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barefootskater Dork
11/19/19 9:56 a.m.

barefootskater Dork
11/19/19 9:57 a.m.

NickD PowerDork
11/19/19 11:14 a.m.

In reply to barefootskater :

That happened last year to me. I have said how much I hate Thanksgiving with my family on this very forum. Last year was particularly bad, for reasons I can't entirely recall and the only reason I was tolerating it was for the promise of pecan pie. We finish dinner, and my BIL takes off into the woods for 3 hours and we're stuck waiting to have desert until he returns. He comes back, we start desert and my mother says she tried a new recipe for pecan pie. Well, this recipe strangely did not call for any sugar, so it was a soupy, bland inedible mess. Really frustrating. And there was literally 6 other pies and none of them were a flavor I liked.

Indy-Guy PowerDork
11/19/19 11:30 a.m.
NickD said:

In reply to barefootskater :

That happened last year to me. I have said how much I hate Thanksgiving with my family on this very forum. Last year was particularly bad, for reasons I can't entirely recall and the only reason I was tolerating it was for the promise of pecan pie. We finish dinner, and my BIL takes off into the woods for 3 hours and we're stuck waiting to have desert until he returns. He comes back, we start desert and my mother says she tried a new recipe for pecan pie. Well, this recipe strangely did not call for any sugar, so it was a soupy, bland inedible mess. Really frustrating. And there was literally 6 other pies and none of them were a flavor I liked.

Similar experience happened to me a few years ago, but it was my Mother-in-law, and the pie was Pumpkin. 

Seriously, who Berks up Pumpkin Pie on Thanksgiving. 

I stopped at the local grocery store the next day and bought THREE Pumpkin pies and had my own Thanksgiving !


Duke MegaDork
11/19/19 11:53 a.m.

My eldest sister usually hosts Thanksgiving.  I have 3 older sisters; we all are married, and between 3 of the 4 siblings, we have 8 kids.  Some of those kids are old enough to be married and have their own kids.  Even though a fair number of them don't always come, it's a big crowd.

Eldest sister has to get a berking yuuuuuge turkey and as a result it's often undercooked.

Second-eldest sister spawned 4 of those 8 kids despite (or maybe because of) being the least qualified (financially and temperamentally) as a parent.  Even though they're always broke, always disorganized, and always late, they've decided their contribution every berking year is to bring home baked pies.

They suck at baking pies.  See "always broke, always disorganized, and always late" above.  Which means they usually can't afford store-bought pies, and are too proud to bring them anyway, even if they could.

DW is never broke, always organized, and never late.  She also bakes excellent pies.

But for reasons unknown, eldest sister has a weak spot for second-eldest sister and her various spawn, though Bob knows she doesn't give anyone else the same kind of consideration for a lifetime of berkups.

So DW and I can't bring edible home-baked pies, because that's "second-eldest sister's thing".


NickD PowerDork
11/19/19 12:09 p.m.

See, my oldest sister, who is a berkeleying penomenal cook, had told my mother she would handle dessert, to make things easier for my mother. So she had baked an apple, a pumpkin and some sort of strawberry-with-custard topping pie. I don't like apple, strawberrry or pumpkin (save the "What's kind of American are you?" I hear it enough). Despite knowing this, my mother made another 4 pies, the ill-fated pecan, another apple, another pumpkin and a mincemeat pie. Why she made a mincemeat pie when not a single soul in my family has ever expressed interest in one, I have no clue, the woman is kind of insane. So after I took one bit of the pecan and went "This is not even remotely right" she started in with "Well, there's plenty of other pies." Yes, none of which I like. I haven't ever liked pumpkin or apple or anything strawberry in the 27 years I've been on this planet. She then also got further bent out of shape when no one wanted to even try the mincemeat.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/19/19 12:22 p.m.
Dr. Hess said:
Wally said:

Your cat is wrong, Wally.  Jim Jones was a communist.  His "church" was a complete scam to lure people into his commie cult. An interesting aside, Harvey Milk was part of his movement.  Harvey Milk would up real dead after Jones' "church" imploded. Other people associated with his "church" also would up real dead, but Harvey, being a homosexual, became martyred and the claim was that he was killed for being a homosexual, not for being part of a death communist/socialist cult that was executing anyone that managed to survive it.

Duke MegaDork
11/19/19 12:31 p.m.
Knurled. said:
Dr. Hess said:
Wally said:

Your cat is wrong, Wally.  Jim Jones was a communist.  His "church" was a complete scam to lure people into his commie cult. An interesting aside, Harvey Milk was part of his movement.  Harvey Milk would up real dead after Jones' "church" imploded. Other people associated with his "church" also would up real dead, but Harvey, being a homosexual, became martyred and the claim was that he was killed for being a homosexual, not for being part of a death communist/socialist cult that was executing anyone that managed to survive it.


mtn MegaDork
11/19/19 12:31 p.m.

I love Thanksgiving. If you're annoyed or mad at someone, ask yourself if it really matters and impacts your life in an actual negative way. Probably doesn't. Someone brought the wrong pie to Thanksgiving? Buy your own for at home. Have it before you leave and after you get home! Hell, put it in your trunk and have it there! Just say you took up smoking, sneak off to the car, have your pie, and come back and no one will know the difference. 



Obligatory meme: 

mtn MegaDork
11/19/19 12:33 p.m.

Oh, our family is also the one that has multiple thanksgivings. Usually with at least 15 people at each. There is no shortage of pie, or other good food.

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
11/19/19 2:03 p.m.

In reply to NickD :


Mndsm MegaDork
11/19/19 2:17 p.m.

I'm gonna start a thanksgiving thread. I like this discussion. 

NickD PowerDork
11/19/19 2:35 p.m.

In reply to Streetwiseguy :

I've been called worse.

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) UltimaDork
11/19/19 4:30 p.m.

In reply to NickD :

Wait, circle back to "BIL took a 3 hour solo walk in the woods and everyone had to wait around for him".   Umm, nope no not happening.  You wander the berkeley off that's on you skippy, we ain't changing everyone else's plans over you.


David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/19/19 5:20 p.m.

akamcfly Dork
11/19/19 6:19 p.m.
David S. Wallens said:

...Then your store could use some fixin'

Ranger50 UltimaDork
11/19/19 6:31 p.m.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/19/19 6:52 p.m.

Duke MegaDork
11/19/19 6:53 p.m.

In reply to Ranger50 :

That actually doesn't look bad in that picture... but a Mustang it is not. 

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:14 p.m.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:15 p.m.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:15 p.m.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:16 p.m.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:16 p.m.

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/19/19 7:19 p.m.

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