Some people who rent the house behind us have what appears to be a mix of a dog that barks constantly at us. Not just siting there, barking, but standing up, paws on fence barking at us. Sometimes he runs around with the ridge of fur standng up on his back barking and snarling at me.
I've talked to the renter and he says he will bring him in when he barks, but that doesn't seem to happen. The police say the can't do much either.
So what can I do? Get a whistle? Any ideas?
I'm going to try a garden hose on my own barking mutts. They'll probably eat another cell phone in retaliation, though.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Garden hose
Tried that. Whipped him up into a frenzy
Stop dressing so provocatively.
Call the neighbor. Constantly.
4/9/09 9:38 a.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Call the neighbor. Constantly.
...or the cops
...or drive it nuts w/ one of those dog whistles. He barks, he gets a blast. Pavlov-approved???
Tim Baxter wrote:
I'm going to try a garden hose on my own barking mutts. They'll probably eat another cell phone in retaliation, though.
cellphone eh?
our whippet has eaten two logitech harmony remotes - so far...
Probably not your favorite option...but since you have actually talked to the neighbor, I'll throw it out there.
You could make friends with the dog. That would be my tactic, but I'm an animal lover, so it probably isn't for everyone.
4/9/09 9:39 a.m.
ClemSparks wrote:
Probably not your favorite option...but since you have actually talked to the neighbor, I'll throw it out there.
You could make friends with the dog. That would be my tactic, but I'm an animal lover, so it probably isn't for everyone.
I was going to suggest that as well. Perhaps start by offering him some tasty snacks. The barking could turn to begging though.
New Reader
4/9/09 9:41 a.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Any ideas?
A large bar of semi-sweet chocolate...
I keed I keed
Buy one of these suckers:
Point it at the neighbor's yard. Should eventually shut the sucker up.
New Reader
4/9/09 9:44 a.m.
slefain wrote:
Buy one of these suckers:
Point it at the neighbor's yard. Should eventually shut the sucker up.
Exactly what I was going to suggest!
I would get a recording of the dog barking for hours and hours. Then, late at night when the owner is asleep, I would hook the recording up to a megaphone and aim it over the fence at them. 
Although I like the idea of becoming friends with the dog, I wouldn't feed him anything. It isn't your dog, you don't know if it has food allergies, etc.
If I caught someone who had complained about my dog feeding him, I'd immediately think the worst. Many dog owners (myself included) are a bit paranoid about poisoning. Feeding the dog could lead to a much bigger conflict.
I do like the dog whistle approach. That and sitting down with the owners to rationally discuss the severity of the problem. (I don't want to get animal control involved.....but......)
Joe Gearin wrote:
I do like the dog whistle approach. That and sitting down with the owners to rationally discuss the severity of the problem. (I don't want to get animal control involved.....but......It's gonna be them or poison control)
Fixed it. Or you could try ball gags. They are pretty good at stopping unwanted noise
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I would get a recording of the dog barking for hours and hours. Then, late at night when the owner is asleep, I would hook the recording up to a megaphone and aim it over the fence at them.
That could be construed as harassment; BUT phoning in that recording in the early a.m. wouldn't be, at least it's target oriented and not harassing the entire street.
Have you contacted the Landlord?
I'd first suggest to the owner he put one of those bark collars on the dog (zaps him for repetitive barking) then I'd try to make friends with it, failing that... make it quick and painless. I like my peace and quiet.
couple of questions, are you a "Dog Person" ? and what is your sense of are they there short term or long term? There is the thought of asking the owner for a box of dog treats, have them invite you into the house/yard if the dog will permit and see if you can win the dog over.... Also bear in mind if the houses are relatively close, the dog may be getting on everyone's nerves!
4/9/09 10:08 a.m.
Yep, escalate until you get results.
First the dog (hey, you never know, it may respond to logic and reason), then the owner (see previous parenthetical notation), then the landlord (see previous...hmm, this isn't looking good), then the cops (uh oh), then the city council (well, crap).
On second thought, maybe you should just move.
Once you have exhausted all your other options, pepper spray. 
Buy a Bull Mastiff as they are the size of a small horse to intimidate their dogs, as well as a few lap dogs. Lap dogs because they bark more than any other dogs on Earth for some ungodly reason, even at things 20x the size of them. Fight fire with fire my friend, or just setup a speaker system playing Van Halen's Panama on repeat (i believe that was in an episode of The Drew Carrey show)
Sprinkler aimed over the fence on an audio trigger.
Ho dogs. Ho's gotta eat too!
Feed the dog.