I worked my ass off yesterday installing some new equipment. We went hard for 12hrs, almost non-stop, which ended when I realized that there was an engineering mistake and 6" missing when you added up all the dimensions on the drawing. I slept 10 hrs last night and could have probably slept 12.
I have a trials event this morning and nothing left in the tank : (
What's the best excuse you've used or heard to get out of holiday togetherness time with your in-laws? Yes it's always bad and, no, I'm not putting any effort into changing. Just looking for a new and novel "out".
In reply to Crxpilot :
"I'd really rather do something I enjoy, thanks."
Now, that depends on whether this is said to your wife, or to the inlaws, with her support. One works, the other you end up losing half your stuff.
In reply to Crxpilot :
1. I've got COVID.
2 We took our family to Hawaii for Christmas two years ago. Best Christmas EVER!
In reply to Crxpilot :
BTW: We get the "MIL deserves to have the whole family together" for every holiday and her birthday. Meanwhile we say "Yes, but your son and DIL are shiny happy people". The reply is always "That's just who they are". 
Crxpilot said:
What's the best excuse you've used or heard to get out of holiday togetherness time with your in-laws? Yes it's always bad and, no, I'm not putting any effort into changing. Just looking for a new and novel "out".
"I have a race I have to be at."
berkeley you Scripps medical. I just spent over three hours at urgent care only be told that they cannot refill my medication without my doctors approval which is why your freaking call center sent me there in the first place. Plus another 5 hour wait for my CT scan, which is now contrast and non contrast, not just non contrast, that was planned for today then another three hours for the results where I am not allowed to leave.
I just want to eat without throwing up give me my bloody zofran its not like its a dangerous drug.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Thank you. I was about to grouse about having to microwave my eggs and hash browns this morning because my wife cooked them half an hour before I got out of bed, but you put things in perspective.
Crxpilot said:
What's the best excuse you've used or heard to get out of holiday togetherness time with your in-laws? Yes it's always bad and, no, I'm not putting any effort into changing. Just looking for a new and novel "out".
I would like to have a good time, so I'll stay here while you go deal with your mother.
Not sure how many more times that will work out, but I prefer blunt and simple.
DarkMonohue said:
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Thank you. I was about to grouse about having to microwave my eggs and hash browns this morning because my wife cooked them half an hour before I got out of bed, but you put things in perspective.
I have a extremely blessed life, I know that, but man my health has been bad over the last couple years. At one point I was on 11 medications, had one hell of a interaction about one week ago that I have never had and it was a doozy.
From the outside I look OK, I am in fantastic shape for being in my 40s. I can out run, surf and lift most people even half my age. But man not being able to eat and swallow just humbles the hell out of you, likely why I am so thin. I was on protein and fruit smoothies for almost 6 months last year from this, salivate like a saint Bernard, still no major diagnoses. Got to take the good with the bad I suppose, people have it much worse and they do it with dignity and grace. I took the sport bike out and ripped around and screamed in my helmet for a hour today to get it out of my system.
Nice to type it out and get it out of your system, does me no good to be angry at the doctors working on a three day weekend and patching people back together around my appoinments.
So excited for the new smoker. Lots of creature comforts built in that make things nice. Big enough I can load 6 briskets plus if I really want to.
The absolute WORST temperature control system I've ever dealt with in my life. How bad can it really be? Someone actually owns a patent on one of the temperature reading fixes.
Looks like my best course of action with this is to rip the guts out and order a controller from another company to try to make work.
Because dropping $1000 on something and expecting it to work out of the box is just a delusional fantasy apparently. berkeley knows how much this is going to wind up costing me before I say berkeley it and turn it into a rotisserie instead.
Then I still had the whole party lying to my face about how good everything was yesterday after the smoker turned one brisket to charcoal, made 2 barely edible, and left one that was almost acceptable. Sure, the sides and stuff were ok, the mac and cheese a bit over done, but the meat was terrible. I know it, you know it, just say so.
Very disappointing day for me, and I'm still not happy about it 24 hours later.
Saturday I went to my youngest daughters HS graduation. A good thing, yay!
