Not sure what these are going for in the sad shape they are (though 3pc wheels seem to be $$$ generally...), holler
Edit: I and these parts are in Tucson, AZ. Days later and 10s of dollars shorter (inflation, you know...)... didn't stop to realize that being a smartass and listing my location as a gulag in the USSR might be problematic to the endeavour here (English spelling of "endeavor" because it's a little smart-assy...).

I'm interested for my rabbit but those are welded barrels right?
They are.
Emailing a few shops to see what it takes to get them repaired. One place says barrels are available, $250 a pop, then figure labor to separate and rebuild. In contact with a couple other places, one is gathering info from me, the other is a "JDM" wheel shop I've not heard back from yet.
I've had them at LEAST ten years, maybe a little longer, got 'em off a parts car. Was stoked until I saw how beat up they were, but back then I also had dreams of grandeur to refinish and mount them on the E21.
However, nothing I have on my cars is the equal in price or quality of what these will be when repopped - these should go on some max effort build worthy of some nifty 3 piecers.
Saw, let me do a bit more research, I'll shoot something back to you.
A place called WheelFlip in SoCal can rebuild, about $500/wheel, halves can be changed in half inch increments, they can either re-weld the halves or you can go bolt together with M7 hardware.
(if these don't sell and I get flush with cash, I might make them 15x8's... save me from myself....)
Assuming Chandler didn't bite on these, I could be interested.
Sending you a PM.
In reply to ГУЛАГ мальчик УР следующий :
You still have these? I am in Tucson. Really jiat need the center caps but let me know.
Volvosruinedmylife said:
In reply to ГУЛАГ мальчик УР следующий :
You still have these? I am in Tucson. Really jiat need the center caps but let me know.
I bought them but if you search around there was a guy 3D printing caps
In reply to chandler :
Thanks boss, for the sale and the heads up to
I just saw these and have to thank Chandler from saving myself from more wife torture from another set of rims.

pretty happy with them, I still need to have them straightened but no big deal
Nope, Chandler does, and they look nice in that pic above.
Found another center nut in my stash so that's nice