Giving blood isn't exactly a protection or privilege, and their "right" to do so can very easily conflict with the rights of someone else. We do not discriminate against gay men receiving blood.
Marriage isn't a "Right" either...
And just give it time... It doesn't matter that the group as a whole is at MUCH higher risk for carrying and transmitting a plethora of things...... It just doesn't...
Statistics which suggest things of that nature are "homophobic" and "bigoted"...
"It is clear discrimination … written into policy," said Chris Hartman, director of the Fairness Campaign in Louisville. "It's a continued vestige of the fear and prejudice that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community face."
Beer Baron wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
Check the CDC stats I linked to above, especially the table for new infections. It may be dropping, but......
Ouch. Yup, still way higher rate than heterosexuals. In any case... donating blood and getting married are two very different things.
So... Thinking I might have been being a bit of a homophobic bigot Joey takes the time to look at some numbers... and then oh damn...
and Beer Baron does the same thing... Now you are just bigots like me...
Ya'll are now just one of those persons who isn't a good person, or whatever is being suggested in a previous post...
Now... Back to the Sodomy laws... What a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom can effect me and you... Hence the reason for the laws... Some people would just knee jerk and assume nasty things about Christians... Or whatever.. (Like is stated in posts previously in this thread...) And I can't argue they don't have at least the beginnings of a valid argument.. Yet the fact remains.... Especially within a historical context that what happens in the bedroom can cause harm to those outside that 'privacy"
And we are not JUST talking about HIV...
Now... With modern science the laws may or may not be outdated... My cause here is simply for folks to understand the origination of those laws may not have been simply from a place of bigotry, "unfairness", and old time Christians hating on people who were different..
It's not like the ancient Greeks were dropping right and left from all the improper "fun" they were having.
Actually they were.... Look it up...
So now that the government can dictate what insurance companies can charge.... and are now allowing insurance companies to almost arbitrarily raise the rate on groups like smokers... What about other groups who put themselves at high risk?
If you are going to make the argument I must pay for the healthcare of everyone because it is their right... Damnit... now you force me into a position where their health becomes my interest... and the group we are talking about is HIGH RISK!
Then this right here sets me off...
And hey, no hate for what you believe. I think these things are a great test for those who truly believe in personal freedom and freedom from government oppression. It is a very interesting fact that many that claim that will adamantly side against the subject... shame on them... history will probably not reflect on well on them.
What a bogus argument... This is progressive bullying... And on top of that it reduces personal freedom, and freedom from government oppression down to some notion of sexually liberal people are somehow more free.... Yeah... I know... You are going to try and claim that I am reaching here.. But I am not..
"Sexual liberation" is more often a tool of oppression, than a useful for Freedom.
But I digress...
I have a more serious question... and I know in the context of this discussion it is very trite and will feel like an attack on those supportive of universal marriage.... But I still must ask...
First let me throw this out there...
SOTOMAYOR: Mr. Olson, the bottom line that you're being asked -- and -- and it is one that I'm interested in the answer: If you say that marriage is a fundamental right, what State restrictions could ever exist? Meaning, what State restrictions with respect to the number of people, with respect to - that could get married -- the incest laws, the mother and child, assuming that they are the age -- I can -- I can accept that the State has probably an overbearing interest on -- on protecting a child until they're of age to marry, but what's left?
Honestly... If we as a society deem that two men can marry.. Or two women... WHY NOT three men... Or a man and three women... Or whatever...
I honestly don't understand why you would think you can open the institution of marriage to whatever feels "equal" today and not universally allow adults to marry whomever they want... The litmus test here for gay marriage seems to be that they love each other and should have the same "rights".... Why isn't it possible for multiple people to engage in this same love?
Mormons even today face real discrimination and persecution over this.... People imprisoned.... Cities burned to the ground.. People were killed on a large scale..
I sincerely don't understand. What makes a homosexual union more worthy than a plural marriage? What standards, or what gives you the right to judge in such a manner???
I am really not trying to be a jerk...
Can anyone explain to me using same standards by which many of you judge me a bigot, why is it you think two women shouldn't have the right to marry one man?
Why is it your business what they do in their homes?