1 ... 441 442 443 444 445 ... 2010
wae Dork
3/29/16 6:38 p.m.

I had to use the crank pulley to install the crank sprocket and then remove the crank pulley again. This time, instead of being smart and putting the little cheater bit of metal into the cavity on the bolt for the puller, I put it in the crank. Turns out that after the threads end in the crankshaft it opens up and now I've got a little bolt stuck in there. I hate being a moron.

Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/29/16 6:41 p.m.
Flight Service wrote: So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well. I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.

Yeah, well this place doesn't make much sense and it's basically full of bitter, old men who don't like change or much of anything at times.

RX Reven'
RX Reven' GRM+ Memberand Dork
3/29/16 7:17 p.m.
Flight Service wrote: So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well. I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.

Flight Service,

Your GGA thread got shut down so long ago that double “D” for most of those ladies now means dentures & depends...time to let it go man.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/29/16 7:27 p.m.

In reply to Mike:

It's missing the Flowers By Irene logos.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
3/30/16 6:07 a.m.
RX Reven' wrote:
Flight Service wrote: So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well. I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.
Flight Service, Your GGA thread got shut down so long ago that double “D” for most of those ladies now means dentures & depends...time to let it go man.

It's not the GGA thread I want back, I am fine with that. It is the double standard I have a problem with. FWIW it isn't just here that has the problem.

Another great example is the Gif thread on posting things where people got hurt. We all have an agreement not to post things with death or severe injury, yet we can post things that are designed to kill because they make us go YeeHaw and the person posting hasn't pulled the trigger. We can't say things that are racist but we can use LGBTQ people as a punch line.

Just makes me wonder peoples thought process and the more and more I think about, there isn't one. Or there is one and it revolves around, "Will I get in trouble for this or will it effect me or the narrow scope of people that just I care about? No? Good, subjugate away!"

KyAllroad UltraDork
3/30/16 7:34 a.m.
Flight Service wrote:
RX Reven' wrote:
Flight Service wrote: So apparently anti-LGBTQ jokes are cool on here as well. I get it now. Nudity is bad. That's it.
Flight Service, Your GGA thread got shut down so long ago that double “D” for most of those ladies now means dentures & depends...time to let it go man.
It's not the GGA thread I want back, I am fine with that. It is the double standard I have a problem with. FWIW it isn't just here that has the problem. Another great example is the Gif thread on posting things where people got hurt. We all have an agreement not to post things with death or severe injury, yet we can post things that are designed to kill because they make us go YeeHaw and the person posting hasn't pulled the trigger. We can't say things that are racist but we can use LGBTQ people as a punch line. Just makes me wonder peoples thought process and the more and more I think about, there isn't one. Or there is one and it revolves around, "Will I get in trouble for this or will it effect me or the narrow scope of people that just I care about? No? Good, subjugate away!"

I guess that was my comment about the Forester. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, it seemed amusing at the time and in my weak defense, a few year ago I knew three "out" women and all three drove Foresters.

Hell, I drive a Miata, went to nursing school and was a college cheerleader. I understand stereotypes and my comment was not meant in any sort of mean spirit.

But those are simply excuses. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I'll be more thoughtful in the future.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/30/16 7:39 a.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

So, when you see someone posting things that are offensive due to gender or sexuality, call them out on their bullE36 M3. Use it as an opportunity to educate people and change their minds on these topics, rather than enforcing it through censorship.

This is different from nudity or GGA type pictures, because those are about not getting members in trouble at work or home. The boss or kids can walk by and instantly see a picture of a woman with tatas on display. You have to actually stop and take the time to read to notice disparaging comments about a social group.

Even though I find nudity and sexuality to be positive things, and language that insults or demeans social groups to be negative, I understand why one is censored on this board and the other may not be. I think it is positive to have the opportunity to change people's views social issues. You can not address someone's negative viewpoint if you do not first let them air it, even if you wish it did not exist in the first place.

Appleseed MegaDork
3/30/16 8:06 a.m.

My aunt Trish is a butch lesbian. She drives a Subaru. It's a Forrester. She knows the jokes and you know what? She doesn't give two E36 M3s. She's got more important things to worry about.

