New Orleans in the late 1960s, our protagonist Lincoln Clay arrives home from Vietnam to find the mob has taken over town, and it's up to him to set things right.
Like I said, short review, so let's cut right to the pros and cons.
Best soundtrack in a game ever.
Beautiful cars
Historical accuracy is pretty close. Segregation is still actively enforced (not that segregation is a good thing), most cars have white walls, the fastest thing on the street barely breaks 125mph
You can feed dead bad guys to alligators
Collection items include Max Vargas paintings, old hot rodmagazines, and classic issues of playboy that you can actually read the real interviews/stories in
No fast travel
Extremely repetitive missions
DLC I still haven't gotten to trigger despite having paid for it over a year ago.
Somehow a 20 something black man raised in the south in the 1950s who did a tour in special forces in Vietnam still can't jump over a chest high fence, and will regularly get stuck on knee high ledges. Don't try to cut through the bushes either, they'll stop your vehicle dead in it's tracks.
Ridiculously poor vehicle physics, even for "period correctness"
Segregation makes some things really freaking difficult to complete (duh)
So in conclusion, if you like driving beautiful cars that don't handle for E36 M3 back and forth across New Orleans while listening to CCR, it's worth checking out, but don't expect much more than that. It really is "drive here, kill these people, burn this down then hide from the cops" and repeat ad infinum.
My suggestion if you do want to play it? Game fly, wait for it to show up on game pass, or get a used copy somewhere, definitely not worth full price, really definitely not worth full price plus season pass.