Came home and there was a stack of stuff I ordered waiting for me. But, hang on, what's this? This is addressed to my wife... from Snap On Tools. That doesn't seem right.
Took me a while to figure out, but I think she won it because we volunteered to be instructors for the Tire Rack Street Survival school. Amazingly, she doesn't want it and gave it to me!
I went to their site. Won't be any trick going through $500. Very, very cool though! We never win anything!
Congrats! Now you can buy a rachet, a wrench, and a screwdriver from them!
Kidding aside, whatca' gonna purchase?
Dunno, but I went over to the site, and there's no doubt going through $500 won't be any trick. Could maybe use a snazzy timing light. But the thing never expires, so I may wait 'till I need something.
You might want to find out if there's a "USE BY" or monthly
"maintenance fee" that goes along with those cards.
I got a card for Christmas, and pay $5.95 to activate it, and the same each month in maintenance fees. NOT
Snap On, but another company. So, just a little heads up on those cards.
2/9/11 8:34 p.m.
cool! Enjoy. Honestly I'd either use it for a specialty tool if you have a need or for some hand tools, screwdriver set, wrench set, etc. You may have some already but there is definitely something special about the feel of Snap On hand tools. Overpriced as hell but very nice to use.
Ian F
2/9/11 8:43 p.m.
IMHO, good Snap on tools to by are the ones that nobody else makes, or ones where their quality seems to be far above: flare nut wrenches and deep flex sockets come to mind.
Thanks guys. Should have made this a "what would you get" thread. Keep the ideas coming!
triumph5 wrote:
You might want to find out if there's a "USE BY" or monthly
"maintenance fee" that goes along with those cards.
Looking at the fine print on the back of the card, it certainly makes it look like it's good forever. But I will take another look just to be sure I'm not missing something.
The dealers do have sales from time to time, but I don't know if those sales are available on the company website - it may be worth tracking down a local truck to make the most of your gift card.
Whatever else you buy, be sure to pick up fine tooth flex head long handled ratchets in 3/8 and 1/4 drive. Those are my two favorite snap-on tools.
Screw drivers are good.
Pliers and cutters are passable but nothing special.
2/9/11 11:00 p.m.
Snap On screwdrivers and sockets will make you wonder how you lived with anything else. And their ratchets are like butter.
Snap-on has just re-issued the older hard-handle screwdrivers.
They don't make these anymore and they're WAY better then the goofy, squishy-handled ones.
The boss and I cleaned out our dealer when he brought in a few sets. They're the best screwdrivers I've ever used, bar none.
500 dollars!?! You can get 2, maybe 3 snapon sockets with that kinda money!
Hang up, get off the keyboard, it's your wife's money!
fast_eddie_72 wrote:
Dunno, but I went over to the site, and there's no doubt going through $500 won't be any trick. Could maybe use a snazzy timing light. But the thing never expires, so I may wait 'till I need something.
FWIW, a Snap On timing light is one of the few things of theirs that I might consider to be worth the upcharge.
914Driver wrote:
Hang up, get off the keyboard, it's your wife's money!
I didn't cover this in my post- I said the same thing. But she insists she doesn't want anything in the catalog and that I can have it!
At least buy the girl flowers!
These are great for junkyard trips, outside jobs, or small jobs that you don't feel like firing up the compressor for.
2/10/11 1:39 p.m.

How about this flaring set? I think it also needs a $400 hydraulic ram. I would love to have a good flaring tool and not one of the crappy ones. Don't make flares very often, but they are always frustarting when I do. I would spend the $500 on something to make a job that pisses you off everytime easier.