Why aren't you protesting black comedians for making white people jokes?

I've posted pictures and gifs of warplanes, often armed. Those planes are designed to kill. Protest, anyone?

You sound like one of those dude's who bitched about the Smithsonian displaying the Enola Gay because of what it did, rather than allow it to be displayed, and letting the person judge it themselves.

Welcome to butt-hurt nation.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/30/16 8:15 a.m.

In reply to KyAllroad, Appleseed:

So because you know someone that you are making jokes about, and maybe they don't find it offensive- that means it's ok to make fun of other people??? I don't get that logic.

You may call it PC or not. Sometimes it's just not being an shiny happy person.

I'm sure making fun of individual friends is probably ok with them. But extending that to a whole group of people is a stretch. I know my wife would not have a problem with me making fun of her minority, but I also know that she would not be ok with someone she does not know doing the same thing.

Yes, the political correct atmosphere can get a little overwhelming. But don't let that stop you from being an shiny happy person. Is it so hard to be kind to people you don't even know?

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/30/16 8:30 a.m.

I sprained my ankle roller skating... again. Rolled it pushing too hard to quickly into my day when trying to carve a bowl at the skate parl.

So now who knows how long I'm going to be down from being able to do the athletic things that are my primary stress relief. Fortunately it's not as bad as last time I sprained it.

spitfirebill PowerDork
3/30/16 8:31 a.m.

So do I need to go and delete my "what rifle" thread? Geeze.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/30/16 8:36 a.m.

In reply to Beer Baron:

Roller blades.

But I feel for you- I got "injured" somehow- where my upper ankle was swollen. So I could not run.

Now that I'm back- I feel like a big tub of goo. Everything moves, I'm slow, and can't breathe.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
3/30/16 8:50 a.m.

Whoa - Just checking this is the minor rant thread...I had a minor rant. I minor ranted, more about peoples' double standards using specific examples. Could have picked something else. That is all.

No need for a major kerfuffle.

As I am sure some of you notice I spend alot of time here. I respect most peoples' opinion on here and there is a wealth of knowledge I hope and try to contribute to.

I like it here, when I don't like it anymore, I won't be here.

spitfirebill wrote: So do I need to go and delete my "what rifle" thread? Geeze.

Not my call, but thanks for making it a separate thread and not dropping it in the general hotlink one.

Now for something truly offensive.

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/30/16 9:05 a.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

Here's a novel concept: if you don't wish to participate in a particular topic of conversation, please just ignore it. Simple as that, you don't have to get yourself all hot and bothered over it and everyone else who does wish to participate is able to. Everyone wins.

Also, if you're going to insist on bitching about a contentious topic and insisting on a weekly basis that we censor any discussion thereof, don't get surprised when your posts generate responses to the contrary. You're well aware of the reaction your posts are going to generate.

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/30/16 9:07 a.m.

In reply to Flight Service:

And yes, a Murano convertible is something we can ALL agree is truly offensive

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/30/16 9:13 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: Roller blades. But I feel for you- I got "injured" somehow- where my upper ankle was swollen. So I could not run. Now that I'm back- I feel like a big tub of goo. Everything moves, I'm slow, and can't breathe.

You're not the first person to suggest that. I just stupidly like to be contrary and eccentric. I am also most partial to the flow of carving bowls and snake runs. Quads provide a nice flow that it seems like people don't get the same way on inlines. I really like skating side stance (toes out 180*). You can't do that on inlines.

I have considered just revising my setup and going to an ice skate boot (either hockey or artistic) rather than a derby boot.

Also, I'm over 30 and can't skip my warm ups or try to do too much too soon. The real reason I hurt myself was because I didn't warm up, feel out the lines, and build progressively to tougher moves. There was a big pack of BMX riders, and it was a long wait between runs, so I let that pressure me into feeling like I needed to bust out my fancier moves earlier than my better judgment.

etifosi Dork
3/30/16 9:19 a.m.
Mike wrote: Damn bidding restrictions are keeping me from buying the surveillance van of my dreams. http://auctionsbygov.com/General/AuctionDetail/AuctionID/9355


Furious_E GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/30/16 9:24 a.m.
Mike wrote: Damn bidding restrictions are keeping me from buying the surveillance van of my dreams. http://auctionsbygov.com/General/AuctionDetail/AuctionID/9355

The real question is why you have a 'surveillance van of your dreams'

etifosi Dork
3/30/16 9:31 a.m.
Furious_E wrote:
Mike wrote: Damn bidding restrictions are keeping me from buying the surveillance van of my dreams. http://auctionsbygov.com/General/AuctionDetail/AuctionID/9355
The real question is why you have a 'surveillance van of your dreams'

My guess=opening new business!