But I made a tactical error about where we sat and the group of girls behind us talked (rather loudly) the entire time. And, at the start of the reading off off all the graduates names, the superintendent asked everyone to refrain from screaming and shouting as it would drown out the next name being called. Well these "ladies" didn't just ignore that request, they belted out top-of-their-lungs screams 3 separate times (within 18" of my right ear). After #2 I turned and told them to shut the berkeley up, which went over just exactly as well as you'd think it would.
As the only thing less decorous than screeching like a banshee is punching a banshee in the teeth, I refrained from causing a scene. But those "princesses" were really in need of it.
Second rant. Due to my misjudgment of a six-pack of very strong beer (9.5%) I WAY over imbibed last night and today has been a study in exquisite hangover misery.
Just awful. All day.
No Time
5/28/23 11:06 p.m.
Vendor asking for tips on an online order.
If it wasn't that I can't find the replacement parts for my Weber locally or in the Weber website I wouldn't have placed the order with this vendor:

Last week, I asked my son if he wanted to go fishing with me. It's been a while since we had some 1:1 time, and my wife and daughter were out of town for a Girl Scout event, so it would'v been perfect timing.
Rain. Rain. Rain.
He's disappointed, but probably not as much as I am. I told him we're going fishing, no matter what, when the weather is good, even if I have to call in "sick" to work.
I have enough on my plate right now. Really, more than enough, details later. And I have plans taking up pretty much every day and evening this week. So excuse me if I don't want to take two prime time hours to go watch 4 yr olds "play" soccer on their first night.
There's a reason you have all the spare time you do. Take a moment to think about that before making me the bad guy.
In reply to KyAllroad :
You should have stood up. Right in front of them.
The whole time.
5/29/23 2:27 p.m.
Doctor's office calls me today on a holiday scheduling an appointment tomorrow. I call back to reschedule and it's "sorry, we're closed." What the hell?
Crxpilot said:
What's the best excuse you've used or heard to get out of holiday togetherness time with your in-laws? Yes it's always bad and, no, I'm not putting any effort into changing. Just looking for a new and novel "out".
When I was young I thought if you ever wanted to call in sick, but didn't want to hear anything about it when you returned, you should come up with the most embarrassing excuse you can think of. Something like swollen testicles, or explosive diarrhea. That way nobody will want to talk about it and you'll get a free pass.
It worked.
Another summer of no time off begins again, this time started this past weekend instead of mid June.
I get it. People want to get married. But at 37 and single, I have been to more than enough weddings. I'll be spending my entire summer working again because every kid we hire to learn thinks they deserve like $40 / hour but have zero experience or just, don't show up to the gig they are supposed to do because they don't want to do it now.
The latest kid we have is good, and can probably learn to do a really good job with a bit more training and music knowledge (he is a HUGE rock fan which is good, but we are farm country so lots of 2 steps and Polka's) BUT he had an interview with CN (understandable, just graduated high school, dad works for CN) so if he gets the job he's pretty much out.
It's super annoying because friends will be complaining about needing a second job for more income and I tell them to talk to my boss about DJing because we NEED people and it's always 'No, I don't want to listen to country music.' DUDE, you'll get paid to play dinner music, eat amazing food, hear embarrassing stories about the various Grooms/Brides and play music louder than you can get away with at home. So what if some of it is country? I don't like country either, but I'm getting paid to hear it so I don't really care.
I'm burnt out by it because I spend my entire summer working because we have no one I can rotate gigs with. I get majority of Sunday's off but I use that day trying to catch up and yard work of vehicle maintenance if I'm lucky.
75, and beautiful weather. Everyone has their windows open. Time to burn a varnished, green treated fence.
Thanks a lot you berking vajajay. I hope your dick stops working.
Why does this exist? I mean, I guess I could see a usage somewhere but enough for a dedicated plunge cut blade? 
Appleseed said:
75, and beautiful weather. Everyone has their windows open. Time to burn a varnished, green treated fence.
Thanks a lot you berking vajajay. I hope your dick stops working.
Jesus I feel this post. I feel like the entire county waits until the first nice day to burn a wet slash pile and smoke out 100 acres
I think I've finally linked the headaches I get after every time I run the grill, and the charcoal I inevitably end up smelling like. Time to shower and change and see if I can avoid this one. The wind doesn't help. Here's to another sleepless night thanks to a near OD on otc meds. I know my dosage. Right on that razors edge between "did I even take anything?" And "call an ambulance"