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eastsideTim UltimaDork
11/7/23 10:16 a.m.
Beer Baron said:

Without getting too political...

Today is an election day in Ohio, and it's really tough in an odd year to find good information on all the smaller local people on the ballot. Heck, I'm not even finding solid rundowns and analysis comparing the people running for Mayor, let alone the ones running for city council or school board.

Just live in my township.  There was only one contested election on the whole ballot.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/7/23 10:59 a.m.
Beer Baron said:

Without getting too political...

Today is an election day in Ohio, and it's really tough in an odd year to find good information on all the smaller local people on the ballot. Heck, I'm not even finding solid rundowns and analysis comparing the people running for Mayor, let alone the ones running for city council or school board.

I had the same problem. There's only one non-partisan position on the ballot (a special election for a school board position that was vacated), between the person who was selected to fill the position until the special election and another person. The 'incumbent' has no website or information up beyond answering the questions the local paper asked them. The 'challenger' has a campaign website, but it's exceedingly vague and difficult to suss out what they really think.

On one hand I'm glad that these are board members are (ostensibly) non-partisan, on the other I know that most of them aren't really and have political agendas and it would be nice to know just where they stand on some things.

wae PowerDork
11/7/23 11:07 a.m.

In the last week, I've had to work at least 8 hours a day.  Including some time late on Friday night.  Don't they understand that I'm accustomed to more of an 8 hours a week routine?

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/7/23 11:33 a.m.

We're supposedly currently understaffed, and with layoffs are shortly going to be even more understaffed. When I figured out that the task I was working would essentially be finished up at the end of last week, I emailed my boss about what I should be working on next. Then again yesterday morning saying, "Hey, I'm just about out of work- what's the next-hottest thing you need me on?" as I did the last few things I needed to do on my previous job and started working on training due in the next few months. Now I've exhausted the training that it makes any remote amount of sense to be doing and am doing some work on a task that I'm technically not on but I know needs to be done and this time emailed my boss & the leads I've worked on tasks for recently about what to work on.

I feel like I shouldn't have to be essentially begging for work if we're that understaffed. *sigh* This has always been one of the issues with a) being in a remote location and b) not being assigned to a middle-manager and my assignments coming from our always-busy group lead. 

preach GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/7/23 4:39 p.m.

Apparently my mortgage got sold within the same umbrella corp but I still had to wade through a ton of E36 M3 to get signed up for the new companies website for e-pay. Zero notice.

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/7/23 7:13 p.m.
preach said:

Apparently my mortgage got sold within the same umbrella corp but I still had to wade through a ton of E36 M3 to get signed up for the new companies website for e-pay. Zero notice.

I absolutely abhor mortgages getting sold. Part of the reason we went with a local credit union- they don't sell their mortgages. 

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/7/23 7:20 p.m.

Got the yearly holiday nagging email today from Mom...we're going to their house for Thanksgiving, and the in-laws for Christmas. In addition to that combined 1700 miles of driving, carting around 2 small children and a small army's worth of support gear, I get to field her incessant questions, requests, and general passive-aggressiveness.  And deal with Mrs. VCH's reactions to it.  And be completely and incurably constipated the whole time we'll be on the road, no matter how much water I drink or how many prunes I eat. 

I keep telling myself to be thankful. Thankful I have a great wife, 2 healthy kids, 4 living parents between us, and a nice new vehicle to drive all those miles in.  I'll mostly be thankful when I wake up in my own bed and take a E36 M3 at the normal time in the morning. 

Cooper_Tired Dork
11/7/23 7:34 p.m.

In reply to eastsideTim :

None were contested in my township 

mtn MegaDork
11/8/23 8:03 a.m.

Adderall was working great at first, then the effects started to wane. Doc said I needed to go up on the dosage. I did. Now it is causing crippling anxiety. Yay. 

I'm really struggling here. I know what to do for work. I know how to do it. I just can't start it, or if I start, I can't sustain my efforts. So I sit, stare at the screen, the anxiety builds, the work builds, I feel guilty for not doing it... This really, really sucks. 


I've told my wife and doctor this. It is being addressed. I have a plan in place if things get really bad. I'm not worried for my long term well being here... just worried about getting E36 M3 done at work, and getting my meds figured out. Cause if I don't I'm gonna find myself unemployed. Holy berkeley does this suck. Just do the work. Why can't I start doing my berkeleying job? 

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/8/23 8:15 a.m.

These 330 am wake ups with no chance of falling back to sleep are getting really berkeleying old. 

