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Curmudgeon MegaDork
2/28/13 7:32 a.m.
JtspellS wrote: . Others are grown men who act like they are 16yo females no matter what happens.

THIS one really pisses me off, seen it too many times to count. Everybody's got to have their nose in everybody else's business. Some show up late because they are pissed off at management somewhere or do something else equally idiotic. Had some tell me they would not take a job from me or one of the other service advisors because they didn't like whoever that SA was. Grow the berkeley UP, guys.

cwh PowerDork
2/28/13 7:41 a.m.

Co workers? I have one. She lets me sleep with her. She cooks for me. Works out just fine.

wbjones UberDork
2/28/13 7:52 a.m.
curtis73 wrote: Good Lord... don't get me started. I work at Home Depot. I'm 39 and I think the average age of everyone else is 104. Bathroom breaks every 15 minutes, loud farts in front of customers that they didn't even know they blew, 500 pictures of their grandkids that they forgot showing you every day for the last week, and customer service that amounts to something like "pull up your pants, negro." I have one guy in my department who never fails to be late coming back from lunch because he falls asleep in the break room. I'm covering for a guy who is out for 6 weeks getting his hip replaced. In the last year we've had two strokes, three heart attacks, and four diagnoses of cancer. My boss just had a stroke, has diabetes so bad he can hardly walk, and plans on retiring in 5 years.... *when he's 83." Its safe to say I have some annoying coworkers.

why you hating on us old guys so bad ????

DrBoost PowerDork
2/28/13 8:23 a.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote: And sorry I didn't see the other thread on this!

Oh I wasn't insinuating you shouldn't have posted. The thread I made was months ago. I was just laughing because it wasn't that terribly long ago that I'd had enough and had to post too.
But yeah, USE THE SEARCH FEATURE NEWB!!! wait, the search feature doesn't work does it?

DrBoost PowerDork
2/28/13 8:35 a.m.
logdog wrote: I work with this one guy who has become obsessed with VW TDIs and wont shut up about it.

But he's sexy!

golfduke Reader
2/28/13 10:41 a.m.

Hit caps lock for every capitalized letter, then hit it again to turn it off before resuming typing...


fasted58 UberDork
2/28/13 10:58 a.m.

There's always the guy that says " you can do that better than me, why don't you do it"

Matt B
Matt B Dork
2/28/13 11:02 a.m.

I guess I'm pretty lucky for the most part. The people immediately surrounding me and those I work directly with are smart, hardworking, and keep their noses out of most people's business.

There are a couple of exceptions though. A guy a couple of cubes down will regularly lay down the foulest stench that creeps through the aisle slowly until....SWEET JESUS WHAT THE BERKELEY IS THAT!

That and whatever grown man from environmental division whose mommy never taught him you flush the damn toilet after they're done with THEIR business.

slefain SuperDork
2/28/13 11:05 a.m.

Current coworkers are great. The last batch at the Jeep parts place? Whoa nelly.

DILYSIDave will back me up.

There were a group of women who were our "Customer Service" group who we nicknamed The Chicken Coop. Every morning when they came in the clucking would begin! Whatever awful reality TV show that was on the night before was discussed in detail. Then the complaining about their husbands would begin. The mother hen was the resident expert on all things financial, so she gave out free advice about avoiding eviction, repossession, and bill collectors. For every three phone calls the hens took, one would be a customer, one would be their husband (both current and ex), and one would be their kids.

Speaking of kids, the mother hen would have her kids just come up to the office and hang out. Mother hen was a proud grandma too. Who wouldn't be at the ripe old age of 32!

When I worked at Mustangs Unlimited we had a guy and a girl in the phone sales department who were dating. EPIC entertainment. I watched him hurl his phone to the ground in the parking lot during lunch after one of their weekly arguments.

wbjones UberDork
2/28/13 11:44 a.m.

oh yeah, I've seen that before ... I'll show her ... I'll destroy my own property ... there, that'll show her

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
2/28/13 11:47 a.m.
golfduke wrote: Hit caps lock for every capitalized letter, then hit it again to turn it off before resuming typing... GAH!

The first time i saw someone here at work do this, my mind was berkeleying blown.

It's REQUIRED in this job to have some computer skills. The second i see you do THAT E36 M3, you've immediately become not qualified for the job.

pres589 SuperDork
2/28/13 11:57 a.m.

Things coworkers do to drive me crazy? Tell me how to live my life outside of work. That's a big one, "you should really be buying a house", "you really should be married at your age", stuff like that. Usually it's just easier to not talk to people here.

Then there's walking off from problems created. Little stuff like running printers out of paper and just ignoring that it's disruptive to others, or leaving coffee carafes empty even though it's the first half of the day and it's easy to make more, to bigger things that make me wonder if they ever take the clown shoes off when doing major aspects of their job.

neon4891 UltimaDork
2/28/13 12:21 p.m.

