JoeyM wrote:
Turboeric wrote:
The Swiss gentleman was thrilled and sent me a polished piston taken from the original engine, which now has a place of honour in my office.
I think there's some dust in my eye....
I'm not crying. I've just been cutting onions. I'm making a lasagna....for one.
I don't much car racing memorabilia, unfortunately. My favorite is a personalized 1975 SC license tag 'PO BOY' which dates from when my dad owned the speed shop chain of the same name. I do have one unusual piece of motorcycle stuff, though.
I broke my left leg while riding my XR400 Honda and the doc put me in a full length leg cast. I was given my choice of colors and I picked flourescent orange.
I went to the Big Buck GNCC in Cross Anchor SC to spectate and Scott Summers (7 time National GNCC champ, Honda's 1 man off road race team and one of my personal heroes) was signing autographs. Earlier that year, he had broken a wrist while practicing and Honda published a series of ads with him sitting on an XR600 with the tag line 'Scott proves yes you can break something on an XR'. So I stuck my cast up on the autograph table, he looks at it funny and I said 'Hey, I broke it on an XR', he nearly fell off the chair from laughing and signed the cast. I made sure the docs cut it so they didn't mess up his signature and I still have it.

Yes, that is a 175 pound guy holding a 300 pound motorcycle. No, it was not picked up for him.
License plates from our car in Tripoli Libya and one my father got from Antarctica.

" My two boys and a friend brought this home from Mid Ohio (mine are on the ends). It is the front from the number 161 APR Motorsports GTI, the drivers even signed it for them. Now I have to find a way to hang it in the garage. Anyone have any ideas? "
It is still sitting on my garage floor so at least I get to trip over it all the time. 
I will have to get a pic of my sons bedroom door, it is covered with ALMS hero cards, quite a few of them are personalized. My wife thinks it looks crappy but the boys and I know better.
In reply to Rusted_Busted_Spit:
I used saftey wire and lots of hooks to hang my bumper from the ceiling, 4 or 5 hooks should do the trick and just make sure the hooks run into over head joists.
I can try to get a pic of mine if it would help but it doesn't photgraph well.
In reply to LopRacer:
Thanks. I think I get the idea. Hopefully I can get to it before Thanksgiving.
Do these count? I got 'em just 'cause I think they're cool...