Robbie GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 9:35 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to KyAllroad, Appleseed: So because you know someone that you are making jokes about, and maybe they don't find it offensive- that means it's ok to make fun of other people??? I don't get that logic. You may call it PC or not. Sometimes it's just not being an shiny happy person. I'm sure making fun of individual friends is probably ok with them. But extending that to a whole group of people is a stretch. I know my wife would not have a problem with me making fun of her minority, but I also know that she would not be ok with someone she does not know doing the same thing. Yes, the political correct atmosphere can get a little overwhelming. But don't let that stop you from being an shiny happy person. Is it so hard to be kind to people you don't even know?

This 100%. And I'm about to make my feminist wife proud so watch out:

Also, just want to point out that what Flight Service is calling out is actually one manifestation of what people who study these kinds of things would call 'systematic' racism/sexism/oppression.

Notice that people who are probably not racist/sexist are jumping in to defend the joke in some manner. They are not the problem, but they are led to believe the problem isn't actually a problem. That leads to double standards - this is a problem but that isnt. It is hard to pinpoint where this comes from, other than just saying "society is such that this is ok". Group norms are incredibly powerful and hard to change.

Can a lesbian drive a forester (that's the car that took FTD at the last rallyx I attended) because she likes rallyx now? Or if she drives it will the first thought always be something else - even among her friends? Will there be at least a little pressure to change her decision of what car to drive because she doesn't want to be the stereotype? Of course she CAN overcome any of these things, but its harder for her, its not a level playing field anymore.

Anyway, I won't hem and haw too long. But I do want to say thank you to Flight Service for calling it out. I'm pretty sure we all (on this board) are consciously striving to get better at something each day, and Flight Service helped me do that today. +1.

Brokeback Reader
3/30/16 9:37 a.m.
Furious_E wrote: In reply to Flight Service: And yes, a Murano convertible is something we can ALL agree is truly offensive

As a member of the MACA (Murano Appreciation Club of America) I am offended by this comment and demand all anti-Murano comments be deleted at once

revrico GRM+ Memberand Reader
3/30/16 9:42 a.m.

I really thought this place would be a haven away from all that pc crap, positive or negative. Why does everyone have to get so worked up about words? There is real E36 M3 to be concerning yourself with.

How about the majority of states holding electoral college votes can vote for whoever the berkeley they want regardless of what citizens say? How about bulk collection of our digital lives? Or our latest military problem, cia and Pentagon agents fighting each other in the middle east?

How about how carb approved parts cost twice as much? Or that driver training is such a joke? Why aren't there cell phone jammers in cars? There's a huge safety benefit right there.

Getting worked up over words, particularly when the group's in question have no problems with them, but you(the general no one specific) have a problem with it because they don't is just asinine.

Beliefs, ideas, and thoughts are what make us individuals. Don't agree, don't participate. Don't want to allow individuality or expression of individual ideas? Get berkeleyed, regardless of homeland, everyone can express themselves on the internet, it's a big reason of why it exists. That and porn.

I know I'm new here, and it looks like I've missed a bunch of drama, but for berkeley sake this is a car forum. Cars, guns, beer, and women go together in the most classical sense, from shine runners to low riders, to green veggie people, it's part of culture, for the good and bad of it. Despite what our textbook writers may think, you can't change history, and you can't change people. If they want to change, they will, but forcing people to change is beyond morally wrong, particularly forcing them to extreme measures beyond anything they've experienced elsewhere in life.

I for one, do not ever want to hear about go God go government we need to be controlled and get 100mpg and the government should take care of all of us. But I will let you speak your piece no matter how berkeleyed I think it is, because it's whatever you happen to believe. Show me the same courtesy, or kindly berkeley yourself is all I ask in return.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/30/16 9:47 a.m.

