In reply to barefootskater :
Sure, there are folks who do it badly, like every group. I guarantee you that if I'm not on the shoulder like I usually am, I've got a good reason. Given the number of ghost bike memorials I see, I'm not keen on fanning the flames of "what are they doing on my road?" See also the New Reader you inspired whose only post I've seen boils down to "yeah, they suck!"
Ransom said:Sure, there are folks who do it badly, ON PURPOSE, because berkeley you, cager.
First, thank you for riding a bike and doing your best to do it properly. I never have problems with single riders, and most groups ride correctly. If they are abreast of each other, it's just while they are passing or exchanging the lead rider, and if they are single file and off of the shoulder odds are good there is something on the shoulder that they don't want to hit. I'll putter along behind them until it is safe to pass leaving at least six feet of space between me and them, and give them a shaka out the window when I roll past.
However, there are groups that fan out across the road and ride like that for MILES. That is what people are going to remember, not the 100 groups that did it correctly before that.
In reply to Brett_Murphy :
My experience is that the level of douchary by cyclists is directly proportional to the amount of sponsor covered spandex they are wearing. People in normal clothes are fine. People in athletic or plane cycle wear are fine. Cram your 80-300lb ass into something that sort of looks like any cycling teams official wear and you become myopic, color blind and impervious to sign posts, other vehicles, stop lights etc. Get a group of said douches together and it gets worse by magnitudes.
There used to be a group that met at the local elementary school about 1/4 of a mile from our house. They were awful. I know they had the cops called on them, including by me and other neighbors, many many times for riding as a block (30+) around the local streets completely ignoring all stop signs, traffic lights and other road users including pedestrians trying to cross at marked crossings. They finally disbanded when their douch pack ride tripped over itself and someone was seriously injured. No other vehicles or people were involved, just a pack thinking they were in the TDF eventually had a massive bike on bike pileup. While sorry for any individual pain, no one was sorry to see them disband or leave the area. They were the curse every Thursday evening in the warmer months for well over a decade.
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