1 ... 442 443 444 445 446 ... 2010
Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
3/30/16 10:11 a.m.
Furious_E wrote: In reply to Flight Service: Here's a novel concept: if you don't wish to participate in a particular topic of conversation, please just ignore it. Simple as that, you don't have to get yourself all hot and bothered over it and everyone else who does wish to participate is able to. Everyone wins. Also, if you're going to insist on bitching about a contentious topic and insisting on a weekly basis that we censor any discussion thereof, don't get surprised when your posts generate responses to the contrary. You're well aware of the reaction your posts are going to generate.

I don't mind the topic of conversation, I just don't want people taking it to extremes. Kind of like saying kill spiders, that doesn't mean eradicate them from the planet. It's like the what gun thread. I don't go into it and I am glad it wasn't posted in the hot link thread. I would say I am a statistically significant portion of that thread. This isn't me going into the gun thread and saying "guns are bad, ban all the guns", this is me saying, "Titties are bad, but picking on gays and talking about guns that have no place other than killing people are ok? WTF?" (we aren't talking about the Browning BAR, Mosin Nagant or a Remington 770 [yes I am well aware of the BAR and MN original intent but they make fine hunting rifles as well.] That isn't what is being posted.)

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
3/30/16 10:33 a.m.
Furious_E wrote: In reply to Flight Service: Here's a novel concept: if you don't wish to participate in a particular topic of conversation, please just ignore it. Simple as that, you don't have to get yourself all hot and bothered over it and everyone else who does wish to participate is able to. Everyone wins. Also, if you're going to insist on bitching about a contentious topic and insisting on a weekly basis that we censor any discussion thereof, don't get surprised when your posts generate responses to the contrary. You're well aware of the reaction your posts are going to generate.

At least he finally started posting his rants about them only in the rant thread, which is completely acceptable in my book. It's a vast improvement over what used to be done with his inflammatory posts posted in otherwise completely well mannered and informative discussions before that point.

etifosi Dork
3/30/16 10:33 a.m.
Flight Service wrote:
Furious_E wrote: In reply to Flight Service: Here's a novel concept: if you don't wish to participate in a particular topic of conversation, please just ignore it. Simple as that, you don't have to get yourself all hot and bothered over it and everyone else who does wish to participate is able to. Everyone wins. Also, if you're going to insist on bitching about a contentious topic and insisting on a weekly basis that we censor any discussion thereof, don't get surprised when your posts generate responses to the contrary. You're well aware of the reaction your posts are going to generate.
I don't mind the topic of conversation, I just don't want people taking it to extremes. Kind of like saying kill spiders, that doesn't mean eradicate them from the planet. It's like the what gun thread. I don't go into it and I am glad it wasn't posted in the hot link thread. I would say I am a statistically significant portion of that thread. This isn't me going into the gun thread and saying "guns are bad, ban all the guns", this is me saying, "Titties are bad, but picking on gays and talking about guns that have no place other than killing people are ok? WTF?" (we aren't talking about the Browning BAR, Mosin Nagant or a Remington 770 [yes I am well aware of the BAR and MN original intent but they make fine hunting rifles as well.] That isn't what is being posted.)

I accidentally posted that fake Subaru ad in the Hotlinks thread instead of the thread asking about info on Foresters, as it seemed a fitting way to pass on the entirety of my Subaru Forester knowledge.

Rant: I am apparently so calloused and insensitive that I perceived a vile, hate-filled, disgusting piece of anti-gay propaganda as being funny.

Appleseed MegaDork
3/30/16 10:46 a.m.

How do you know I'm not gay? You've never seen me post anything on which way I sway. I certainly never posted ANYTHING in that GGA thread. Assumptions about my self and my integrity have been made. Most are so far from the truth it's beyond my comprehension. Go berkeley yourselves, you hippocrites.

Robbie GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 10:51 a.m.
etifosi wrote: Rant: I am apparently so calloused and insensitive that I perceived a vile, hate-filled, disgusting piece of anti-gay propaganda as being funny.

I'm sorry if my posts have made you feel that way - not my intention. I do not believe you are calloused or insensitive.

