It was only a cameo but you have to check out "The Grand Budapest Hotel"
Someone on here a while back posted a story about being in McDonalds and turning around to find Bill Murray behind him. Mr. Murray stole some french fries from the person, smiled and said "No-one is going to believe you."
Fast forward a few months and I'm watching an interview with Bill Murray and the inverviewer mentioned having heard stories like the french fry one and other where Bill sneaks up behind someone, puts his hands over their eyes and says "Guess who!" When they turn around to find Bill Murray, he tells them "No-one is going to believe you".
Bill's response to this was "wow, that's really funny, can you imagine if that were true!?"
i'm not really a Bill Murray fanboy- but i'd say Caddyshack, but Ghostbusters is right up there.
Geez, that's tough. I think I've liked basically everything he's been in.
But Caddyshack and Ghostbusters definitely stand out. Especially after I found out the story he tells in Caddyshack about "The Shot" was all adlibbed.
In reply to z31maniac:
It's my understanding that he had no actual written lines. The script just said things like, "Carl is chopping flowers." or "Carl puts explosive critters in gopher hole." Everything he said was ad-libbed.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Bill's response to this was "wow, that's really funny, can you imagine if that were true!?"
The real question is: is he being honest or is he still screwing with us?
I'm not much of a movie guy, and even less of a Bill Murry fan (especially the BS he pulls at the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am) … but that said the only movie of his that I can say I've ever even seen happens to be on of my favorite movies … Caddyshack
David S. Wallens wrote:
I celebrate the guy's entire catalog.
Watch "The Razor's Edge" if you can find it. I think you'll want to qualify that statement.
To some it might be blasphemy, by I think he did a better Thompson in Where the Buffalo Roam than Depp did in Fear and Loathing.
7/12/15 11:40 p.m.
Caddy shack. But I grew up caddying. My friend caddied at the same course the murrays did and caddied for the havercamps kids.
I probably would find 2 hours of watching bill Murray read a paper amusing.
How about having coffee and cigarettes?
7/13/15 8:19 a.m.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, without a doubt. The Royal Tenenbaums is second.
Basil Exposition wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
I celebrate the guy's entire catalog.
Watch "The Razor's Edge" if you can find it. I think you'll want to qualify that statement.
Ha, I knew I had just heard something about that. To quote Wiki (yep, I did it): "While Murray was attached to the project, Byrum had trouble finding a studio to finance it. Dan Aykroyd suggested that Murray could appear in Ghostbusters for Columbia Pictures in exchange for the studio greenlighting The Razor's Edge. Murray agreed and a deal was made with Columbia."
Therefore, no Razor's Edge, no Ghost Busters with Bill.
Ghostbusters or Stripes, easily.
7/13/15 9:51 a.m.
Caddyshack without a doubt. Stripes comes in second place for me.
What about "What about Bob"?
7/14/15 10:06 a.m.
I know I am in the minority, but I found Groundhog Day to be a bit boring. I thought it was a great idea poorly executed.
Stripes, Ghostbusters, Groundhog day, Caddyshack. Dangerfield, Murray, and Chase all in the same movie. How do you go wrong?
And this was quoted daily between some of my friends and I for years. It still comes up occasionally.
"Don't drive angry!"
Uhhhhh, Attention all are forgetting Meatballs.
I love his little roles in things like Charlie's Angels and Zombieland and Osmosis Jones, but honestly I love most everything he has done. I could watch Stripes, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Man who Knew too Little and Scrooged endlessly.
pinchvalve wrote:
Uhhhhh, Attention all are forgetting Meatballs.
I love his little roles in things like Charlie's Angels and Zombieland and Osmosis Jones, but honestly I love most everything he has done. I could watch Stripes, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Man who Knew too Little and Scrooged endlessly.
Bout time. I was beginning to wonder about you people. Meatballs is awesome. Counselors in Training ftw.
From memory:
We are the C.I.Ts so pity us, the kids are brats the food is hideous, we're gonna smoke and drink and fool around, we are the Northstar C.I.Ts
Powar wrote:
The Royal Tenenbaums is second.
So you're that one guy that liked that movie...