I'm looking for a 4agze MR2 alternator. Alternator does not need to necessa5work as I plan to have it rebuilt.
Also looking for a 4agze voltage regulator. This must work.
Contact me at the address below,
John Pruner
1764 S Pine Ave
Broken Arrow, OK. 74012
John, I am getting a bunch of AW11 parts as part of a project I am picking up in January. I'll email you and you can send me a list of what you are looking for.
If memory serves me right from the '88 SC I owned from '00-'04, the voltage regulator is mounted in the trunk .
The NA MR2 has an alternator with internal VRegulator.
The SC MR2 has an alternator with external VRegulator.
Specifically this part. I found a picture but not a part.

Exactly. For some reason Toyota used a different alternator and voltage regulator. I've been wondering if I could switch to a small one wire denso alternator.
But yeah--I need the alternator and voltage regulator as well as a perfect dash.
Do you have a NA alternator and are doing the GZE swap?
If so... once upon a time, circa 2007, I did a JDM 4AGZE swap in my 87 AW11. I remember taking the NA internal voltage regulator and fitting it into the GZE alternator. If you have both parts, it might be worth a check. If not, I'd definitely recommend trying to find/make a 1 wire solution.
Nope, already have a 4agze SC car.