Duke said:
In reply to Indy "Nub" Guy :
If you are tolerating things that align with your opinions, and not tolerating things that don't, is that really hypocrisy? Assuming you have a presence on Facebook, are you hypocritical for deleting or hiding the posts that you don't like?
This forum is private property.
Is Mother Jones hypocritical for having a decidedly leftist slant? Is The National Review hypocritical for having a rightist slant?
GRM is not a news magazine but it is 100% owned and operated by the Suddard family, who by all outward appearances are card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool, party-line Democrats. If they use the platform they've created to allow or support causes, information, and even humor they believe in, why is it hypocritical to prevent its use in ways they don't support?
While it may make excellent business sense to avoid having their politics affect what is and isn't tolerated by their editorial staff, the Suddards are under no obligation to do so.
We are also under no obligation to tolerate it... unless we choose to use their forum.
It seriously pissed me off when they asked for money to support the forum and then almost immediately donated money to the Southern Poverty Law Center. That was their decision and that bordered on hypocrisy, although I understand their reasons for doing so. It's also the reason that while I am a magazine subscriber, you will never see a Forum Supporter tag after my name. I will still take from and contribute to the members of this forum with information and social interaction, and in agreeing to do so I agree to accept the way the Suddards run their forum. But I will not give our hosts my money here. They make their decisions; I make mine.
No, I do not have a Book of Faces account. Deleted that one years ago when Snowden revealed the NSA trickery. So I got out before it became as toxic as it (apparently) is today.
The observed hypocrisy is from the "absolutely no politics" statement, when in reality what is enforced is "no politics that don't align with our politics"
The reason you stated (plus two other examples that pre-date the donation) prevent me from ever becoming a forum supporter too.
And yes, they are hosting this party at their house, so when it becomes too much, we will have no other choice but to leave and go party elsewhere. If that day comes, it will be sad.