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Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/17/12 8:44 p.m.

At least they didn't bring back the all day and night drum circle, and I'm sure they taught some of those awful 1%ers a lesson making them get their own coffee while their employees were stuck in traffic

I was glad to see we had a new PSA to listen to every 40 minutes or so. "Ladies and gentlemen. A crowded subway is no defense to unlawful sexual conduct. If you believe that you have been the victim of a crime, or witness to a crime, notify an MTA Employee or Police Officer." We've come a long way from "Give a hoot don't polute".

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/19/12 12:42 p.m.

FU VA!!!!

It's bad enough that calling Monday = only being able to accept a call back Wednesday, even though I spent 12 minutes navigating your jungle of automated messages. But when I call the Portland Service Center, which is in Pacific Time, I expect the call-back time provided to be in Pacific Time. Had I known it was your stupid heads calling 3 hours early at the butt-crack-o-dawn, I would have answered the damn phone. Who does that?!?

hotrodlarry HalfDork
9/20/12 11:12 a.m.

It's a 2-lane road with a middle "turn only" lane. What's the problem? if you want to make a left turn, then get in the middle lane. Don't hold up traffic, just pull over. Oh and btw, if you make a left turn onto the road, that middle lane doesn't turn into a travel lane so you can merge later.


JohnInKansas HalfDork
9/21/12 10:01 a.m.

The upcoming fairly-close-to-home rallycross has been changed to the upcoming two-berkeleying-hours-away rallycross. Not pleased.

Also not pleased that convertibles are expressly prohibited from rallycross. I can understand why, but I still don't like it. Was looking forward to slinging the TR4 around in the dirt next month.

HindsFeet HalfDork
9/21/12 10:09 a.m.

It's just a phone people.

Wally GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/22/12 1:20 a.m.

If I was being interveied because I spent 4 days infront of an Apple store I would just tell the reporter I was a honeless to save my family from further embarasment

Kenny_McCormic Reader
9/22/12 3:51 p.m.

Thank you GM, for the steel brakelines with funky hard to see routing, I had no idea that one was about to blow in that area. Driving I-94 with almost no brakes is fun!

Thank you Hunter for building an alignment rack that my Yugo is too short for. I'm pretty sure I have way too much rear camber now.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UberDork
9/22/12 5:02 p.m.
JohnInKansas wrote: The upcoming fairly-close-to-home rallycross has been changed to the upcoming two-berkeleying-hours-away rallycross. Not pleased. Also not pleased that convertibles are expressly prohibited from rallycross. I can understand why, but I still don't like it. Was looking forward to slinging the TR4 around in the dirt next month.

Two hours isn't far at all.

Also, convertibles are allowed with a factory hardtop.

Drewsifer Dork
9/25/12 1:46 p.m.

I berkeleying suck at buying cars and picking mechanics. My Mazda 3 will be going back to the shop for the 3rd time for a problem related to the A/C Compressor. This time it's not aligned and it's causing a squeak. Oh, also it's slowly digesting the belt.

Why can't I ever pick a car that works, will keep working, and not require all my berkeleying money to keep running.

Apexcarver UberDork
9/25/12 2:11 p.m.

They replaced the printers 2 weeks ago. For the sake of those whos cubes are near them, can we stop complaining every time we use them already?

mtn PowerDork
9/25/12 2:12 p.m.

Farking ear buds. None of them ever stay in my ear. Ever.

PHeller SuperDork
9/25/12 2:14 p.m.


You have them.

But all three of you won't respond.

sachilles Dork
9/25/12 2:19 p.m.

Hour and 20 minutes to upgrade my phones on At&t and no iphone requested, no change in plan. Their website is an abomination.

RexSeven SuperDork
9/25/12 9:35 p.m.

Dear Craigslister from Lynn, Lynn, The City of Sin, MA: Stop spamming your ad for your overpriced hunk of scrap you call a "pickup truck!" And to the other CLer's posting trucks for sale:

1) Stop leaving off a price when listing your 2012. It means more useless ads I have to sift through besides the jackwagons who feel one post a day is far too little.

