In reply to mad_machine: I'm ashamed to admit I was born and raised in this area. I guess I can take solice in the fact that I don't think self-tattoo kits are a good idea, though.
And "practice skin?!?!?" Anybody have a decent job in the south? I'm ready to get the hell out of this town. :)
Practice skin is usually pig skin. Closest in the animal kingdom to human skin. My late brother in law, became a tattoo artist after he was diagnosed with cancer and couldn't work a normal job anymore.
I couldn't find it, but on a Cortina forum I frequent a guy showed off his homemade tats, self-imposed. I asked how he did the other arm. He's ambidextrious.
I have no college but I'm feeling pretty smart.
Meh, its not like tattoo artists build their own equipment, or all tattoo artists are born having been practicing for years.
This isn't a "self tattoo kit" its just equipment. Buying tattoo equipment doesn't seem like that terrible of an idea if you are a tattoo artist?
Here is the thing I sell 10- 25 of those kind of kits a day through one of my sites. I also get about 20-30 emails a day from Chinese manufacturing companies offing to send me demos. There is a huge market for these things. I would not use one if my life depended on it, but a lot of people do. Oh and I sell a lot of practice skin also. More power to them!
My favorite tattoo artists had hand-made machines. They had already gotten plenty of practice before I met them.
What's the big deal? Would you pay 80$ an hour for a mechanic? Tattooing isn't such a big deal, I saw a homemade tatty going down at highschool once using the standard prison tattoo gun made out of a guitar string and a walkman motor. The most important thing is that everything is clean and sterilized and the tattoo artist has a steady hand and good imagination. I've seen some lousy homemade tats but not all of them suck. Y'all are a bunch of prudes!
xd wrote: Here is the thing I sell 10- 25 of those kind of kits a day through one of my sites. I also get about 20-30 emails a day from Chinese manufacturing companies offing to send me demos. There is a huge market for these things. I would not use one if my life depended on it, but a lot of people do. Oh and I sell a lot of practice skin also. More power to them!
Wow! Vasectomy kits are pretty hot, Huh!
xd wrote: Here is the thing I sell 10- 25 of those kind of kits a day through one of my sites. I also get about 20-30 emails a day from Chinese manufacturing companies offing to send me demos. There is a huge market for these things. I would not use one if my life depended on it, but a lot of people do. Oh and I sell a lot of practice skin also. More power to them!
How have I managed to live 36 years without EVER hearing the term "practice skin??"
alex wrote:Spinout007 wrote: Practice skin is usually pig skin.Keep your ink off my cracklins!
You woke up my wife.
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