8/21/24 6:48 a.m.
I think I found the right sources to be able to write the research paper proposal for my HIS291 class. I really wanted to research and write about the effects of prohibition on the economic landscape of Cincinnati but I was struggling to find a good starting point. But sitting here in bed this morning, I tried a little different search term which led to a link that took me to a website that referenced a ten year old newspaper article that mentioned an author and I now have a bibliography to work from!
Intro course for the MBA program I started has 15 modules of various business topics. Each module has a pretest, which allows you to skip the module content if you get a 75 or higher. First module was on marketing and I got a 75%. This is going to be easy!
2nd module was on business law...55%. Did the module and post test, 90%.
So far I've managed to keep myself from posting in the jeep dumpster fire. I consider that a win.
In reply to dculberson :
It's not a dumpster fire. It's a tub swap, moron.
In reply to dculberson :
you're a better man than I. I got involved, got emotional, and escalated things further. Ragrets...
I was not expecting it, because I had kind of rough FY24 at work. But still got a raise and small chunk of RSU's. It's noticeably smaller than equity distributions I've received in the past, but it's better than a sharp stick in the eye.
I get the feeling my boss knew part of the reason I was lacking a bit of motivation was not being recognized for past accomplishments...........monetarily.
For the first time since I graduated with my mechanical engineering degree, I'm getting to do mechanical engineering work. I previously found myself doing automation/controls work, which was fine, but getting to do some design has reminded why I chose to study MechE in the first place
Whilst taking the Spitfire for a romp this morning..... I was on my way back pulling a long hill and dropped out of OD to 4th and after a few seconds the exhaust note kind of squeaked and got ragged sounding. WTF? Did the packing blow out of the glass pack? After I slowed it was apparent that it was a dead miss.
All of the plugs looked fine. A fuzz lean, but I'm not worried about that right now. Spun it over with the valve cover off- all good. Then I got SWMBO to spin it over while I put my finger over each spark plug hole. #2 very little compression. Ok. I'll back it out and put it in it's spot and pull the head soon. When I cranked it up it sounded fine. Took the little E36 M3 down the road and back. All good! Just being a Triumph, I guess.
Buona Italian beef on hard rolls for dinner.
Covered a lot of ground yesterday!

Had to deal with headwinds-- hope I get some of that back on the way home.
Today was the day. I signed, and picked up keys, and laid down in a house with my name on the deed.

In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
berkeley yeah you did! Congratulations, my friend!
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
I did. I laid down on bare linoleum. But you should have seen what they wanted for tile. Also I HATE tile. We'll do some laminate offering at some point.
But now I have my own 2-port, I have reason to finally buy a half decent floor jack. And stands, I suppose. Lost mine in NM a few years back.
In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment.
8/30/24 2:05 p.m.
In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
Congrats! It's well-deserved!
This poor old wreck hardly ever gets driven. I think the last time I drove it was in January. Last night I threw the battery on the charger and it actually took a charge. Today I put it together and added a splash of fuel and it fired up just like it had been driven yesterday. It's just a happy old machine.

1. The endangered American Grandpa Truck in its natural habitat, the lumber yard
In reply to DarkMonohue :
The last time I saw a J20 pickup that rust free was at the dealership i worked at in 1981.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
In the eleven years I've owned this, I haven't seen many others at all, in any shape whatsoever. Despite all the rain we get, this one only has a tiny bit of bubbling trapped under the rear window gasket. We don't salt the roads here.
This one has 87K miles. I'm just trying not to make it worse.
Consult with the cardiologist following the issues I've been having.
I am cleared to go back to exercising again. Need to be a bit careful, and we're going to do some more tests to be sure of everything.
Minor rant: insurance denied the test my dr. ordered because he ordered the (sorta) wrong test. He ordered the extra intensive and costly version instead of the simpler one that's 98% as good for like 1/4 of the price.
Put a radiator in the Cadillac today, it went smooth, got to do it with NYN Jr. so that made it fun, took longer but fun.

Final run was the fastest afternoon PR run by a lot!!
I still can't believe I got this Miata for what I paid for it. The frame rails are perfect, Southern car-zero rust, the under tray is even still on it. Window sticker says LS model with torsen.
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
Here's a pic less than 60 seconds old. I'm sitting right across from it. No build thread as I'm going to leave this one un-violated 

2000 LS (I'm going to do something about the 3 holes on each side where the tupperware was.)
TIL that you can still get parts for old Dremels! I think my dad got me this one when I was in college or something. The switch failed a few weeks ago while hacking out the exhaust on the Acura.
I took it apart yesterday, did a quick search, and found a replacement on Amazon, ordered a new set of brushes while I was there, and it arrived at my door at 0530 today!!

Great success!