I would have gone to teach English in someplace like Japan right out of college in the early 80's. Get a foreign perspective and push my boundaries a bit.
The other thing is that I would have looked up the adorable girl Patti that I sat next two through Junior High School and the first year of High School (before she moved away). I waited until 1992 only to find she was married with three kids. She said she'd wished I'd asked her out in High School and I found out she was available (and in the same career field) when I finished college...
4/18/12 6:47 p.m.
I need multiple do-overs. On one path - physician - turns out I'm pretty good around healthcare. On another path - I love building stuff - fabricator or construction could have been good. The thing I still stick on is that I have a lot of interests and like learning about and working with all kinds of crap. I have never been able to narrow it down. Hmm combo physician-fabricator - could work... Luckily, I've absorbed enough info and can reprocess it enough that people keep paying me to show up and do stuff for them. Maybe I could have done a better job choosing parents. Mine are pretty good, just not the billionaire variety.