For some reason, the forum had decided to start logging me out on a regular basis from all of the platforms that I'm reading from- W10 on Chrome at work, W10 on Chrome at home, and Safari on OS whatever on my iPhone.
And ideas what's going on?
For some reason, the forum had decided to start logging me out on a regular basis from all of the platforms that I'm reading from- W10 on Chrome at work, W10 on Chrome at home, and Safari on OS whatever on my iPhone.
And ideas what's going on?
This happened a little while ago, and I think there was a 'flag' set about forcing log-ins periodically... and instead it set to daily. I had it happen friday/sat or sat/sun, too. Although, I haven't had it happen today... so it might have been a 30day/1x-month thing, so it tripped up on the 31st and the 1st?
I read three other people post about in "minor rants" this morning.
How often is everybody being logged out? The site is supposed to force a logout every 30 days, but more often is a problem.
If I haven't been on the forum for a couple of days on a given device, it logs me out. I guess I'll find out if it's daily tomorrow when I get into the office.
Daily for me but that could be because I use multiple machines. I had to log in twice yesterday, on my phone and again on my laptop. This morning I had to log in once again at the office.
This morning, my phone is still logged in from yesterday. I don't know about my laptop. I will check it this evening.
It's been happening to me as well but only after I go from my phone (Android) to PC (Firefox). I have to log in everytime on my PC because I have Firefox set to delete cookies upon exiting. So, at least for me, I think it has to do with logging on to a device while being logged on to another.
It could be once a day or multiple times per day I get logged out. It depends on how many times I switch between my phone and PC.
It's logged me out at least daily on every device for the last day or two.
It seems like more than once a day, even, but I use at least 3 different devices to access this place, so that could be misperception on my part.
Came to start a thread and found one already, so that answers one question, I'm not the only one! It's happening to me almost daily across all platforms, IOS, OS and Windows.
Thursday and Friday I had the problem on all my devices, but it's kept me logged in since then on everything. Except my laptop, but that logs me out of everything every time I shut the lid.
It usually did it to me once in awhile, I did notice over this weekend it did it every time including work this morning.
You'll need to log in to post.