My post was more to point out the fact that these effects are REAL. That it would be possible for me to be negatively affected (however slightly) by a joke like that, and yet, the group norms of our current society say it is for the most part ok to make or laugh at the joke. I have done/said/laughed at/acted out many things that were perpetuating a damaging group norm in the past and I'm sure I will do again in the future. I was just trying to help us all be aware of what is happening, rather than keeping our heads in the sand.

Robbie GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 10:57 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: How do you know I'm not gay? You've never seen me post anything on which way I sway. I certainly never posted ANYTHING in that GGA thread. Assumptions about my self and my integrity have been made. Most are so far from the truth it's beyond my comprehension. Go berkeley yourselves, you hippocrites.

Does it matter if you are gay or not? (honest - not trying to be inflammatory)

I am sorry if I have made assumptions about you or your integrity. I know I did assume that you were probably not racist or sexist, I also assumed you would not have a problem with me making that assumption. If that is the issue, or if there are other assumptions I made I was unaware and I would like to apologize.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/30/16 11:03 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: I know you know this- it gets worse. I'm closing on 50. I honestly have NO idea why my ankle got swollen. It didn't even hurt. But it looked like someone with a heart/kidney condition in one localized area.

Yeah. I know it's not going to get any easier. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop myself from doing aggressive/extreme hobbies. Just means I need to be a bit more methodical and careful as far as how I do them.

I was having this conversation with someone the other day:
teens - you are rubbermade
20's - you can do all the stupid things you want and not feel it.
30's - you can do all the stupid things you used to, but you will pay for it the next day.
40's - you can't do all the stupid things. When you do something even halfway stupid, you'll really feel it.
50's - you don't even need to do stupid stuff anymore. You feel all the stupid things you did back when you were younger.

Nick (LUCAS) Comstock
Nick (LUCAS) Comstock UltimaDork
3/30/16 11:04 a.m.

I'm sorry I clicked on this thread this morning.

My rant, my wife's car has been hit while parked twice in three months, hit hard too. berkeley people that don't respect other peoples property.

Appleseed MegaDork
3/30/16 11:18 a.m.

I think I'm so bent out of shape is the hippocrosey.

We've posted pictures of bro-dozer pickups, driven by "tiny dicked men." Numerous threads as well.

No one stuck up for the Bros saying that that was sexist to call someone that.

Because we don't like bros.

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
3/30/16 11:37 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: I think I'm so bent out of shape is the hippocrosey. We've posted pictures of bro-dozer pickups, driven by "tiny dicked men." Numerous threads as well. No one stuck up for the Bros saying that that was sexist to call someone that. Because we don't like bros.

I don't like anybody, so everybody is fair game.

My stance is that everyone freely admits that offensive humor is typically the most amusing humor, so embrace the humor, laugh a little, even if it is directed at yourself. You'll live a much happier life than if you let it bother you.

Robbie GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 11:37 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: I think I'm so bent out of shape is the hippocrosey. We've posted pictures of bro-dozer pickups, driven by "tiny dicked men." Numerous threads as well. No one stuck up for the Bros saying that that was sexist to call someone that. Because we don't like bros.

Well, call 'em out. I'll do it with you. You've definitely highlighted another group norm that is heavily perpetuated on this board.

To be fair, many posts (and, ahem, columns) have been written about appreciating other forms of the car hobby even if its not ours, so I would guess that more people are individually slightly uncomfortable about the brodozer slamming than you think.

KyAllroad UltraDork
3/30/16 11:46 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
alfadriver wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: I know you know this- it gets worse. I'm closing on 50. I honestly have NO idea why my ankle got swollen. It didn't even hurt. But it looked like someone with a heart/kidney condition in one localized area.
Yeah. I know it's not going to get any easier. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop myself from doing aggressive/extreme hobbies. Just means I need to be a bit more methodical and careful as far as how I do them. I was having this conversation with someone the other day: teens - you are rubbermade 20's - you can do all the stupid things you want and not feel it. 30's - you can do all the stupid things you used to, but you will pay for it the next day. 40's - you can't do all the stupid things. When you do something even halfway stupid, you'll really feel it. 50's - you don't even need to do stupid stuff anymore. You feel all the stupid things you did back when you were younger.

