Your revolver, show me them! I'm casually shopping around for a .357mag for home defense, something I could take to the range once or twice a month to blow away some cheap .38 special rounds with.
Having fired off a few Colt Magnum Carry/King Cobra/Pythons, I love them... Though prices used seem to extend past $1k, out of my budget.
So whaddaya got? No one's got better handgun threads than GRM.

Ruger GP100
The strongest double action 357. made and the only major design with modern modular lockwork and no leaf springs. It will probably not be as slick as a S&W and won't be as slick as Colt but it is by no means bad and with a little work you can do yourself it gets downright sweet. Its also a whole lot cheaper than the other alternatives.
I also have a Ruger GP100 and it is a great lil blaster!
I'll put my words in for the S&W 686. Great shooting gun and strong as hell. Having shot the GP100 I know it is a great gun as well and you never have to worry about blowing it up. The S&W just gets you a little smoother operation.
taurus 357 7 shot long barrel hog gun ms piggy
My wife Marie gave me a box of shells for xmas I said i don't have a 357 like a dumb kid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, she then gave me the box of taurus hahahah what a dumb ass 
JohnGalt wrote:
Ruger GP100
The strongest double action 357. made and the only major design with modern modular lockwork and no leaf springs. It will probably not be as slick as a S&W and won't be as slick as Colt but it is by no means bad and with a little work you can do yourself it gets downright sweet. Its also a whole lot cheaper than the other alternatives.
And this:
93gsxturbo wrote:
I also have a Ruger GP100 and it is a great lil blaster!
But I prefer the stock grips:

I have a s&w model 37. It's only .38, though, no mag. The best trigger I own! And probably have ever pulled. I live shooting this gun.
I've got a 686 in stainless with a 6 inch bbl. Incredibly sexy(pic soon), very intimidating, and extremely accurate. I bought it used in great condition about a year ago with the original box for $495 at a local gun shop. I've fired at least 300+ rounds of .38 spl FMJs, and a good 150+ of .357 Mags with no issue other than cheap .38s gumming up the cylinder.
There is nothing wrong with Ruger magnums, very tough and they shoot just fine. GP100, Service Six, or something concealable like the SP101. You can get one brand new for the same or cheaper than a comparible used Smith.
Goldmember wrote:
I've got a 686 in stainless with a 6 inch bbl. Incredibly sexy(pic soon), very intimidating, and extremely accurate. I bought it used in great condition about a year ago with the original box for $495 at a local gun shop. I've fired at least 300+ rounds of .38 spl FMJs, and a good 150+ of .357 Mags with no issue other than cheap .38s gumming up the cylinder.
There is nothing wrong with Ruger magnums, very tough and they shoot just fine. GP100, Service Six, or something concealable like the SP101. You can get one brand new for the same or cheaper than a comparible used Smith.
Concealable sp101! That's a neat gun. A little heavy, but I still like it.
And here I am with no camera...
4/2/11 7:47 p.m.
I know its not a revolver, but I just bought a ranch hand. Lever action 44 mag ftw. Love this stupid thing.
Bah all you and your "modern" revolvers...
I give you the EAA Bounty Hunter in .45 Long Colt a German copy of the SAA Colt.

rebelgtp wrote:
Bah all you and your "modern" revolvers...
I give you the EAA Bounty Hunter in .45 Long Colt a German copy of the SAA Colt.
funny, eaa is a russian company, only germans working there were captured after ww2
There's something about the trigger guard on the 686 that I don't like. It always digs into the side of my middle finger. Still a nice accurate revolver, though, especially in 6 inch.
digdug18 wrote:
funny, eaa is a russian company, only germans working there were captured after ww2
This gun is German. All of the EAA Bounty Hunter guns are made in Germany. EAA is just the importer of various arms from different european manufactures into the US.
I have had 2 Smith and Wesson revolvers, 686+ and a 60. They both have very smooooth triggers and are very accurate. I sold the 686+ after many thousands of rounds of full power .357 began to cut a groove in the top strap just in front of the trigger. A gunsmith told me not to worry about it and offered to buy it for $50 bucks less than I had paid for it. The 60 has a 3" barrel and is extremely accurate when firing Buffalo Bore ammunition loaded with 180 grain hard cast bullets.
Get a Smith, for the trigger and accuracy, and learn to shoot it double action, as it was designed to be shot. Very satisfying skill to learn.
New Reader
4/4/11 10:03 a.m.
Buy the best you can afford. Remember at self defense ranges and situations having the gun is way more important then anything else. Point and squeeze the trigger is all you need to do. Practise until you don't need to think about anything but shoot or not.
I just watched the movie "faster", and now I want a .44 mag!
In reply to joey48442:
the one he had was actually the Super Redhawk Alaskan chambered in .454 Casull, and yea i had that same feeling after the movie