We got 5 flats of strawberries yesterday and spent all weekend processing and freezing, and guess what dies tonight? Our upright freezer in the garage.
It's ~14ish cubic feet, very basic (white, shelves).
Any recommendations on a new replacement? Energy Star is a must, fast freeze would be nice.
Happy wife / happy life, so price is of minimal concern. Getting here ASAP is.
Kenmore consistantly gets good reviews. You can get them on sale for 400 new. Find something with an alarm in case it trips the breaker or GFI and has the temperature on the outside. We have the 13.7 which has all that.
I thought the title said Uptight freezer. Was confused, but I guess one all chillax could work too. 
I had a very bad experience with the service side of things from Sears on a Kenmore we had. It took two weeks to have the compressor replaced while it was still under warranty.
I'd probably just go with whatever Costco offers in that size if you're a member, especially after seeing the hassle a colleague of mine went through with one he bought from the same place Rob_Mopar also seems to have had customer service issues with.
The damn thing was working this morning. 
6/2/14 7:31 p.m.
We have a Whirlpool 18 cu/ft one we got from Lowes about 5 years ago for a reasonable price. We have not had any problems. It has a lock and an alarm for when the temp drops(door left open).
I can't be any help still rocking the same one we have had for 30+ years. Thing is taller than I am lol.
If the unit isn't all that old, you might try getting a service guy to look at it. My side-by-side Kitchenaid quit working a few years ago and it turned out to be a compressor relay. Most refrigerators and freezers will work a long time, with only an occasional repair needed.
It's a 1999 Kenmore.
It's weird, it's in the good and cold range, and will keep frozen things frozen, but it won't freeze anything that's not already frozen.