OOf, ok. So restoring things isn't as easy as just plugging in my hard drive and clicking "restore"....
I have windows back up and running but our office account has yet to be found. Root cause of this is Microsoft's transition from their old "purchase" approach to their 2017 (?) office suite and their new subscription based approach. Mrs. Hungary and I are curmudgeons at times, and weren't fans of paying every year for something we used to only pay for once (I can't help but notice that the company I work for is still using the old purchased programs, so I think it might not just be me in this, but I digress). Unfortunately when we bought this computer, due to region or language or something else, we could NOT find the old 2017 programs for download online. To get around that we paid our local computer shop to install them. That shop has since closed (mom and pop town, it happens sometimes). This means I don't have an office suite and can't open up our normal microsoft excel table for our weekly updates. I'll try to do something semi-organized with text only, and we'll cross our fingers it makes sense.
Oh. and then a cat peed on our keyboard the day before yesterday... Yup, sat down to type an update and home-keyed my way right into cat pee. (You really can't make this stuff up sometimes. Keyboard is currently in the trash). Here goes:
Mothers and Babies Fund:
Oh man, this had been sitting at about $25 bucks and right at the last minute we had two GRM members jump in and absolutely save the day! All in all, we sent just under $300 to Vikkidp who has already reported that she received it. With that we're restarting our balance at $0, and will continue to collect until May 1st.
I'll admit, this is going much better than I expected. Our Easter drive is normally the hardest run to collect funds for. Right now GFM is showing we've raised over $1200, and with that I've already purchased chocolates for all 130+ children!!! (that would be our 60+ children we've been helping in Dnipro, along with the 70 residents at the orphanage). Our bank account is currently sitting at $855 which would JUST cover the cost of the machine that the orphanage requested. VikkiDp and I have been discussing the best way forward and right now we're leaning towards using that money to purchase LOTS of gifts, picnic supplies, and flower gardening supplies for the orphanage instead of purchasing only one machine. If our collection continues to go as well as it has, then we'll readjust our plan to include the machine, but that again comes with the caveat that it's "made to order" so there will be a month-and-a-half lead time before it can be delivered. Kind of a setback from a social media standpoint (no glamorous photos of machines in trucks), but 100% not an issue from a real world standpoint 
Stuffie Delivery:
Good news in this fund as well! The same local international school teacher that was so zealous about collecting art supplies for Ira at our school in Budapest took it upon herself to collect diapers, baby food, and stuffies for the orphanage and children in Dnipro! No photos yet, but she reports that "the pile is getting big". We've scheduled tomorrow as the pickup date for all the goodies, so hopefully pictures will follow.
It's been getting harder and harder to fill the truck on these runs, and crossing that border with room to spare bugs me in ways I can't describe. To help with this situation I've been reaching out and joining in some telegram channels, whatsapp groups, and so on. All with the stated purpose of organizing aid into Ukraine. It's all new to me so separating signal from noise is difficult at the moment, but it looks like I might have a lead on a supply of camouflage nets in the western part of the country (In passive perusing of said groups it seems that there are LOTS of volunteers hand making such things). Careful communication is ongoing, while the respective parties go through the vetting process but if all goes well I'm hoping to have a truck full of combat nets to take east with me when I go (Pending room after we load our children's supplies. Kids have priority on this one).
So I went and published our DniproExpress.com website but Mrs. Hungary has been no less busy around here and has yet to complete her profile page. Once done, the site could be considered to be "complete", but I REALLY need to make more of an effort on it as we go. Right now it looks to me to be a bit "stagnant" and I want to figure out how to use the editing tools available to make it more "active". I think this will come with the benefits of making our efforts look a little more "legitimate" to outsiders and could act as a way to get good updates out to anyone who wants to check in. Unfortunately that comes with the drawback of being another social media (for lack of a better term) account that requires time and attention. More to follow on that one, I'm sure.
Anyhoo, thank you all for your patients while the dust settles back in place. It's still all "good times"