In reply to Beer Baron:

I know you know this- it gets worse. I'm closing on 50. I honestly have NO idea why my ankle got swollen. It didn't even hurt. But it looked like someone with a heart/kidney condition in one localized area.

Now the running recovery, holy cow. My rant is how little it takes to get out of shape quite badly. Take 2-3 weeks off, and you are looking at a 2-3 month job to get back to where you were. And that's pre-injury. I'm still a LONG LONG way from where I was at my best.

Last night, I did some interval runs- where you "sprint" 1/4 mile, rest 1/2 mile and repeat. My "sprints" were close to my crusing speed back in 2010. I did a 1/2 marathon running at an 8:51 pace. That now is almost a dead sprint based on my effort. The speed I used to be able to run for 2 hours over varied terrain, I can barely do for 2 min now, flat surface.

What happened? (besides being a tub of goo, that is. 13lb does slow one down)

Robbie GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 9:50 a.m.
revrico wrote: I really thought this place would be a haven away from all that pc crap, positive or negative. Why does everyone have to get so worked up about words? There is real E36 M3 to be concerning yourself with. How about the majority of states holding electoral college votes can vote for whoever the berkeley they want regardless of what citizens say? How about bulk collection of our digital lives? Or our latest military problem, cia and Pentagon agents fighting each other in the middle east? How about how carb approved parts cost twice as much? Or that driver training is such a joke? Why aren't there cell phone jammers in cars? There's a huge safety benefit right there. Getting worked up over words, particularly when the group's in question have no problems with them, but you(the general no one specific) have a problem with it because they don't is just asinine. Beliefs, ideas, and thoughts are what make us individuals. Don't agree, don't participate. Don't want to allow individuality or expression of individual ideas? Get berkeleyed, regardless of homeland, everyone can express themselves on the internet, it's a big reason of why it exists. That and porn. I know I'm new here, and it looks like I've missed a bunch of drama, but for berkeley sake this is a car forum. Cars, guns, beer, and women go together in the most classical sense, from shine runners to low riders, to green veggie people, it's part of culture, for the good and bad of it. Despite what our textbook writers may think, you can't change history, and you can't change people. If they want to change, they will, but forcing people to change is beyond morally wrong, particularly forcing them to extreme measures beyond anything they've experienced elsewhere in life. I for one, do not ever want to hear about go God go government we need to be controlled and get 100mpg and the government should take care of all of us. But I will let you speak your piece no matter how berkeleyed I think it is, because it's whatever you happen to believe. Show me the same courtesy, or kindly berkeley yourself is all I ask in return.

Here I go poking the bear:

  1. So if I disagree with cell phone jammers in cars I should just not own one? but I should butt out if my neighbor wants the CIA to fight the pentagon overseas?
  2. You said in your post that we should all shut up about this, then you go on to say you will let us speak our piece no matter how Berkeleyed it is.
  3. Don't worry yourself about any of this, it is all just words. Why are you getting so worked up about words?

Aaaaaand I'm out.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/30/16 9:54 a.m.
revrico wrote: I really thought this place would be a haven away from all that pc crap, positive or negative. Why does everyone have to get so worked up about words? There is real E36 M3 to be concerning yourself with.

Because people do?

I bet you don't think the question "where are you from" is a bad one. But it is. It tells the person being asked that they are not part of your tribe, aka not equal to them. I'm 100% that's not the intention of the question, but I am 100% that is a very common way that it's being taken.

Empathy goes a long way.

Empathy can make you understand WHY people like Trump or Clinton (or Cruiz or Sanders). That empathy can go a long way in fixing all of the rest of the things you post.

It can help you understand WHY CARB rules are what they are, and why they are so stringent. They can help you understand WHY people think we need such strict CO2 rules. They can help you understand why guns are such a big issue on one side AND the other.

It will tell you WHY people want control, and how you can prevent that control.

All of the issues you bring up are argued IN words. Words do matter. Just as feelings do, and perceptions of feelings.

1 ... 441 442 443 444 445 ... 2010

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