Aside from the odd magazine here or there I don't get anything but garbage in the mail. Every day I take the contents of the mailbox, walk down the driveway, and deposit most everything from it in the dumpster without even looking at it. I know what everything will be. Chinese/pizza menus, reach magazine, coupon books, bills, credit card/cable/satellite offers, etc...
I wish I could switch to once a month mail delivery. Maybe they could sort it as well. You'd have three magazines, a half dozen bills, and a pallet of crap they can take straight to the dump.
I pay all my bills online and I'd be more than willing to go to the store to pick up magazines if they'd match the subscription price. I really don't need a mailbox for anything. Some of the stuff I pay monthly even has an option for paperless delivery, but until they give a discount for using it they're gonna pay for the paper and postage every month even though I never open or look at the paper statements.