In spite of a somewhat concerning morning, I'm managing to not get readmitted today, and have improved early this afternoon. The pattern the past 3 days has been 12-18 hours of this is okay, rest, sleep, hydrate, swap IVs. Followed by 4-6 hours of spiraling condition which has lead to admission, stays on a ventilator for a few hours and an ambulance ride (staff had ppe on thankfully) but my treatment has definitely been a strain on the system, making the next 36 hours all the more critical.
My day was made however when feeling decent enough to mask and glove up to get the mail and finding a care package. I love you guys, we're truly family here and I needed it now more than you know. Isolation when going through this sucks. The exhaustion I can honestly compare to cancer while undergoing radiation and chemo. When conditions turn with covid-19, they turn very, very quickly. And in knowing the atreasesr on medical staff and supplies and that the next 36 hours are critical, I've gone from concerned to scared. A feeling that is fairly foreign to me. I'm hopeful, but not entirely confident and defiant. I've felt the past 3 days that I'll be able to get through the next 2, but not sure about beyond that. Knowing that the world is going to be getting much more difficult to navigate and the likely hood of those who are assisting me, without any direct contact, may at some point potentially fall ill, making things much more complicated. I need to recover so that I can help and assist where and when needed when many others are in the same shape.
I also would like to speak with someone about an idea that I have with OneLap being cancelled to put together with GRM, SCCA, PCA, BMWCCA, NASA, Iracing and Brock Jr and the crew.
Thank you so much for the update and remember...

Wow, I sure hope you come out the other side okay!
To those who sent the package, you make me proud!
Hang in there--you've got lots of fans here. And we're all rooting for you.
And what's the idea? We're all ears.
Hunker down and kick its ass Cap`n , We need ya on this voyage . Keep us informed as best you are able. Peace and strength to you.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
Give me a buzz, it's a bit for me to manage to type. 41 zero 3 zero 3 36 zero 4
Keep fighting, we're all rooting for you. 
Wait, you have covid? Good lord no one deserves it, but least of all you.
Every day concentrate on doing a little better a little bit more. Stop spending time concentrating on what you can't or didn't do. Reframe your reality towards positivity. It's hard to do. I'm a naturally pessimistic person but I got employees and a family so choose the path you want. So. Every day a little better. Come back here and post on what was better. We will be here to encourage you.
Hang in there, we're all pulling for you!
Hoping you come out of this well. Take care of yourself first and worry about others later.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep hanging in there.
3/21/20 2:05 p.m.
Wow, wasn't aware of your condition. Just know that you have fans cheering you on.

In reply to captdownshift :
I know it's a repeat, but i haven't had a chance to shoot one with the Sonoma:
I am rooting for you, my friend. Be well.
In reply to AngryCorvair :
Definitely made me smile. I appreciate it. This afternoon has been the best since Monday. If I try to stretch it at all, I.E. do a simple chore or task, such as dishes or a load of laundry, I'm quickly put back into my place, which is the sofa or laying in bed.
Woody said:
I am rooting for you, my friend. Be well.
Be safe, it's a tough call, but know when to say Berkeley the man and leave them holding the gernade with the pin pulled.
I'm going to try to voice to text this so it may become a train wreck but my idea is to get in touch with Brock Junior and the one lap organizers and with some different clubs of Marquis and the grm family and to have a digital one lap where the different groups compete at the tracks that run one lap was going to have on the calendar and schedule this year the Marquis and groups would select from a hat obviously distant what track they were going to have a vehicle there Marquis be the spec platform to run in addition to having members of the Marquis run obviously anybody who would have registered for one lap would be invited to compete if they're able to there could be an entry it could be streamed there could be content obviously for sponsors of one lap and the various participating bodies and then they're obviously money can be raised for charity weatherby Alzheimer's awareness is one lap traditionally does or if it goes towards no split between that and some covet 19 stuff to support the incredible medical providers across the country who didn't sign up for this nobody did but that's that's my idea and concept need some iron out details PCA has a pretty solid digital racing Sim series that they stream on YouTube and I think maybe on Facebook as well obviously grm has grm live so they've experienced streaming it Brian who was involved with bmwcca and with motorsportreg I'm sure he would be able to have some software stuff to help to make it happen and from that point I would pass it along to the the powers that be in the people that know how to make this happen and and then can feel it be something that people enjoy what we're all stuck at home.
Yeah that was a train wreck, but I think the idea may be able to be extracted. Digital One Lap. Having Brock Jr. and his crew, GRM, SCCA, PCA, BMWCCA all involved. Different vehicles per a track to be selected and events to be streamed for entertainment and consumption while we're stuck at home longing for motorsport content.
Creative idea.
I would love to participate.
I've been wanting to build a sim setup, but I can't really work from home, and I don't know when I'm going back to work.
No extra money for new toys.
In reply to Floating Doc :
I honestly think in future years it could become a supplement to One Lap where clubs have a digital One Lap contest where the winner wins entry and a lodging stipend towards the next year's physical event.
capt I just want to echo the positivity everyone is talking about and encouraging it. My own take and its awefully simplistic but at some point things can only get better and that’s the hope that we need to drive us to get to the next chapter in the proverbial book of life.
And in keeping with the thread title, lemme go ahead and say that I love y'all as well.
No burn out but here's a picture of my dirty BP for you. Never can have to much dirty BP porn.