I live in Richmond, Va. CC home headquarters. The g/f was in their HR dept. Was until today that is. She saw the writing on the wall and moved on. Today, sale or no sale, was her last day. We're fortunate as we won't be affected.
CC did earn this imho. Politics had nothing to do with it. Believe me, in Richmond there are a lot of "The Right" running companies into the ground. It's a conservative town.
What did do CC in was management being completely blind to the market while having an entirely too high opinion of their ability to manage a company. The company needed a head transplant about two years ago. Notice how hard Carmax worked to get out from under the CC corporate umbrella? Yeah, CC started Carmax back when smart guys were running the company. They also bet on DIVX, a CC invention, which wasn't quite as smart.
I also had some connections in the Finance Dept. Some of my closest friends worked on the layoff that occurred last year. The one where they fired their most senior sales staff because they were earning too much. Best Buy did the same thing, capping sales floor salaries at some arbitrary amt. It was a terrible mistake. What CC had, until that moment, was quite possibly the best trained sales force in the market. Granted, it was in poorly designed and run stores but the sales force at least knew about the difference between Sony and Panasonic.
Another failure I can mention is how the old heads, the guys and gals who worked their way up during CC's rise to power, were run out by the new and "with it" management types who had never sold so much as a AA battery. It was known in the company that the old heads were being pushed out in favor of the new guys. A quite big mistake in hindsight. Corporate "yes" men taking over for seasoned veterans.
Their last CEO, Jim Marcum, has done a tremendous job with the shambles he was handed. He helped shove out Phil Schoonover who ran CC into the ground and then refused to step aside while the ship burned and then sank under his stewardship. This blog nominates Phil as the worst CEO of 2008.
If Marcum had been installed even a year ago they might still be able to soldier on.
As much as anyone would like to see a conspiracy theory involving politics it just ain't there. Rush is a classic dumb arse who can't help but spin anything into Republican fantasy. In this case it's sad as people are losing their jobs after working hard for years, all through no fault of their own. I think that transcends any fat arsehole trying to capitalize on their loss to make political hay. It amazes me how otherwise intelligent people still follow that fat drug addict and hang on his every ignorant word.