Why do they only make garbage memory foam and hybrid mattresses these days? What happened to the good old flippable inner spring?

No Time
No Time UltraDork
11/8/23 8:21 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

Sounds like you have an action plan in place, so hopefully your employer is being supportive.  

My son suffers from adhd and anxiety. He moved to Vyvanse about 3-4 years ago and found it to be more effective with longer lasting benefit than the other extended release meds he had used over the years. 

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/8/23 8:32 a.m.

In reply to mtn :

I hope they can find something that will work better for you. I was initially put on Vyvanse, which helped but the side effects were annoying enough (and at the time, it was pretty expensive) so they switched me over to Concerta which had a slightly different impact (notably, it helped more with my having a difficult time concentrating on a conversation when there was considerable background noise like a TV) and less side effects- with the bonus of being available in a much less expensive generic.

GPz11 (Forum Supporter)
GPz11 (Forum Supporter) HalfDork
11/8/23 8:52 a.m.

We got a new CIO so yippie, it's time for Reorg bingo!

Great, seems I've got 2 bosses now.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/8/23 9:01 a.m.

Didn't fully wash my hands in between cutting jalapenos for salsa and going to the bathroom.

alfadriver MegaDork
11/8/23 9:11 a.m.

Plumbing.  Damn it.

3 times this week.

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/8/23 9:14 a.m.
Beer Baron said:

Didn't fully wash my hands in between cutting jalapenos for salsa and going to the bathroom.

Could be worse.  Coulda been Habaneros, and you could've also rubbed your eyes.  


gixxeropa GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/8/23 9:55 a.m.

Registered for a Formula Ford race in iracing and it wouldn't ever let me join the server, I withdrew after a while but it still counted as a loss. I ended up winning the next race, but the loss basically made it a wash for my irating  >:(

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
11/8/23 10:33 a.m.

In reply to volvoclearinghouse :

You can't win and never will.  Someone will always be mad, bitter, appalled, etc. this time of year.  It's always a lose/lose situation. 

I live close to my in-laws and far from my family.  We're traveling to see my family this year for Thanksgiving for the first time in many years and I can almost guarantee you my in-laws will find a way to be disappointed we're not in town even though they don't really do anything or have any of their family around on Thanksgiving.  

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/8/23 10:55 a.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
Beer Baron said:

Didn't fully wash my hands in between cutting jalapenos for salsa and going to the bathroom.

Could be worse.  Coulda been Habaneros, and you could've also rubbed your eyes.  


I'll see 'rubbing your eyes' and raise you a 'tried taking out my contacts'... it's been nearly 30 years now and I still shudder thinking about that.

wae PowerDork
11/8/23 1:23 p.m.

Who decided that a spicy chicken sammich, some fries, and a sugar drink from Wendy's is worth over $11!?

logdog (Forum Supporter)
logdog (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
11/8/23 1:32 p.m.
RevRico said:

What happened to the good old flippable inner spring?

Original Mattress Factory.  They have 2 locations in Pittsburgh.  Strongly recommended!

eastsideTim UltimaDork
11/8/23 1:37 p.m.
wae said:

Who decided that a spicy chicken sammich, some fries, and a sugar drink from Wendy's is worth over $11!?

Dang, that was more than my evangelical chicken combo today, and I even added a cookie to the order.

Scott_H Reader
11/8/23 1:57 p.m.
Ashyukun (Robert) said:
volvoclearinghouse said:
Beer Baron said:

Didn't fully wash my hands in between cutting jalapenos for salsa and going to the bathroom.

Could be worse.  Coulda been Habaneros, and you could've also rubbed your eyes.  


I'll see 'rubbing your eyes' and raise you a 'tried taking out my contacts'... it's been nearly 30 years now and I still shudder thinking about that.

I have a friend who was doing yard work with his wife one Saturday.  That night they had some fun in bed.  Come to find out she had gotten into some poison oak that day, her hands and arms were all broken out with a rash and itchy when she woke up Sunday.   Same for his hootus.  

Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
11/8/23 2:02 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
Beer Baron said:

Didn't fully wash my hands in between cutting jalapenos for salsa and going to the bathroom.

Could be worse.  Coulda been Habaneros, and you could've also rubbed your eyes.  

Could have been...

I prefer one jalapeno and one habanero, but when I order "curbside pickup" on my groceries... if I order "1" jalapeno, I get 1 jalapeno, but if I order "1" Habanero, I get 1 lb. of habaneros.

gixxeropa GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/8/23 3:35 p.m.

In reply to wae :

this is why i only buy fast food when I can abuse a deal in their app

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