Speaking as someone who did really stupid stuff in his teens and 20's and is now in his 40's. Yup, this is all truth. Just getting out of bed some mornings hurts.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/30/16 11:54 a.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
Beer Baron wrote:
alfadriver wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: I know you know this- it gets worse. I'm closing on 50. I honestly have NO idea why my ankle got swollen. It didn't even hurt. But it looked like someone with a heart/kidney condition in one localized area.
Yeah. I know it's not going to get any easier. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop myself from doing aggressive/extreme hobbies. Just means I need to be a bit more methodical and careful as far as how I do them. I was having this conversation with someone the other day: teens - you are rubbermade 20's - you can do all the stupid things you want and not feel it. 30's - you can do all the stupid things you used to, but you will pay for it the next day. 40's - you can't do all the stupid things. When you do something even halfway stupid, you'll really feel it. 50's - you don't even need to do stupid stuff anymore. You feel all the stupid things you did back when you were younger.
Speaking as someone who did really stupid stuff in his teens and 20's and is now in his 40's. Yup, this is all truth. Just getting out of bed some mornings hurts.

At some point, the penguin walk goes from one or two steps of stiffness to all the time. Ugh.

I'm up to half the room after a run.

Not going to stop, me, too. I fully admit feeling my best when I was able to "race" a half marathon.

But the aches and pains are minor rant worthy, that's for sure.

oldopelguy UltraDork
3/30/16 12:01 p.m.

Clearly I am an idiot with bad credit. I did not know it before, but my friends here at GRM have set me straight.

Duke MegaDork
3/30/16 12:14 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed:


My daughter is bisexual, she's living with a mixed-race man from a single-parent home, and her best friend is transgendered. I have welcomed all of them into my gun-free home.

Does that give me enough credibility to forgive my numerous regressive micro-aggressions and violations of safe space?

WOW Really Paul?
WOW Really Paul? MegaDork
3/30/16 12:47 p.m.

In reply to Duke:

IDK, but you probably need to start marketing that towards broadcasting corporations as a new sitcom...

etifosi Dork
3/30/16 12:50 p.m.
WOW Really Paul? wrote: In reply to Duke: IDK, but you probably need to start marketing that towards broadcasting corporations as a new sitcom...

...brought to you by......Subaru Forester!

paranoid_android74 Dork
3/30/16 12:57 p.m.
alfadriver wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
Beer Baron wrote:
alfadriver wrote: In reply to Beer Baron: I know you know this- it gets worse. I'm closing on 50. I honestly have NO idea why my ankle got swollen. It didn't even hurt. But it looked like someone with a heart/kidney condition in one localized area.
Yeah. I know it's not going to get any easier. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop myself from doing aggressive/extreme hobbies. Just means I need to be a bit more methodical and careful as far as how I do them. I was having this conversation with someone the other day: teens - you are rubbermade 20's - you can do all the stupid things you want and not feel it. 30's - you can do all the stupid things you used to, but you will pay for it the next day. 40's - you can't do all the stupid things. When you do something even halfway stupid, you'll really feel it. 50's - you don't even need to do stupid stuff anymore. You feel all the stupid things you did back when you were younger.
Speaking as someone who did really stupid stuff in his teens and 20's and is now in his 40's. Yup, this is all truth. Just getting out of bed some mornings hurts.
At some point, the penguin walk goes from one or two steps of stiffness to all the time. Ugh. I'm up to half the room after a run. Not going to stop, me, too. I fully admit feeling my best when I was able to "race" a half marathon. But the aches and pains are minor rant worthy, that's for sure.

This does not give me much hope. I used to be a runner, just recently started walking regularly. If I slow down too much around the house now my body makes me pay for it!

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/30/16 1:39 p.m.
Flight Service wrote:
Furious_E wrote: In reply to Flight Service: Here's a novel concept: if you don't wish to participate in a particular topic of conversation, please just ignore it. Simple as that, you don't have to get yourself all hot and bothered over it and everyone else who does wish to participate is able to. Everyone wins. Also, if you're going to insist on bitching about a contentious topic and insisting on a weekly basis that we censor any discussion thereof, don't get surprised when your posts generate responses to the contrary. You're well aware of the reaction your posts are going to generate.
I don't mind the topic of conversation, I just don't want people taking it to extremes. Kind of like saying kill spiders, that doesn't mean eradicate them from the planet. It's like the what gun thread. I don't go into it and I am glad it wasn't posted in the hot link thread. I would say I am a statistically significant portion of that thread. This isn't me going into the gun thread and saying "guns are bad, ban all the guns", this is me saying, "Titties are bad, but picking on gays and talking about guns that have no place other than killing people are ok? WTF?" (we aren't talking about the Browning BAR, Mosin Nagant or a Remington 770 [yes I am well aware of the BAR and MN original intent but they make fine hunting rifles as well.] That isn't what is being posted.)

