Turns out booking agents have gotten no less flaky in the last 20 years. SHort story = we were "wrong" for last night, but were invited back in a couple of weeks for a bluegrass open mic. Last night was a "songwriter showcase", which I assume means angst ridden 8th grade girls with guitars.
Once we've confirmed the next one, I'll text ya.
6/4/13 11:08 a.m.
Here is a cool video taken from the crowd when I played Irving Plaza in NYC back in October. You can see my 1980 Gibson SG which has been my main guitar for the last 20 years.
There are some F bombs dropped so maybe don't crank it at your desk while working. crowd gets pretty intense at the 1:00 mark
6/5/13 7:25 a.m.
Hey, I live in Appleton; Is there a cool Slayer story I don't know about?
RossD wrote:
Hey, I live in Appleton; Is there a cool Slayer story I don't know about?
No, but there's a cool Hot Graves story about to happen on the 29th! See you there?
I DID get a little over a half-dozen spider bites on my legs this weekend while cutting the grass, so who knows! Maybe I'll be the next Jeff Hanneman! 
6/5/13 11:52 a.m.
Interesting. Are you guys playing stuff more on the metal side or the punk side? If it's more of the punk side, I could probably drum up some ol' music friends to check out the show.
Even if I don't show up, if you need anything while in the area, PM me and I'll see what I can do. (I've got a Hughes & Kettner Attax 80 100 watt head and Fender HM4-12A [M80] 4x12 cab)
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Turns out booking agents have gotten no less flaky in the last 20 years. SHort story = we were "wrong" for last night, but were invited back in a couple of weeks for a bluegrass open mic. Last night was a "songwriter showcase", which I assume means angst ridden 8th grade girls with guitars.
Once we've confirmed the next one, I'll text ya.
Last night I saw some local jazz. They played all the standards, and the band was tight. (Super bonus: no cover and only $2 for a PBR tall-boy.)
The music during their break? Hip hop. Live. It was a kid with a MacBook.
And a photo. I have a lesson after work, so I brought in this one today. It's a Paul Reed Smith SE Custom 24.

RossD wrote:
Interesting. Are you guys playing stuff more on the metal side or the punk side? If it's more of the punk side, I could probably drum up some ol' music friends to check out the show.
Even if I don't show up, if you need anything while in the area, PM me and I'll see what I can do. (I've got a Hughes & Kettner Attax 80 100 watt head and Fender HM4-12A [M80] 4x12 cab)
Very awesome of you, man. Funnay; I'll be bringing my old M-80 head as a backup!
The band is definitely moving more toward the Metal side of things, while maintaining that punk rawk D-Beat feel. There are a lot of people locally (Gville) that are thumbing their noses at them because of that, but it's the natural progression. The song "Fashion Victim" off that EP is the first one in the set, and definitely the most punk feeling of all, but we're playing 4 not-yet-released tunes that are definitely metal; two-part harmonies, deathy/doomy breakdowns, etc. Would definitely love to see you and your buds out there!
Thanks. I know the PRSs aren't the least expensive guitars out there but, damn, they do look pretty. Plus they hold a tune very nicely. Oh, and they sound wonderful, too. Too bad I can't do them justice.
Played the open mic mini set. Rocked it. Got invited back for a full set in a couple of weeks. http://www.steveslivemusic.com/bluegrass-and-hootenanny-jam-tuesdays-steves-live-music-led-jason-koornick-and-hank-weisman-4
One of the songs from that night - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIvdt3iRllI
6/28/13 2:04 p.m.
Nice! I'd pay to see you guys.
Also, inform your guitarist that Bluegrass guitars are made in Nazareth, PA, or are copies of guitars made in Nazareth, PA. Good Lord does that Taylor sound thin and tinny.
In reply to DILYSI Dave:
how do you stand so still during such a stone jam?
If you like our facebook page, there's actually cell phone video on there of me shakin my ass. It's not full on headbanging metal Dave, but I can't just stand there.
I love white soapbars in just about everything.
Speaking ov: My dean EVO 60 is for sale. P90's, VERY recent setup and fret dressing. New pots and caps. Seperate vol/tone controls added ala Les Paul. Ships anywhere in continental US with gig bag for $275. I LOVE this guitar, but it just doesn't have a good spot in the arsenal right now.
Looks like this plus 2 knobs:

P90s are the second-best pickups ever made (after Dynasonics). Loves me some P90s.
7/1/13 10:47 a.m.
How does a P90 or a Dynasonic compare to a Fender CuNiFe Widerange?
This guy popped up on CL today for a price I could not resist. I am not a Fender guy at all but this thing is cool

Squier 51 with a TV Jones P-90 in the bridge and a DiMarzio tone zone in the neck position. The P-90 retails for $109 and the DiMarzio for $69
I felt just fine handing the cool rockabilly chick $120 for the whole thing.
I passed up this funky as I'll get out, crazy cool 60's japanese piece of crap at a garage sale on the way. They wouldn't split it up and $50 was too much for wall art and an amp I would have to try for weeks to sell on CL for $15.

That awesome pickguard is gonna haunt me though.
8/3/13 8:36 p.m.
Eating ramen recently because I just had to have this:
1974 D28. I think this one will stay around, unless I sell it to my brother.
Picked this up last night.
2010 American Standard P. A few small nicks and scratches, but plays/sounds great.
They instantly took $110 off their asking price, and I traded some old gear that was gathering dust.
All told, I walked out paying $190 plus tax. berkeley yeah.