First and formost, I want to thank motobill and the family. Everyone was great! I cant express the greatfulness on this one. Hopefully I can get it all figured out now!
I first contacted after Bill posted this a couple of days after I looked. I knew this was a drive, and I would more than likely have to make it, which would REALLY need to have at least a 3 day weekend. After I sent the initial message and spoke, the more local interested party bowed out. So, I was up if I wanted. Being the unfathomably smart person I am, I agreed.
From this point, it took almost a month to pin down a date. Work has been crazy, and I finally had a small window I could run with.
I wasnt horribly keen to take this trip on my own. The wife discussed going with me over the time the kids were visiting Nana before school kicked off. Her allowing Covid to invade her body and take her down for a few days kinda made that idea go away. Kids came back home too, and a 24hour one way trip with 4 kids to turn around and come back, just didnt seem optimal. One of our friends who is between real jobs, Derek, said, "Ill drive out there!" He is also the friend who we have helping to sort my garage out and sort my stuff. So, we were set, other than a trailer.
I sent a message to a friend on the Lemon's team and he reached out one of the members on it. I am certain that we will use this for something on a lemons car. Maybe just a sweet hood ornament, but something. Got a text going to discuss and Marcus *trailer owner* agreed to let us use it. The timing of the trip worked before a run up to the Colorado race, so I had this covered now too.
I lined up a loading company in Lompoc, Louie's Central Coast Movers, and verified the date from all for this past Friday. In doing all of this, I still did not have a way to unload. At least other than the reverse brake method, which did not seem to be optimal. The week I left, we got some references for Able Machinery Movers. Their pricing was pretty great, and I am sure the fact that I have an 8' garage door and they could drive a forklift in didn't hurt. So getting it on and off the trailer was all set.
In speaking with my boss, we had more stuff shift so he gave the go ahead to get out a little earlier. So Derek and I hatched the plan to roll out Wed at noon. I had put a box of straps in the bed of the truck, a tool box of random tools, and some 4x4 blocks I had. Plenty for a good time.
I had a couple of morning calls, and did some other work stuff Wednesday. I packed up all the "needed" things and put it in the truck. Derek pulled in around noon and we got on the road. There was nothing of consequence on the way out. I drove the first 2 stints which put us just outside of El Paso.
Funny enough, once you clear San Antonio and are on the way on I-10, your GPS will tell you this....
Honestly, it was showing over 1500 miles when it first did this, but the thing kept trying to route us to go the northern route through Albequerque on I-40. I refused to do that and add in 200 miles and a couple hours.
This was the sunset in the Mountains in TX.

We fueled up again and swapped seats. This was near midnight *actually 11 with time change* and I was pretty much done. We pushed into New Mexico, which was a chore. I-10 was closed for some bridge construction. So we sat for about 30 minutes. Not too bad, but we sat. Made it through though.

After this was taken, Derek decided he needed to stop for a restroom break. I decided the back seat sounded better to get sleep in. So I crawled in the back.
Over the next couple of hours, I think we stopped 2-3 times. Each time Derek said he needed to take a restroom break. I didn't track the boy and was waking up enough to check on things in general. So, in reality, I think he was pretty tired too and done. He did a solid 2.5-3 hours of driving and got us just over the border to Arizona. I got in some solid Z's so I took up the mantle again.
I refueled the truck, grabbed a drink and snack, and settled back in for a nice drive. I could make out "THE THING!" stop as I rolled by there and made a note to show Derek this on the way back *keep this in mind*.
As we came to Tuscon, I had a simply the bestest idea. I had wanted to see the Salton Sea. I knew it was a little extra time, but we were scheduled to get in just after lunch anyways. So, being that I was awake, I made the call to hit I-8 and head out there. I drove for about 3 hours. Then I got hit with the tireds.
I pulled over about 30 miles outside of Yuma, I just couldnt quite do it. Derek woke and drove into California then.
This is getting long, I lost some stuff earlier, so I will add some more later.