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Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/27/16 7:41 p.m.

Oh yeah. PT Cruiser Water Pump is like my dread phrase.

Also, we just got or are in the process of being booked.

Ranger50 UltimaDork
3/27/16 7:49 p.m.

Not a PT, 4dr Stratus instead... but no lift, no air tools... just as bad to waste a solid 8hrs away.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/27/16 8:03 p.m.

I'm not belittling the suckage of 2.4 water pumps in any chassis (WHY did you put it behind the plastic cover? That you made one piece from top to bottom? WHY??) but PT Cruisers are a special level of hell. It is almost impossible to get the engine mount bracket off in-chassis. The easiest time I ever had doing it involved having the cylinder head off first.

Booking has a third or fourth username to scribble all over the forum, I see. When I was adminning a forum, I went for the nuclear option and banned all IPs from Mexico, China, and Russia. That cut spam down by about 95%. We could do that because we were a local forum... probably not GRM friendly.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/27/16 9:00 p.m.

so, this week we had Jolin Tzai at the Borgata. A Chinese Singer who is not half bad (if you like that kind of music) and after half a week of set up, rehersals, and finally two nights of shows that start at 1am and run till 3.30am.. we got to load out her show.

The other departments (audio, AV, and the Carps) are loading out their stuff tomorrow. My boss scheduled us to do it last night.. so not only were we the only ones doing the work, but we had to work around the video wall and decks to get our lights off of the truss..

We were also scheduled for 8pm till out.. standard procedure on a show like this.. except my co-worker (the laziest guy on the crew) decided that he was doing 8 hours and no more and left at 4am. That left me, another full timer, and a few casuals (on-call employees) to get the show out.. we did it in 8 hours exactly!

I go home, crash for 4 hours when my phone beeps waking me up with a text from my lazy co-worker who ditched us last night... "you guys rock!"

Yea, thanks..

Appleseed MegaDork
3/27/16 10:58 p.m.

Prompt reply : Go berkeley yourself.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/28/16 9:09 a.m.

Over the weekend I got an email with coupons from Harbor Freight for their Easter Weekend sale. In addition to some decent deals- including a decent deal on their 3-ton low-profile floor jack for $100 and a 25% off coupon. Since I needed a few small accessory-type things for the welding work I'm going to be doing shortly as well as having had my eye on a better floor jack (I primarily use their 1.5 or 2 ton aluminum non-lo-pro jack, and it struggles at times with things like the Elky or PAU as well as barely getting under the very low DeLorean), I decided to run over there and take advantage of the sale. Pick up everything I wanted and get checked out, but the final total seemed high to me. Drag everything out to the car and check the receipt- and find that the 25% off was taken off the ~$30 air tool I'd gotten and not the obviously more expensive floor jack. So I go back in and ask them about it- and they point out that in the tiny fine print that the coupon expressly doesn't apply to floor jacks. Very sneaky....

Had intended to ride in this morning since the weather was supposed to be decent despite the storms/rain last night- only to get up to find that it's in the low-40s and my cold-weather biking gear that I had washed last night had not dried completely (has to line dry). I figure if I've got to drive in, at least I can stop at the gym on the way home and get a workout in since I've been putting on a bit more weight than I'd like. And I completely can't find my gym shoes. Guess I'm either using a workout DVD at home or playing a crap-ton of DDR when I get home.

Wayslow HalfDork
3/28/16 10:15 a.m.

Dear SWMBO. I realize that the oven drawer is fussy, I realize that it's a poor design and that you have to line it up just so then slowly guide it in. Please understand that I didn't design or build the oven drawer. Getting mad at me will not fix it. Getting mad at the drawer then repeatedly trying to force it closed will also not improve the results.

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
3/28/16 1:11 p.m.

Where is my Duke Nukem movie already!?!

I can't be the only one who wants to see such a thing...

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
3/28/16 1:24 p.m.
Hungary Bill wrote: Where is my Duke Nukem movie already!?! I can't be the only one who wants to see such a thing...

Lawsuit just got settled over the rights to the game, that would be the hold up.

Hungary Bill
Hungary Bill GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
3/28/16 2:52 p.m.

Hot dog! I knew there was something. So you're saying there's hope?

dropstep Dork
3/28/16 3:19 p.m.

Whoever the idiot was who decided a rubber trans pan gasket needed half a tube of rtv, way too make clean up for a new filter and gasket alot more of a pain this morning!

Appleseed MegaDork
3/28/16 11:49 p.m.
Hungary Bill wrote: Hot dog! I knew there was something. So you're saying there's hope?

Hey, I never thought we'd get a Deadpool movie, and look what happened.

Duke MegaDork
3/29/16 7:58 a.m.
Flight Service wrote:
Hungary Bill wrote: Where is my Duke Nukem movie already!?! I can't be the only one who wants to see such a thing...
Lawsuit just got settled over the rights to the game, that would be the hold up.

It's not like it took 20 years to get Duke Nukem Forever done, or anything...

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/29/16 8:56 a.m.

With packages that showed up in the mail yesterday, I had two things to accomplish before SWMBO got home from work: with the plastic clip I'd broken working on it earlier, get the PAU's driver's window working, and with the box of parts that arrived, replace our gas grill's rusty burner tubes and crossover tunnel.

