Years ago my house developed mouse problem. It took me a while but I got that taken care of. Then my ex-girlfriend's daughter (and kids) moved in with us for a while and brought a HOARD of roaches with her. That population just exploded before I could get a handle on them and I've been fighting them for a while now. Finally cleared the roaches out and now I have a family of raccoons living in my attic.
The thought of burning the house down and starting over has crossed my mind.
7/8/10 8:57 a.m.
Bummer man. Though my suggestion would be to kill it with fire, and well.... you talked about burning it down....
The fleas and ticks that live on the racoons will be your next infestation. If you need advice on getting rid of your racoons my 88 year old grandfather has some good tricks that work on his farm. He doesn't ever trap the same one twice.
Fire would just send the critters over to see the neighbors.
The racoons are getting in there somehow, find it. got to be a fair sized opening somewhere.
Just find out what eats raccoons and get some of them for pets.
There aren't any turtles with those raccoons, are there?
^ My kids love that movie. 
Pythons, now theres an idea!!!!!
I'll swing by Lowes and see what they have for traps. I've heard crisp bacon is a good bait to use for raccoons. Yet another reason to cook some up.
7/8/10 12:41 p.m.
Dr. Hess has the cure for raccoons. Keep the ex-girl friend(and family) far away
. Raccoons are relatively smart. When they see their buddies corpses, they'll get the hint. Then seal up the openings. Man, that place must be like swiss cheese.
If you load your trap with bacon, you may just come out to find a GRMer in there the next morning. I'm jus' sayin'. 
1988RedT2 wrote:
Just find out what eats raccoons and get some of them for pets.

they made keeping people as pets illegal a long time ago, plus all the banjo music would keep you awake.
I have a "Hav-a-Hart" trap that I use around my dad's koi pond. I've found that sliced apples work very well as bait.
Take the trap to a nearby swamp or river to release them, but be careful, those suckers are mean when caged! 
They aint mean if theys dead when you open the trap. Im just sayin...
Lordy, whatever you do don't poison them. The damn things will die in the attic, walls, etc and add a certain ambiance to your home.
Since the little buggers are nocturnal, look for openings like foundation vents etc. Then wait till nightfall, make sure they have gone out cruising and while they are gone put some serious wire mesh over the openings. Or for real fun wire up some of that 'electric fence' stuff over the openings and grab a six pack. Almost as much fun as a bug zapper. 
I have a small Have-a-Heart for my Chipmunk Relocation Program. I'm going to start painting their little tails, I swear it's the same damn critter getting caught every time.
I'd be really careful with raccoons, those suckers are mean. I'd be hard pressed not to kill them on sight, trapped or not. I really wouldn't want to get attacked by one as I try to spare his life.
7/9/10 7:23 a.m.
A live trap is a very non-violent way of removing pests such as coons, squirrels, chipmunks, etc.
Then what you do is put a cardboard box over the trap (with animal inside). Cut a hole, about 2.5" or so in the box--be sure it lines up perfectly with your car's exhaust pipe. A short time of your car idling will suffice.
My dad calls this his "Auschwitz Chipmunk Chamber." He no longer has a chipmunk problem.
I have more experience peacefully co-existing with raccoons than I care to admit, and they are not mean. They will defend themselves, as would any reasonably intelligent animal.
I wouldn't want them in my attic either, and the live traps are the way to go. The Hav-a-Heart traps are pricy, but (big surprise) Harbor Freight sells a cheap knock-off.
And for what it is worth, Pop Tarts are the absolute favorite food of raccoons everywhere.

I bought a hav-a-heart trap yesterday. I think they are coming in under the house then climbing up the outside of the chimney from the old floor funace.
Now all I have to do is find bacon flavored Pop Tarts.
Come to think of it, I've been wanting a good reason to buy a Remington 870.
when you find "bacon flavored Pop Tarts" please post the link... sounds pretty good to me... 
Bacon flavored Pop Tarts!!! You married? Wanna be?