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cxhb Reader
8/11/10 12:57 p.m.

My dad recommended I look into Tim Wilsons comedy and I stumbled upon this, I thought you guys might get a good laugh out of it.

Tim Wilson on Southern Accents

cxhb Reader
8/11/10 1:16 p.m.

Aw forgot an "n" on southern...

914Driver SuperDork
8/11/10 1:24 p.m.

And all the unused "R"s in boston go to Texas for words like Warsh.

Gonna warsh ma car.

TJ SuperDork
8/11/10 1:43 p.m.

Texas doesn't get all of those R's....I've heard plenty of extry ones in West Virginia too. They like to warsh there as well.

cxhb Reader
8/11/10 1:51 p.m.

I think we have some random R placement here as well... mostly on a more "country" side of town..

z31maniac Dork
8/11/10 2:04 p.m.

Whut maeks u thank Okies tawk funny?

poopshovel SuperDork
8/11/10 2:10 p.m.
914Driver wrote: And all the unused "R"s in boston go to Texas for words like Warsh. Gonna warsh ma car.

You ort not to tawk like that. Youz just a boy.

carguy123 SuperDork
8/11/10 2:59 p.m.

Texas doesn't use any of the Rs that's all much further east from us. I have relatives back east and it drives me crazy.

Drewsifer HalfDork
8/11/10 3:32 p.m.

Some of those R's must have floated into Indiana too. I have many a family member who reminds me to warsh behind my ears.

Lesley SuperDork
8/11/10 3:38 p.m.

At an O'Reilly Auto Parts in Plano: "Boy Howdy - y'all ur frum Canada? Y'all sure talk funny... "

cxhb Reader
8/11/10 3:53 p.m.

lol I love the Tennessee comment he made... "Like chewing bubble game while talking like Charlie Daniels... and HE's from North Carolina..."

rebelgtp SuperDork
8/11/10 3:53 p.m.

Now I'm from out in Oregon and I've never considered myself to have an accent, I can mimic ones from other places real well.

I always thought it was funny when I went to DC I met a couple of girls from Alabama I think it was and they loved my accent. The three of us sat in a hotel hot tub half the night and they just couldn't get enough of it.

cxhb Reader
8/11/10 4:24 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote: Now I'm from out in Oregon and I've never considered myself to have an accent, I can mimic ones from other places real well. I always thought it was funny when I went to DC I met a couple of girls from Alabama I think it was and they loved my accent. The three of us sat in a hotel hot tub half the night and they just couldn't get enough of it.

Im just going to file that under "awesome night"

Twin_Cam Dork
8/11/10 4:25 p.m.

After spending some of my vacation with my fiancee's extended family (residents of the Boston suburbs) I can tell you that those people have no idea what the letter 'R' is, and that's where the South gets all the extra 'R's in their words haha.

SkinnyG Reader
8/11/10 5:20 p.m.

Was chatting with someone whilst me and my sweetie were waiting for the fireworks at Disneyland.

They asked "Are yew frum Canuduh?"

I said (in my best maritime accent) "I doon't knoo what you're talkin aboot, eh."

Mikey52_1 Reader
8/11/10 7:59 p.m.
SkinnyG wrote: Was chatting with someone whilst me and my sweetie were waiting for the fireworks at Disneyland. They asked "Are yew frum Canuduh?" I said (in my best maritime accent) "I doon't knoo what you're talkin aboot, eh."

I have the luck (good or bad yet TBD) to have cousins in MO, AR, TN and NC and north in ON and QB. When I visit them, it takes about 3 days for me to start picking up the accent. Same thing happens with the Scots cousins. IMPENETRABLE would be a good word to describe how I sound to my friends in eastern MT when I get back from a visit to any one of the afore mentioned places.

A 2 hour phone conversation is enough sometimes. But the random usage of 'eh?' and odd 'r' placement livens up a conversation. Y'know?

Streetwiseguy HalfDork
8/11/10 8:19 p.m.

Worshington state gets some of the extra r's too.

nicksta43 Reader
8/11/10 8:45 p.m.

Born and raised just north of cincy in school people would always ask me where I moved from. I guess I always had a bit of a southern accent but now that I've been in TN for the last three years it's only gotten worse. I heard a voicemail I left the other day and was thinking ¨who is this hillbilly?¨ for about three seconds before I realized it was me.

Mikey52_1 Reader
8/11/10 8:58 p.m.

My Mom was born and raised in the McMinnville TN area, so I grew up with caint and such. My Dad gave her a hard time about it sometimes, but it sounded mormal to me to hear a drawl. Then it turned out I have a good ear, and can easily mime what I hear. Then I discovered cousins from Canada who 'spoke funny', but whom I sounded like after a few days. It opened up the world for me. It's fun for me to try to figure out where somebody came from, by the accent they carry.

The good thing is, everybody has a accent. You caint get away from it, no matter how fast you run. It is just fun...

Kia_racer HalfDork
8/11/10 9:14 p.m.

When I first moved to TX I met an older gentleman the told me "Texans didn't have an accent until all these damn yankees came down here.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/11/10 9:24 p.m.

I will stay here in Southern NJ where the accents are not too bad.. aside from the occasional Crossed "t" at the end of Across and Wooder instead of water. We are a pretty neutral accent area.

Once you get up to the northern end of the state.. all bets are off.

rebelgtp SuperDork
8/11/10 9:28 p.m.

In reply to cxhb:

Yeah that is basically how the night was filed in my mind. Actually there were quite a few good moments on that trip

Anyway my girl friends mom is from Louisiana so she grew up listening to her mom and sometimes says things with a lil of the southern twist to it.

jimbbski Reader
8/11/10 10:06 p.m.

I started a new position years ago that required me to make regular phone calls (This was at a time that not all company employees had computers and email.) to various company locations all over the country. The first time I called our Roanoke, VA location I couldn't understard half of what they guy I had to talk to was saying! Over time it became easier to understand him as I got used to his accent and he mine ( I don't have an accent, I'm from Chicago!)

oldsaw SuperDork
8/11/10 10:20 p.m.
jimbbski wrote: ( I don't have an accent, I'm from Chicago!)

I've worked years with people from Chicago. You might want to think you don't have an accent, but you do.

I was born in Indiana, my "formative" years were in rural Connecticut, spent some years in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and lived over half my life in Georgia. It's more difficult for people to figure out where I come from than it is for me to do the same - if that makes any sense.

griffin729 Reader
8/11/10 11:42 p.m.

I grew up in southwestern Indiana. My Dad grew up in south Joisey. I as a kid would say both y'all and you's. I never picked up the extra r's though. Such as warsh or the extra r in oil (pronounced oral). I normally pick up accents within a few minutes of talking to people. My fiance said back when I used to travel for work that if she knew accents better she could've been able to tell where I was at just by talking to me on the phone. She grew up in eastern PA. She's got some fun ones too, like arange, whatuh, soundtract, cu-affee.

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