well, on one hand that would be a scary ride, on the other hand its a great way to save on gas... of course the money saved on gas would be spent on tires, some body damage and drycleaning for underwear
Having handled commercial truck wrecks in the past I have come across this a couple times. Definitely not to this extent though. Usually what happens is basically a PIT manuever to with the passenger side front of the truck and the rear drivers 1/4 panel of the car. Usually the truck driver has no idea until the car spins off to his left.
Quite often the truck drivers told me they never felt the accident only saw it in the mirrors. Trucks are huge and if you ever sit in one it is scary how much space is blind to them.
Holy crap!!! I've driven cab-over trucks before (a lot actually) and I can't imagine not being able to see a car 3 feet in front of your nose!
Greg Voth wrote: Quite often the truck drivers told me they never felt the accident only saw it in the mirrors. Trucks are huge and if you ever sit in one it is scary how much space is blind to them.
As witnessed, coming up to an intersection, the light turns red. I stop at the line because the Festiva driver in front of me decides he's gonna sneak across - except he's still in the intersection.
The commercial dumptruck on the right has the green and procedes into the intersection and the Festiva -OOPS. The truck driver never knew the car was there, at least until the Festiva driver was banging on his door.
The Festiva was a lane further to left than before the walking speed impact and the right side of the car was imploded.
It is scary. When I drove commercially, I was involved in two accidents. One where I took the nose off of a caddy after he ignored my turnsignals and decided to take the lane I was currently moving into. And another where a car ran into the inside of my rear bumper (think about that) when she was turning into the parking lot I was pulling out of.
neither case did I feel a thing
Well, I think people are right about Lorry drivers not knowing that they are dragging a snagged car that weighs less than 3000 lbs.
But in this instance, there is not enough tyre smoke rolling off what should be four locked flats. There aren't rooster tails of sparks coming off four metal wheels, exhaust or other stuff on the bottom of the car.
So I think this is BS
7pilot wrote: Well, I think people are right about Lorry drivers not knowing that they are dragging a snagged car that weighs less than 3000 lbs. But in this instance, there is not enough tyre smoke rolling off what should be four locked flats. There aren't rooster tails of sparks coming off four metal wheels, exhaust or other stuff on the bottom of the car. So I think this is BSm
A British version of the show Jackass?
I was T boned in my Miata years ago by a truck who claimed not to have seen me. Luckily it was at very low speeds but it scarred the E36 M3 out of me. What pissed me off was he was in the wrong as many witnesses would agree to. But I was a Brit in an American registered car in Canada. Once the cops arrived and said they were going to write him a ticket he started going on about how the Cop isn't a judge and Jury and has no right to decide if he's guilty or not. Then he started going on about calling in his union. In the end they didn't give the berkeleyer a ticket and I had to pay the deductable.
A good friend of mine had a big scare just this week when he was hit, knocked forward, and hit again by a dump truck at a light not once, not twice, but THREE times. The third one was big, as the light was turning green by then. My friend was in his Miata, and if the truck's bumper had been like three inches higher it might well have driven over the car and crushed it like grave digger. The trucker said he never saw him or felt him.
On the plus side: free locost drivetrain?
"Dude, you should have seen me the other night, had the Clio sideways for so long the wheels went flat!"
7pilot wrote: Well, I think people are right about Lorry drivers not knowing that they are dragging a snagged car that weighs less than 3000 lbs. But in this instance, there is not enough tyre smoke rolling off what should be four locked flats. There aren't rooster tails of sparks coming off four metal wheels, exhaust or other stuff on the bottom of the car.
Of course the fact that its not driving the car down but lifting it up would account for a lack of sparks. And the fact that it is quite soupy out there would negate quite a bit of tire smoke. If nothing else it looks like only two wheels would be dragging as the right two probably aren't touching too much road.
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