2) ENGINE SIZE. Learn it, POST IT. Even a simple "six-cylinder" or "eight-cylinder" would suffice if you can't read the X.XL script the manufacturer stamped on that mysterious metal lump that goes vroom-vroom. Ringing you up to find out your truck doesn't have the engine I want wastes both of our time.

fritzsch Reader
9/25/12 10:38 p.m.

Too much to do, not enough time.

logdog GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/26/12 5:55 a.m.

Why oh why do I keep waking up with " Tijuana Taxi" by Herb Alpert in my head. Make it stop!

Jay UltraDork
9/26/12 10:18 a.m.

That's okay, I woke up today with GANGNAM STYLE! in my head. And I only listened to it a couple times! See the hotlink thread.

Appleseed PowerDork
9/26/12 1:00 p.m.

Because of a thread here a week or two ago, I had "Two Tickets to Paradise" in my head for six days. SIX berkeleying DAYS. berkeley you Eddie Money!

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
9/26/12 1:04 p.m.
hotrodlarry wrote: Oh and btw, if you make a left turn onto the road, that middle lane doesn't turn into a travel lane so you can merge later. Gaahhhhhhh....

Sorry. That was me. Every single day. Even if I don't need to. Because it is there. Like an all purpose catch all for playing chicken with oncoming cars.

Streetwiseguy SuperDork
9/26/12 5:43 p.m.

A three-fer today.

1 Why, Mr Refrigeration Tech who works for a large company, do you and your compatriots insist upon using the same key until the lock won't turn? After berkeleying with your key for 30 minutes, I phoned your boss, who delivered to me not 1, not 2, but THREE perfectly good keys. All of which worked fine.

2 If you are not familiar with the streets in the industrial part of the city, but you know the business you are looking for is somewhere around here, please pull over and ask someone, instead of drifting from lane to lane, coming to a near stop as you approach each intersection, and generally risking your safety and my sanity.

3 Mr Volvo Designer, is it completely neccesary to put your oxygen sensors in a perfectly accesible position, and then route the wires down to the connectors above and behind the trans, above the rack, behind the framerail, in front of the firewall, near lots of particularly sharp bits? You have been doing it since 92, and its starting to piss me off.

Mike GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/26/12 5:52 p.m.

SPF records: please publish either a correct record or no record. Thanks.

rob_lewis Dork
9/26/12 7:58 p.m.

Rant. Stupid PS3 and Sony updates!!!!

We've got a PS3 with Netflix on it. Don't watch it a lot, but when we do there is ALWAYS a Sony update that takes 30 minutes to do before we can watch anything!!!!!!



Donebrokeit Reader
9/26/12 8:35 p.m.

If you need eye glass please use them ALL OF THE TIME!

My mother is/ maybe was using my car and stopped to put some water in the overflow, added (no E36 M3 on this one) FOUR gallons of water to the "overflow" then the car would not start, I went to see why the car would not start.

The car did start, but something was wrong? Checked the engine oil level and found the "oil" was white !!

ME: Mon where did you put the water in at?

Mon: In that tube on top.

Me: On top of the engine?

Mon: Yes, why?


Yes my mother has eye glasses but will not wear them because "they make me look old" ,really Mon? Might be cheaper than a engine.

As luck has it the gas station has a real shop on site, I will have them change the oil twice tomorrow and see what happens.

So please if you need eye glasses just use the berkeleyers.

Paul B

logdog GRM+ Memberand Reader
9/27/12 2:57 p.m.

At what point did diesel trucks replace ricers as the ride of choice for idiots? Coffee can mufflers have been replaced by stacks and "rollin coal" is the boom boom stereo. Get off my lawn!

Anti-stance SuperDork
9/27/12 4:14 p.m.
sachilles wrote: Hour and 20 minutes to upgrade my phones on At&t and no iphone requested, no change in plan. Their website is an abomination.

AT&T has the worst website and account access EVER DREAMED UP!!!!!

berkeley you AT&T!!!!!

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