I'm 58 and to this point in life been very healthy. Sure maybe 20# overweight, but don't take any medication, no health issues even though lots of stuff runs in my family and generally living a very good life. 2 weeks ago my foot began hurting me one night out of the blue. It's happened before, but I've always chalked it up to standing all day in work boots, climbing a ladder, lifting something or walking somewhere on a slope. I figured it was just a bruise of some sort, so never a big deal. This time it was worse, so I started surfing the interwebs and came upon a little word, GOUT! I spoke with a family member who is in the medical field and she confirmed that it is likely gout and all of those previous episodes were likely slight flare-ups also. Well who knew! I had heard of gout but never knew what it was. I found out that it isn't pleasant, but with a short course of meds it goes away prett unremarkably. That was last week.
This past Sunday, we get up, have breakfast, walk the dog and go out to do some shopping and visiting family. We get home, make and eat dinner and all was normal. I was sitting on the couch with the dog, got up to walk to the bathroom and experienced a pain, almost like a runners cramp, in my left lower abdomin. I didn't think much of it, but walking was certainly a bit uncomfortable. Figuring it was something in the chicken parm that I made for dinner, I passed it off as gas. I figured it would "pass" in a bit. Nope, the discomfort persisted and walking around wasn't much fun. Taking the dog out to go potty took 4x's longer than normal. Again I called a family member who told me to try a few things to rule out and urgent organ issues. Thankfully it wasn't anything major, but a trip to the doctor yesterday revealed diverticulitis possibly. She ordered a cat-scan at our local hostiptal immediately. After 4 hours in the hospital, drinking some horrid stuff for said cat-scan, an infusion of some other chemical, I ended up getting a quick scan.
The results are a case of diverticulosis. Lucky me. I never knew what that was either! Since it was a mild attack, the results showed we caught it in time and with a few minor changes it shouldn't turn into full blown diverticulitis.
I knew that getting older was inevitable and would certainly come with some medical issues, but WOW, it's been a tough 10 days. I know that I shouldn't complain about this or anything else in this wonderful life because there are many out there who deal with much worse on a daily basis, but when it comes on this quickly it's really eye-opening. I guess I'm not invincible after all . I guess I'll change up my diet, drink more water, lose some weight and see what else comes down the pike.