I've been thinking about the GRM article on safe driving and teen drivers. In general I like the idea of teaching new drivers how to "drive", not just get a license. With this in mind what are some of the lessons that you have learned while driving?
Here are my lessens learned...
I don't do reverse well, so I take these extra precautions... I look for obstacles behind the car before I get in. I look both ways before pulling out. I pull out very slowly incase a person or car goes behind me. This may be for me only because I know I'm not good in reverse.
2:00am watch for drunks, I avoid driving during this time. 9:30pm - 11:00pm watch for people going to the bar that have had a few drinks.
On the highway, I drive in the right lane until I want to pass. Exception is when the right lane is so bad from semi trucks, then I drive in the left lane but watch for faster traffic and move over to the right lane early enough so they can pass without thinking about passing me on the right.
Some passengers are more distracting than others. I actually drove off the highway when my best friend through a pickle at me, I don't like pickles. Note to self, when my friend is in the car with me pay extra attention to driving.
The blind spot by the C Pillar.
Do mental "What if's" while driving. For example what if a driver decides at the last second to merge into my off ramp lane? Do they know I'm in their blind spot? This probably won't happen but every once in a while it does and I'm not in a position to be hit by them.
You can position your side mirrors to almost eliminate your blind spots.
Hot days in the afternoon are the most likely time to be rear ended. Usually at a stop light after you have been stopped for at least 8 seconds.
Old people drive during the day.
People getting out of work around 5:00pm drive much more aggressively than drivers during the day.
A green light doesn't me go, it means proceed with caution.
It's hard to see if traffic is actually stopping at the red light when an SUV is next to you. Twice I've seen a car run a red light and would have hit me if I pulled out when the light turned green.
The most dangerous red light runner happens when they are the only car travelling in their direction.
I have no idea why a person runs a red light. They may be having a heart attach, a seizer, a brain fart. The light is red for over 6 minutes and there is no opposing traffic. They are trying to make the light but have no chance. Their jerks. I try not to get angry, because I really don't know the reason, although my first instinct is to get angry.
I use my blinkers when cars are not around, because bicycles and pedestrians need to know what your intentions are.
A lowered car looks closer in the rear view mirror because you can't see the head lights or even the hood at a stop light.