Prologue 2
So the next day my brain wouldn't stay quiet and I ended up awake at 3:30am and immediately started packing. There's nothing difficult at this point but I have to start sorting the items for each kiddo. The easy part are the older children who simply get chocolates. More difficult are the younger children (who get a stuffie added), and the most difficult are the youngest (who need specific sized diapers, and age targeted baby food).
I'm also in contact with an organization in Chernivsti, and they have what looks to be a Toyota truckload of supplies that needs to go to Kharkiv. Vikki and I are talking about the trip, and offers translation help if we do go. Unfortunately all the seats have been removed from my truck at this point (except the driver's seat) for added cargo space (it REALLY frees up some room) and there would be nowhere to sit. In talking with the people, we have a lot in common. They too are "just people" and the items are destined for a hospital in the area.
Vikki also tells me that we have an expectant mother! Which is lucky for her because we got a LOT of newborn baby supplies (wipes, diapers, etc).
Eventually the sun is up and the day is started. I go to work (I do manage a regular 9-5 during all this) and somehow am able to get a new inventory form sent of to Vikki to be submitted to customs. This is a new requirement, and both of us are super nervous about being stopped at the border because of mistakes.
After work and after the Hungarling's after school activities we make another round of shopping for picnic supplies. We're beginning to notice that we're starting to bleed the stores dry. A lot of the bamboo eating utensils aren't being replenished. Neither are the sizes of plates, cups, and bowls we like... We start hitting up different stores but quickly purchase all their inventory as well (keep in mind, we live in a town of about 30,000 people. Options tend to get limited when you try to buy in bulk).
It's embarrassing really. Showing up with a shopping cart of paper plates and party supplies. Most of the time we're able to pass it of with the excuse that we're having a big party. And, as it's spring, most people buy it. It's worth noting that we do try to keep a low profile. The Prime Minister here is very pro-russia, and even my neighbor has stopped to inquire (politely) "why Joe Biden insists on prolonging the war by sending Ukraine weapons". It's a difficult line to walk sometimes, especially when you're tired.
And because all the stores were now short on picnic supplies, we started to get creative. Along with what we've already purchased, I went and bought kinder eggs for all 130 of our children. Mrs. Hungary loaded up on reusable barbeque pans. She even grabbed a salad bowl and a cake dish to serve things in... All in all, we thought for sure this would eat up some cash...
It didn't.... Once we were done, we somehow had $200 left over in our account (HOW????). Unsure if we should keep buying more chocolate, we decided to reach out to Vikki and together we decided we were going to up our game a bit. Instead of the basic Bioresonance stimulator we were going to purchase (because we felt we were tight on funds), we were going to up our game and get the delux version!!!

And that's what we did.
Unfortunately all our recent purchases meant we had to edit our import form again. I edited what I could and sent another copy to Vikki. By the time we got home we were exhausted. It was 9pm and we didn't even bother unloading the trunk of the car. It was lights out for us, and tomorrow would be our last chance to make any required changes to the import form...