I got into the PAU's window, and while the clip did do what it needed to, I eventually discovered that fixing the window would probably be far easier to do by simply pulling a door from one in a junkyard and swapping it on. One of the plastic and rubber guides within the door is broken off, so once it drops a few inches it doesn't stay in alignment and pops the mounting clip off. The motor also probably needs to be replaced, and while I can hear the control box clicking when I try and use the actual switch (vs. powering the motor directly from a battery) it just doesn't do anything (and the replacement box I pulled from a JY car did the exact same thing). At this point, I'm further down the Berk It scale with this car- the sooner I can pull the engine and get rid of it, the better.

The grill work was more successful in the end, but still quite a challenge. For the first year we had this grill, it sat outside (mostly under a cover, but not always) on the patio of the first place we lived without any covering overhead. As a result- and the fact that it seems to be made of more rust-prone metal than even the DeLorean's frame- a number of parts on it were pretty rusty and in bad shape. Almost every fastener I encountered and had to remove had to be ground off with a cutoff wheel. Realistically I could have used replacing another 4-5 parts, but was able to make due without it since that would have pushed the cost of the repair close to that of simply replacing it outright. MOST frustrating was the fact that I could NOT find my HF rivet gun & rivets (the two rear mounting brackets were originally held on by aluminum rivets). It worked out in the end since I used stainless steel screws instead (pretty much every new fastener I used to put it back together was stainless...), but is still annoying that I cannot find that one tool.

cmcgregor HalfDork
3/29/16 9:15 a.m.

Spent 15 minutes wandering around my basement last night looking for my circular saw instead of using it.

Spent an hour cleaning and organizing instead of working on the project I went down there for.

Oh well.

mtn MegaDork
3/29/16 9:22 a.m.

To the people protesting the rising rent in the neighborhood to the north of mine:
1: It isn't an eviction. Your lease states that either party can opt not to renew. If he is raising rates and you're not willing to pay, and you're also not willing to move, you're an idiot.
2: Middle age Latino's and up, you guys are allowed to protest it since you've lived here your whole lives. 27 year old white dudes with beards and Chuck Taylors with spilled PBR and whatever IPA ya'll are drinking nowadays, you're not. This gentrification is why you live here in the first place. If you didn't want the rent to go up, you shouldn't have moved here.
3: Did you not notice the tax increases that are going into place? I was just doing back-of-napkin calculations, but it is probably going to be about $100 a month per apartment in your average 2-3 flat. So yeah, that bill gets passed on to you. If it didn't, why the hell would anyone be a landlord?

I'm annoyed too--it is likely going to force me out. But if you want to live in an area close to some great public transport and great nightlife, you're going to have to pay. Oh, and that whole thing where we don't hear gunshots every night? Yeah, that is a nice perk as well.

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/29/16 12:30 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

Yeah, because New York instituted rent control for no reason whatsoever.

The fact is there are a lot of landlords who are greedy jackwagons and unless someone stands up to some of them, things will spiral in price until they push everyone out of town or out onto the streets.

Look at the people who work blue collar jobs in Silicone Valley and the fact that many are homeless, even though they work decent (by the rest of the country's standards) wage jobs, there just isn't any affordable places to live in the surrounding areas.

So you have to look at it from the both sides.

BlueInGreen44 Dork
3/29/16 12:32 p.m.

I dropped a 10mm socket in the engine bay and now I can't find it.

mtn MegaDork
3/29/16 12:58 p.m.
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote: In reply to mtn: Yeah, because New York instituted rent control for no reason whatsoever. The fact is there are a lot of landlords who are greedy jackwagons and unless someone stands up to some of them, things will spiral in price until they push everyone out of town or out onto the streets. Look at the people who work blue collar jobs in Silicone Valley and the fact that many are homeless, even though they work decent (by the rest of the country's standards) wage jobs, there just isn't any affordable places to live in the surrounding areas. So you have to look at it from the both sides.

If there wasn't affordable housing around, I would agree with you. But there is, it is just farther out (but still on public transit lines) or in a boring area or under flight paths or in a more crowded area. Anyways, the [local] government is making it difficult to afford to be a landlord--don't put that on the landlord. When I was looking into it, it would only make sense as an owner-occupied building.

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
3/29/16 4:19 p.m.
BlueInGreen44 wrote: I dropped a 10mm socket in the engine bay and now I can't find it.

This is why I buy 10mm sockets in increments of 10pcs.......and I typically have to buy 10 more every few months.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
3/29/16 5:00 p.m.

So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well.

I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.

spitfirebill PowerDork
3/29/16 5:51 p.m.

I wish I could send people to timeout.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/29/16 5:59 p.m.
Flight Service wrote: So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well. I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.

In a place where the Miata is The Answer and the judges would have also accepted Mini or Subaru?

Mike GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/29/16 6:24 p.m.

Damn bidding restrictions are keeping me from buying the surveillance van of my dreams.


T.J. UltimaDork
3/29/16 6:34 p.m.

I had the longest 1 hour flight of my life this morning. Elderly woman in middle seat figured she had to douse her body with a gallon of perfume right before leaving for the airport. Full flight so no where to go. My eyes were watering and my tounge tasted like I had been licking envelopes like George Costanza's fiance. Chemical warfare is what it was. I sat there with my face turned towards the window with my hand over my nose for an hour. It's bad enough when people pass gas, but at least that stink dissapatrs. Mrs. PerPHEWm nearly was the end of me. The sweet clean air in the terminal never seemed so perfect as it did when I escaped the gas chamber. Forget ISIS, this lady is the real threat.

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