Well I just got a call from the local police department 
They want me to come in next week for some test for a job that I applied for
. As long as I pass those tests then I will have another set the following week then they make final decisions. The job is working in the emergency dispatch office here in town so I can understand them needing to take time to consider all applicants.
Nice thing is it would pay more than enough for us to live on plus enough for me to start on the business by the end of the year for in my free time. They also offer the best benefits in town so I am excited.
Right on! I like how you loured me in.
Wish you luck! 
Good news. Maybe we hear more and I welcome you to the brotherhood. Yes, that includes dispatch. 
Thanks guys I am keeping my fingers crossed. Our local office is the base for the entire area and includes towns 25 miles away that don't have locals in town. Figure it will be a good way to get working with the LEOs around here and should provide stable work.
In reply to rebelgtp:
I just figured that working dispatch is a good way not to get shot at. 
Like hearing about more people getting (possible) employment, especially a fellow GRM'r
Break a leg!
Yeah I imagine it will be a stressful job though I imagine working on the Olds, going to the range and SWMBO will keep me relaxed. Granted I am not really the sort to get worked up very easily and tend to stay calm in even the most stressful conditions, that will come in handy.
Good luck. I want to see much progress on the g-body's when the extra income starts rolling in.
Good luck! Maybe you'll get a company car:

Several of my friends are dispatchers that I have gotten to know over the years. Here the call takers that answer 911 calls make about $14/hr and the dispatchers that actually talk on the radio make about $20/hr. Just let the stuff people say roll off your back, dont get emotionally involved, and dont drink right after getting off work.
And you will be working late nights and odd hours with single and soon to single people...be careful and take your marriage seriously.
In reply to Rob_Mopar:
Ok that is freakin sweet...Its even an '80 like two of mine...
In reply to Ojala:
I think here it is starting off at somewhere around $16 or $17 an hour not great by west side standards but for out here that is really good plus I don't have a house payment or car payments. There is also full benefits and a good amount of paid time off. The people and hours will not bother me, I use to deal with shiney happy people all the time before and I have worked basically every shift there is. Not a big drinker and I think that will be a good thing. I can see how this kind of job could cause some to turn to the bottle.
I definitely will be taking the marriage serious she is far to good for me for me to screw it up. Besides she likes cars and guns. Where would I find another like her?
rebelgtp wrote:
I definitely will be taking the marriage serious she is far to good for me for me to screw it up. Besides she likes cars and guns. Where would I find another like her?
I married one of those too. There are more good ones out there, but most I run across are clinically insane or gay.
Well I just got home from the first round of testing and questioning and.... I PASSED! I go be in next Wednesday for another round. From the peak I got it doesn't look like I have a huge amount of competition so as long as I don't screw up I should be in good shape.
8/15/12 12:56 p.m.
Well, congrats and good luck on the next round. Not that luck will have anything to do with it.
Congrats and good luck for the next round!
Thanks guys I am trying to keep a positive attitude and just roll with the flow. Hopefully here shortly I will have the reason for a real celebration.
One of the things I had to do today was a typing test for speed and accuracy and I was right off the dispatch room so I could hear everything that was being said on calls. I am sure that was part of the test being able to concentrate on the task at hand.
Alright took the national standard test for dispatchers today and passed so monday evening I go in for a simulator. I really hope next week I find out for sure if I got the job or not.
From what they said 11 people were suppose to show up and only 9 did. Then when she graded the tests it seemed she divided them into two stacks, I am assuming pass and fail. Seems they were split just about 50/50. So I am guessing I am still up against 3 or 4 other people.
Oh, wow. Sounds like the odds are getting decent! Good luck!!
Good luck and keep it up.
Well sadly I am out of the running for the position. The rapid fire data recording did me in. Sad thing is if I had been on a computer I would have been just fine I am sure but it was all hand written. On the plus side the tester loved the way I handled to call said that she hopes I try again next time they have an opening.
Called my mom to let her know and she said I should run for the open city council position, I guess no one is running for it. Granted I am guessing not registering for the primaries would make that not possible but I thought it was funny. Around these parts people don't really seem to run for political office and those that do normally run unopposed.