Well thank you for not derailing the "what gun" and "what rifle" threads. That has become a HUGE wealth of knowledge and a tremendous help to me (I'm the OP of the "what gun" thread.) And I do understand where you're coming from, for the most part, with the titties/guns/gays ect. Don't agree with you 100%, but I understand your stance.

However, I do have a couple of notable points of contention. For one, "taking it to extremes" is an entirely subjective statement. Whose 'extremes' are we talking about here and who gets to define that? Whoever bitches the loudest about it? I don't really follow the hotlink thread so I can't speak to the specific content thereof, but from what I gather your issue is with guns built with the sole/primary intent to take human lives. So I'm assuming machine guns, 'assault rifles', ect? Well, what about pistols? A pistol has little to no utility when it comes to hunting and I'm sure they are responsible for a far greater number of gun deaths annually than anything else.

Second, I take exception to you trying to claim some sort of ownership right over that thread ("I would say I am a statistically significant portion of that thread.") and that that somehow gives you the right to dictate the content of the thread. I'll put it to you like this: I frequently make a trip to Walmart on Saturday or Sunday afternoon for groceries. On those trips, I frequently see 300+ lb women stuffed into yoga pants so tight I can clearly see the entirety of their asses and size 97 g-strings through the sparse threads, stretched so thin they're barely clinging on for dear life, of said yoga pants. Do I enjoy that? No. Do I find it offensive? Yes. But I'm not going to start a campaign to ban fat girls in yoga pants from Walmart. Its a business open to the public, they have as much right to be there as I do until the owner says otherwise. I still go there knowing I'm likely to see this, and when I do I simply ignore it and move on with my day. You can do your best to avoid scenarios that you know will upset you, but you can't always control your surroundings.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
3/30/16 1:45 p.m.

In reply to Flight Service: Since you seem to be unhappy with many things forum-related, I would like to suggest that you start a new thread so that if others don't want to read about it they can choose not to open that thread. Kthanks.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/30/16 1:45 p.m.

You can't be overly surprised that someone who was screwed out of a piece of overtime they were due isn't willing to stay on their own time and train the person it was given to.

Apexcarver PowerDork
3/30/16 2:11 p.m.

Dear Grassroots Forum,
I should have expected the effect that purchasing a Miata would have on me. When I test drove it, the radio came on with the B52's "Love Shack" and one of my best friends was in the passenger seat... Then I gave my wife a Subaru and my friend bought a Miata too...

All true and only funny when viewed through the lens of preconception of automotive bias.

Appleseed MegaDork
3/30/16 2:29 p.m.

Man, I never get this worked up over the forum. Maybe my blood sugar was out of wack. I usually leave the caustic threads and/or posts alone.

My attitude still atands, but I used words that are totally out of character, and for that I do apologize.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/30/16 2:48 p.m.

SWMBO and I have to get our taxes done this afternoon right after work- so I had to drive to work (would have preferred riding my bike since it's nice out, but would have been harder to coordinate her picking me up). Got to work- and realized that I'd left my work badge lanyard, which is 100% necessary to do my job, at home in my bike's bags where it usually lives. So I had to go home, get it, and drive back again and get to work about half an hour later than I'd wanted.

I had started up a rant about the husband of one of SWMBO's friends who took his wife getting pregnant as open season to cheat as much as possible, but trying to type much about it was just getting me too pissed off.

Duke MegaDork
3/30/16 3:13 p.m.
Ashyukun wrote: I had started up a rant about the husband of one of SWMBO's friends who took his wife getting pregnant as open season to cheat as much as possible, but trying to type much about it was just getting me too pissed off.

Some people are just natural-born douchebags.

1 ... 442 443 444 445 446 ... 2010

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