earlier losses had shattered its capacity to readily reconstitute itself.
I think this, with supporting evidence like captured texts and calls over telegram of Russian conscripts seeing entire platoons blown apart horrifically, can be taken as true. It would also explain why Russian Troops are literally given a modicum of training and sent to the front, that they have the equivalent of this huge bleeding wound and they're just desperately trying to pack it to stem the bloodflow.
Where are these missing Russian troops? Given Putin’s desperate war fortunes, it’s unlikely that many soldiers are left patrolling remote Yakutsk or the Mongolian border. Indeed, officials believe that Russia has deployed up to 97 percent of its army to Ukraine.
This bit is notable, since Japan has signaled that it wants those islands taken in the final weeks of World War 2- there may literally be nothing to stop Japan from planting their flag, so to speak. With China restoring old Chinese names on the Russian border, I am beginning to wonder if this recent talk between Xi and Putin was more an attempt to keep status quo between them at a time when Russia is at it's weakest- For China, I could see internally them wanting to invade not only for resources for the nation, but also to finally give their military experience, but that's frankly just a dumb opinion from a civvie who has a pretty firm feeling that China will only do what benefits itself.