Half ass their job, so I have to sit thru the "remember to get XYZ done" talk every other day.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
2/28/13 12:22 p.m.

A woman used to sit behind me who had some really obnoxious hip-hop tune for her cell phone ringtone, that would go off about 50 times a day. She was fired for "confidentiality issues" which is our office's version of "She's a witch! She turned me into a newt! Burn her!"

In the last few days someone's been eating really delicious-smelling Chinese food in the office around lunch time. We have 2 lunch rooms for that, you're supposed to eat food in there. It's really distracting.

golfduke Reader
2/28/13 12:34 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
golfduke wrote: Hit caps lock for every capitalized letter, then hit it again to turn it off before resuming typing... GAH!
The first time i saw someone here at work do this, my mind was berkeleying blown. It's REQUIRED in this job to have some computer skills. The second i see you do THAT E36 M3, you've immediately become not qualified for the job.

He's an electrical engineer. He's young-ish (30 I'd guess). I have no mental understanding of how a person can draw schematics and write programs while doing that. He will have wasted years of his life just pressing the berkeleying caps lock button... It's unbelievable how one trains themselves to be that inefficient. I just want to slap him every time he does it.

DrBoost PowerDork
2/28/13 1:01 p.m.
moparman76_69 wrote:
DrBoost wrote: Yeah, I started a rant thread about this a few months ago. Ironically, it was also his masticating that drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! Besides that, he's a total moron that asks questions related to Microsoft Office products that my 9 year old knows, or can figure out.
I totally misread "masticating" at first.

You see what I did there

mtn PowerDork
2/28/13 1:24 p.m.
golfduke wrote: He will have wasted years of his life just pressing the berkeleying caps lock button... It's unbelievable how one trains themselves to be that inefficient. I just want to slap him every time he does it.

I had that same bad habit for awhile in high school. The shift key was broken on my computer, and I had gotten pretty quick at it. Looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't train myself to use the other shift button. Or just let Word correct it on its own.

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
2/28/13 1:27 p.m.

In mine, it was the folks that don't want to understand the theory about the process. "I don't care how it works, just tell me what buttons to push." They're usually also the ones who freeze when something goes wrong and the screen goes dark. One of them was in the chair when this happened.


z31maniac PowerDork
2/28/13 1:27 p.m.

Drags his feet walking through the Engineering area, loudly.

Pick up your feet!

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
2/28/13 1:32 p.m.

Not a coworker, but people in my workplace. I routinely have to deal with people who behave like shiny happy people on a forum I moderate. I'd like to just make a personal phone call to a couple of them and tell them to grow the berkeley up, but I guess I'll just settle for imagining the E36 M3hole basement they call home.


poopshovel UltimaDork
2/28/13 1:34 p.m.

Ugh. I don't miss those days, especially in management. The worst was all the berkeleying girl-talk (not a single girl in the shop.) They'd worry about how much so-and-so was making, why the owners weren't there every day, who parked where, ON AND ON AND ON AND ON. I don't know how many berkeleying times I had to say "Come in at 8, get your work done, clock out at 5, collect your berkeleying check once a week AND SHUT THE berkeley UP!" I retrospect, I should've fired more people. The owners were big into second chances...and third...and so on though.

Personal phone calls at work, showing up hung over, and tardiness were my other big ones. I don't put up with it now. Funny how I showed up late twice in 5 years at that place (had a flat once, got stuck on a 2-lane where a nasty accident,) but EVERYONE else except my guys showed up late EVERY_berkeleyING_DAY. Insanity.

Gasoline Dork
2/28/13 1:47 p.m.

Coworker goes to the bathroom and does not wash his hands.

Sky_Render Dork
2/28/13 1:50 p.m.

I have a very small office building. We have two small "gas station" restrooms, one for men and one for women. They're those bathrooms that consist of a toilet, sink, and lockable door.

One of my coworkers started taking some pro-biotic E36 M3 or something and now regularly does things in our bathroom that are in violation of the Geneva Conventions.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
2/28/13 2:00 p.m.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Not a coworker, but people in my workplace. I routinely have to deal with people who behave like shiny happy people on a forum I moderate. I'd like to just make a personal phone call to a couple of them and tell them to grow the berkeley up, but I guess I'll just settle for imagining the E36 M3hole basement they call home. Margie

Hey! My office is in the second floor of my house and I have a window and outside the window I can see a family of squirrels and sometimes I can feed them but then one time they tried to take my stapler and I set the building on fire... I still haven't received my paycheck.

poopshovel UltimaDork
2/28/13 2:12 p.m.
I guess I'll just settle for imagining the E36 M3hole basement they call home.

It's actually pretty comfy down here in the spank-dungeon. I plan on installing a drain this spring.

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